Incline your hearts to my words and hear my speech, and allow my words to penetrate your hearts: for even the faithful amongst my Church and even my Bride face temptations of rationalization and unbelief. Hear me and hear me well and lend your ears to understand the times you live, for none of you have ever lived the current events lining up against the world in judgment. For judgment and calamity are here and already underway, though these are just the birth pangs, which are non-stop now and are intended to warn those who live unawares. Yet, even amongst my elect and faithful are those who would willingly choose blindness over reality and willingly choose to hear static instead of the clear instruction and comfort the Words of the Lord bring. 

For I, Yeshua HaMashiach, even Jesus Christ in the English tongue, am he who sends these words by my servant whom I have raised and commissioned and hidden in my quiver for such a time as this. And no marvel for so are my ways, for I Christ Jesus, am he who is able to raise apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers from the masses having no credentials of this fallen world nor are they of those who have aligned themselves in ecumenical agreement with Satan's own ministers who appear as ministers of righteousness. And no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light, therefore it is no great thing that his ministers transform themselves as though they were ministers of righteousness, for surely they seek to unite all under their ecumenical one world banner.

And as my friend John the Baptist said these many jubilees ago as he made straight the paths that I would walk: Think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham as our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. And now also the ax is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which brings not forth good fruit is chopped down, and cast into the fire. 

Read and understand and ask for wisdom, my little ones, and apply these words to your times. For I say plainly to you that I have not sent the mighty of this world as my messengers and prophets, nor do I require worldly credentials, Dr this and Reverend that, even titles men give themselves to appear godly. For fallen man ever seeks to glorify his flesh in worldly accomplishments, even seeking to stand righteous before God himself in corrupted flesh of which no man can purify, except through me Jesus the Nazarene. And so I ask what worldly credentials did I carry during my ministry to Judea, when I was sent not but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel? Was it not a stumbling block to the unbelieving amongst my countrymen when they asked from where comes this wisdom and great works to this man? Is not this the carpenter's son?

And as it is written so is it accomplished: But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, has God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nothing things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence. So hear my Words of faith that are spoken on the lips of my faithful and I have said before, and now say again that my prophets, which are many, do not contradict holy scripture, nor do they contradict me, Christ Jesus the Ascended Lord! 

Understand, oh you of little faith, that my prophets speak in unison, and they speak the Words that I give them. Do you not know the voice of your Lord? Are my Words foreign to you, my little ones? Are you afraid of the truth? For I am the Word of God made flesh who dwells amongst you and I am he who has given of my mighty spirit that I have poured out on all flesh in these last times as promised. For it is written: your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come.

So hear my words and accept my Words for they are truth and all will be fulfilled, even every yod and every thorn of a yod shall come to pass for every Word of God is given for obedience and every Word of God will be fulfilled perfectly with nothing lacking, for Yahweh's ways are complete and whatever he sets his hand to accomplish produces astounding perfection. Do you not know the ways of your Father, my little ones?

So hear my voice, my called faithful and chosen, even my Church and even my Bride! Will you continue to ignore my words and turn away from my voice in favor of the lies of the world? Will you follow the voice of the fallen ones as you spend you lives mindlessly staring at a screen? I beg you, hear my voice and I say to you, why do your hearts trouble you? Do you not understand that I am he who sits with billow in hand stoking the flames of purification that I may remove the dross from the precious metals amongst Yahweh's many priceless treasures? 
And so does the works of my hands produce in your hearts and lives my loves: for I am he who removes the unbelief, I am he who removes your faithless ways, I am he who fully purifies you of all manner of fleshly corruption and evil as you come to me and confess your sins and faults that I may yet purify you fully in my atoning blood that you may stand blameless before the throne of Yahweh when I shall present you fully to my Father in person in your very immediate future.

Yet, so many of you seek to return to your lives of old when I haven't performed Yahweh's will according to your timing and expectations. For so it is, even my closest disciples and apostles returned to fishing after my crucifixion and resurrection, and yet I made them fishers of men. And so I come to gather you once again to the sound of my voice, and you truly do not understand the dangers that surround you in this present evil world. And so I call you to myself in these last times that you would come fully to me and come fully out of sin and unbelief, for I am he who has called you to virtue and truth, though so many of you still prefer to return to Egypt. 

And so I counsel you to take the lessons to heart recorded of old that give warning and wisdom to the wise. For they said to Moses: Because there were no graves in Egypt, have you taken us away to die in the wilderness? Wherefore have you dealt in such manner with us, to carry us away out of Egypt? Why do you still yearn for the days of old? Are you yet enchanted to live the pleasures of sin? Why do you seek to remain amongst the unwise virgins when I am standing over you offering you a hand back on your feet, for you have fallen unawares and are in the dust of the earth, for dust shall be the serpents' meat. So arise you who sleeps and shake off the dust of the earth and rise in heavenly splendor and have faith in my words of faith that the faithful have spoken on lips of faith!

And so understand what is currently underway and understand the times you live, for many have allowed themselves to be lulled to sleep and have believed the faithless words of Satan as he whispers sweet sounding lies that would deceive the very elect should they choose to believe his lies. Understand that Satan, even the devil who deceives the entire world, is now cast down out of the heavens and is bound to the earth for impending judgment that lingers not. 

