Hi, my name is William Brooks. I was called into ministry at the age of 23 while living in NYC. God revealed Christ to me and in me by my repentance at the time. I literally came out of the streets at that point and was more of an animal than a human being. I was on drugs, was an alcoholic, and was very violent. Yet Jesus Christ called me into ministry with the following verses read to me by a dear friend:
4:34 Iesus saith vnto them, My meat is, to doe the will of him that sent mee, and to finish his worke.
4:35 Say not ye, There are yet foure moneths, and then commeth haruest? Behold, I say vnto you, Lift vp your eyes, and looke on the fields: for they are white already to haruest.
4:36 And hee that reapeth receiueth wages, and gathereth fruite vnto life eternall: that both he that soweth, and he that reapeth, may reioyce together.
4:37 And herein is that saying true: One soweth, and another reapeth.
4:38 I sent you to reape that, whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured, and yee are entred into their labours.

When these versus were read to me it was as if the words were leaping off the page and I knew right at that point that The Lord was calling me. So I responded immediately making plans to leave NYC and from there worked feverishly to enter into ministry. I spent the next twelve years moving with the things of God. I became a minister, I spent over a full year in domestic missionary work knocking on doors and spreading the gospel from walmart to the streets. I worked in my Church faithfully until I found out just how corrupt they really are.

(Before we go any further I want to say honestly and openly that I have no moral highground to justify my sins and the aweful things I have done. I willingly chose my sins and I willingly did something totally stupid: I took the grace of God in vain and used it as a means to indulge fully in my sins. With that said there are contributing factors that need to be explained. Not that I seek to appear justified or righteous in my own ways but I want to give a complete and objective testimony and may the Lord Jesus Christ and God Almighty get all the glory because I was literally powerless to escape from myself.)

I spent two full years fighting with the board of directors and resisting their satanic attacks until I extricated myself and my family out of there into a new life for us. Well, as it turns out things didnt go very well from there. I had started drinking again, all the while lying to myself that I was ok and just needed to pace myself. My old church was also a controlling and abusive cult. I was not prepared for losing my entire life as I had built my entire life around this particular ministry and their controlling board of directors. When I became a minister for them I literally pledged myself to serve them the rest of my life, violating God's Word to swear not neither by heaven or earth but I made my oath anyway. My entire social circle was lost, my true love and passion for the things of God were eclipsed by a very disappointed and broken heart. I had made them my idol and was a practicing idolater as they are. Like most cults they held their founder and his error filled works in the highest esteem calling them proven ministry research that are above question. They also relegated Jesus Christ to an absent figurehead in his own Church that he purchased in his own blood: A highly blasphemous doctrine ensares them all from the true Christ, the savior of our souls and active Lord of a true Christians life.  That doctrine can be stated as "the Word of God takes the place of the absent Chrsist." That previous statement is not found in scripture anywhere neither in concept nor practice nor is the slightest hint of such a doctrine to be found across our 66 book Biblical canon and neither is it to be found in extra Biblical books such as Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees, Testament of the Partriarchs, et. al. It is a pure fabrication and a lie from the pit of hell. Yet they are held in thrall to this garbage as I once was myself. The true measure of whether someone is in Christ or not has nothing to do with how many times someone reads the Bible. Appearantly satan has read scripture as well and Christ isnt his Lord. The true measure of Christianity is the centrality of Jesus Christ in a persons life. We are to make him Lord, hold him as the head of the Body of Christ of which he is the head, we are to emulate his ways and manner of living as testified in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, we are to fellowship with him, we are to allow his work of salvation to become the very center piece of our lives and remain faithful and true to his voice as we follow the true and good shepherd in his saving grace and atoning work for our lives. To declare him absent is an awful statement because to make him absent is to make onself absent from his saving Lordship. To hold such a doctrine in high esteem will surely earn one the words they would never in a million years want to hear: Depart from me you workers of iniquity for I know you not!

I literally lost everything. I lost my wife, my son was in my life on a very limited basis, I lost two homes that we owned, I lost my sanity and nearly lost my life. This occured between 2013 to 2020. On July 7 of 2020...I rededicated myself to Christ and have held nothing back. I literally began a life of true repentance before Jesus Christ. I have been completely sober since that date and I despise alcohol, in fact I hate it, yet the problem wasnt the alcohol --- it was me. So, I confessed all of my sins and then some. I live a lifestyle of humility and repentance and if it werent for Christ making me worthy I would be worthless. I can say that I am healed in Christ, that my life has been restored, I have overcome suicidal depression, alcoholism, anxiety, psychotic anger, pornography - which is a grave sin, idoltry and more and I overcame by the blood of the Lamb. This entire process can be summed up in one action: confess! I confessed every sin that came to my mind and heart. Confession of sin used to be where I would say Sorry Lord...and go right back to the same actions. True repentance and confession of sins is a lifestyle of penitance. I understand full well that Jesus Christ paid for my sins but for that to matter in my life I had to come out of those sins and stop living them. Its not enough to confess and continue in them, thats very DISINGENUOUS. On the other hand, I not only confess my sins but I give my all to come out of them and reckon my old self dead. I literally reckon my old self and ways as hanging naked and ashamed in torment on the cross: The very cross my Lord hung on in my place.

I started receiving spiritual perception and visions from the Lord himself around March of 2023. Even though he has spoken to me many times and in many ways, an abundance of revelation and spiritual perception fell on me, literally. The direction of the Lord was to end a sinful relationship I was in bondage to and allow God to restore my family to me. In my insanity I left my family for no good reason other than I was having a full mental and emotional breakdown and thats what made the relationship sinful. I had taken up with someone else, even hiding who I am in Christ from this individual, dragging them into my sins. I say this with shame and still wish her the very best and pray they have reconciled with Christ and I am sure they have. I was once again wrong and dragged someone else into my error and perverse ways at the time and I did so very dishonestly to all involved. In fact the Lord has broken all chains on my life and all bondage. I was involved in the occult in my youth to my present shame. There were spells and enchantments spoken over my life by a generational luciferian, a man who was raised in black magic by his father. I can honestly say that every sin and curse has been removed from my life that I had treasured to myself greedily. So to my former partner I wish the best and all of God's blessings and love and on my former and current enemy I forgive in the love of God. I am free and I am delivered.

The direction the Lord gave me was to return to my family in repentance and humility and I have done just that. I have literally made my former wife my wife once again and Ive never been happier. I have given her my home and everything I have to give in amands for the many things I caused her to lose especially her husband and family. The Lord has restored to me my once lost family and Im speechless to understand why and how he did it except I lived every step he led me. He taught me to seek the best for everyone involved in my scenario and showed me how to set things right in my life and those I had harmed through my drunkeness. It's very fulfilling when the Lord leaves his initials on something to drive the point home. He has done this many times and in many ways and here is a sterling example: My son's due date was December 18th 2006 and Nancy and I were remarried December 18th of 2023 - a date picked by the Judge. While Nancy was digging up the divorce decree to give to the judge to remarry us she made a startling discovery: We had signed the divorce decree on December 18th of 2015. There is nothing numerically significant here but just the will of the Lord announced for all to see. We never should have divorced and it was an act that infuriated the Lord Jesus Christ and God himself. The Lord chastised me and gave me every opportunity to drown myself in alcohol which I did. As my end was approaching I humbled myself to the chastisement. For many years I had a recurring vision of a violent sea tossing up chruning waves on a rocky and sharply jagged shore. Much time passed when I was in the fullness of my insanity and there came a day that the Lord explained the meaning. You see, I would stay caught in those raging waves, lacerating myself greatly on those rocks as long as I remained in my sin of drunkeness. And thats exactly what happened until I came to my senses and rededicated myself to Jesus Christ with open face and open heart. God has restored to me the years the locust have eaten and he will continue to do as he's promised. My life is complete now in Christ and the Lord has restored to me my family that was lost through my alcoholism.

I have seen the power of God and I live the love of God that's in Christ Jesus our lord. Not that I am some special person who has obtained special honor on account of his goodness, but I have obtained mercy and grace becase I was the outcast who had been lost and unjustly tossed aside. In my hour of need the only one who was there for me was Jesus Christ. He was the only one there because I had pushed everyone else away from me that loved me repeatedly, and I dont blame them for the things they had to do to escape my insanity. Yet, I couldn't push Jesus Christ away, and the Lord himself knows I tried. I can say that he never left me during that time or ever, and I deserved to be left. I want to be clear: Im not discounting anybody's efforts to help me during that time as there were many who tried. God forbid if I sound like there is one iota of some moral high ground of my own making in this testimony. I was completely powerless to over come my demons except by the blood of the lamb. I was on a very destructive, suicidal path and anyone near me was garuanteed to be pulled into my mess and misery. Im only stating my utter failure in my own strength as a man and absolutely nobody else has the ability to save me except Jesus Christ as there is no other name given except his for this purpose. For those who stuck with me but had to watch me self destruct in my miserable ways: I THANK YOU! I thank you with all my heart and may you efforts not go unrewarded and I will never forget your efforts to help me when I was dying to myself. And I apologize publicly for the wrongs I committed against you, and everyone else I harmed even in the slightest.

Since my repentance my ministries have been rekindled and the Lord has forged a strong relationship with me as I lack the power to forge one with him. Yes, its Jesus Christ who comes to us and reveals himself. Not one of us ever "found" the Lord - no, he found us as we are his lost sheep. The sheep do not find the shepherd when they are lost but the shephard finds the sheep. The Lord Jesus Christ has demolished my former self and former ways. He took me to deaths door in order to humble me to his voice. I was very arrogant and very prideful and completely given over to sin. Ive not someone to go half way or be lukewarm, though I have been lukewarm in my alcoholism in the early days of my disease. However, as time progressed I fully decided to choose my sins and I sinned willfully even despising the Lords grace. Why would I do such a thing? Because of false doctrines from false prophets in a false ministry. The teach you just confess Jesus as Lord and believe God raised him from the dead and your saved. Now, while this is true biblically, its never enough to honor Christ with lipservice and continue the same sinful lifestyle. God is not mocked and that sort of thing will bring serious consequences to those caught in that web. However, Christ has made me truly free and there are no more webs for me. Though I might sin unknowingly a 100 times a day I return to wash myself in the blood of the Lamb on a daily basis.

Theres more: When I quit drinking on July 7 2020 I was seriously sick. My skin and eyes were yellow from liver damage, I shaked uncontrollably, my memory was shot, my cognitive abilites were nearly gone, I had vast portions of my life that were blacked out of my memory completly. Somehow, and quite miracoulsly since July, 7, of 2020, the Lord has healed and is healing me. Im healthy physically, my memory has been restored, my cognitive abilites have returned, Ive lost around seventy five pounds, and I am reunited with my family and I have a peace I have never known. I am at peace with my Lord and my God. Please turn to Christ! Im begging you. If you are Christian already make sure your relationship with Jesus Christ is hot and true. If you worship God and have no relationship with Jesus Christ then I beg you to turn to Christ as he is the only way to God...literally. If you have not the Son you have not the Father. Please call on Jesus Christ...turn to him....confess him as Lord and know that God has raised him from the dead. Then honor that pledge by coming out of sin and submitting to Jesus Christ as it is his curriculim in my life that has brought me wholeness and my peace comes from my relationship with Christ, and with God.

Though I have received many visions and revelations over the years, I recieved back to back visions in July of 2023 within five minutes of each other and they were quite vivid. The first was of my son being healed and the second vision was of me and my family in the rapture (more on the second in a minute) it was so lifelike I thought I was gone. My son Vincent was born with chronic kidney disease in 2006. He is 17 and has had 15 surgeries, some of them major and life saving. He received a kidney transplant May of 2012 from a willing living donor who is a non-family member but always wanted to donate a kidney in her youth and she was I belive 21 at the time. His illness and health were at the root of my alcoholism, except my Son kept me going and gave me strength to die to self, which I have done. Although the Lord has saved Vincent, Vincent has done more to save me than most anyone. I had turned to alcohol to numb the pain I lived on a daily basis. I had been taught a very evil doctrine called the law of believing and as a result I blamed myself for his condition. Naturally, I hated myself and could never forgive myself because this evil doctrine places the Lords gifts of healing on the shoulders of the person needing deliverance telling them that what they confess repeatedly has to happen as confessed. That name it and claim it garbage nearly led to my death. I digress but please check the following link for further insight:


Continuing onwards, the doctors have always expected his kidney to fail and with good reason, they werent making a negative confession. The cycle of kidney disease is a horrible one. An end stage kidney patient like Vincent could absolutely expect a lifelong cycle of transplant, transplanted organ failing, return to dialysis, kidney transplant, transplanted organ..yeah...thats the cycle medically speaking. Well, in January of 2024 we found out the impossible was reality. My son went into the hospital because his labs were off and all the doctors were very alarmed to the point they admitted him immediately. Everyone was in a frenzy and the doctors did a kidney biopsy and the best case scenario they expected to see was a heavy dose of chronic change which precedes kidney failure, if not outright rejection. What they found astounded them all. Vincents kidney, minus very slight scar tissue, hasnt changed in any significant way in 12 years. Im not saying this isnt something that can't somehow happen, Im saying its unusual enough that I can rightly conclude that it doesnt typically happen at all. In fact, its miracalous. His labs were off because he was dehydrated. The longest running kidney transplant on record at Cincinnati Childrens is 42 years. Its been 12 years since Vincent's kidney transplant. His nephrologist told  him that he could easily get 30 years or more out of his kidney. Do the math: the only way his doctors could comprehend the miracle Jesus Christ did on him was to basically add 30 to 12 and say your on track to exceed the best we've ever seen in our hospital. Back to the rapture.

When the first vision of Vincent being healed (and the doctors acknowledging it and giving verification) was over the second vision happened just a few minutes later. I was laying in bed reading on my tablet and the Lord told me to be still and be silent and to lay there and relax. As I did as I was told I was immediately taken into the brightest light Ive ever seen, so bright I had to look behind me where I saw Nancy and Vincent with an illiminated bright nature and I realized at that point that I was just like them. I was engulfed in perfect love, perfect harmoney, perfect peace, and I knew that all of my sins were gone as well as my corrupted flesh...I was totally free from sin and so was my family, we were with the Lord. The vision was so vivid that I thought I was gone never to return. Then I found myself sitting upright in my bed sobbing like a baby. I wasnt sobbing because I was still here but I was sobbing tears of joy because I understood that I had been taken into my Lords presence for just a brief moment, though I didnt understand why or what it all meant. I was still in my former relationship and the person I was with was shouting my name asking me if I was ok. She told me that I shot up in the bed as I had done a forceful and fast situp and as I sat there staring off into space I was breathing very rapidly and basically gasping for air. She thought I was having a heart attack. While I was in my vision I could hear her faintly calling my name and my room was very distant from me. I didnt understand what it meant or what it was, the vision was foreign to me and my finite understanding until the Word of the Lord came on me and gave the understanding: The rapture is close and me and my family are going.

2:17 And it shall come to passe in the last dayes (saith God) I will powre out of my Spirit vpon all flesh: and your sonnes and your daughters shall prophesie, and your yong men shall see visions, and your old men shall dreame dreames:
2:18 And on my seruants, and on my handmaidens, I will powre out in those daies of my Spirit, and they shall prophesie:

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