And so there is a pause where the fallen ones are allowed to move their pieces into place on the worlds' chess board, and a pause where the last remaining souls are now boarding the Ark of eternal life in me Christ Jesus their risen Lord and Savior. Yet, so many of you in your faithless reasoning conclude my Words as false and foolishly conclude that you have time to return to your old lives of sin and pleasure. Except, suddenly, will the faithful be taken in refuge to the throne room of Yahweh himself in great reward and eternal splendor and eternal inheritance, and the faithful will all be changed forevermore. 

Will you remain amongst the faithful? Do you have the humility to recognize your own unfaithfulness and repent so you may join the ranks of the faithful? Should you choose to see, I Christ Jesus, will show you. So why do you grow weary in well doing? Have you decided that those whom I bring you to and those whom I bring to you are unworthy of eternal life? And so I counsel you to show the same mercy and grace to your fellow man that I have showed to you in this final pause before destruction descends. And in so doing you will save many, for you are still my ambassadors. So open your mouths in faith, doubting nothing, and I will inspire within you the words to speak.

And so my little ones and even my faithful grow restless and impatient, even in this final pause before my Church and Bride are taken into the heavens. Yet, as it was in the wilderness when Moses met Yahweh on Sinai that the children rose up to eat and to drink and to play, and they made to themselves a golden calf to worship in place of the living God, of whose presence they were not allowed but stood near and saw the glory of the presence of the great eternal God on Sinai! And in like manner as Moses interceded for the children, so I also intercede for all who are heirs of eternal salvation, that all who are called may come fully to salvation and repentance from their evil and faithless ways. Return to my voice and remain in the havens I have given you, and I will protect you from judgment that is not for you. Have I not told you to come out from amongst them and be separate? Obey my voice!

And so judgment now falls on the earth and judgment has been prepared of old for the unbelieving and stiff-necked, even those who willingly or ignorantly cling to Satan's rebellion. For many, many, many people will willingly choose the flames that are intended for the devil and his angels instead of departing from sin and coming to eternal life by calling on Jesus the Nazarene for their salvation. And so it will be, for El Shaddai, even the Almighty God, has given freewill to mankind that mankind may choose either to live righteously and in peace before Yahweh, or choose eternal destruction in that great lake of fiery blue made for the fallen ones where their worm dies not. And the times of judgment are now.

So I tell all who will hear of events that will happen before they happen. These events are not secret but have been heralded by my prophets and servants for many years now, even all those whom I have sent to Secret Babylon. For the times of Judgment of that great whore are here, and the beast who carries her will now destroy her utterly. For God has put it into the hearts of the ten horns to fulfill his will, and they hate the whore, and will continue to make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and continue to burn her with fire. And so will secret Babylon be made utterly desolate and laid bare in shame for all to see. 

Her once great cites that were examples of hard work and production and the abundance of El Shaddai now sit in ruins with her posterity addicted to drugs and living in filth on her disgusting streets. And she is made naked as her defenses are off shored even further and her wealth and strength is given into the hands of her Edomite enemies who pretend they are allies. The great whore who made war with all nations she was sent to conquer is now bound, and defenseless and ready to be fully conquered. And all flesh will be consumed in misery and all who are captured will be culled and those who are able to serve the beast's purposes will be carried away into slavery and the rest will be killed, though a remnant will survive. And she is ablaze and there are many fires already in her borders and in the lands of her neighbors to the north who share in her plagues. And yet these are just the birth pangs and are not the final judgments but a warning to all of their impending destruction. For suddenly will it happen, and suddenly will it occur. It will occur only and even as I snatch my faithful from the earth to safety and I will suddenly gather Yahweh's wheat into his everlasting barn, for the times of harvest are here. Yet not the final harvest, but the first of several, and so judgment begins at the house of God. 

Secret Babylon, your times have come, and your days are at an end. I, Jesus the Nazarene, have shed countless tears over your impending destruction and I have sent signs above, and wonders in the skies, and signs in the earth and even many sudden cataclysms occur in real time and in her midst and still Secret Babylon stops her ears in stubborn rebellion, and now she will fully eat of her rebellious ways. So understand, that as I suddenly gather the faithful to safety and reward, so too will sudden destruction fall on mystery Babylon as the restrainer is fully removed. Hear my words and understand my voice because the restrainer is the only thing keeping the destructive lusts of the fallen ones restrained until he who restrains no longer restrains and is taken from the midst.

Then shall sudden destruction come upon the entire world. The battle lines are drawn, and they have prepared for their third world war, even their war to fully overturn the ways of old and the orders of old. And so fire will fall suddenly on Secret Babylon and her cities will be destroyed. Fire will fall suddenly as the missiles crash across her lands, leaving her burnt and naked. Yet many of her cities along her sinful coasts will fall to the waters that will come suddenly and will crash on her shores flooding inland for many, many miles and this will happen from the east and from the west. The earth will suddenly quake uncontrollably, and great destruction will come on the lands of secret Babylon, and the lands will be disfigured and altered. Her bridges will fall, and her roads will become impassable, and a wilderness and a wasteland will remain. The stench of death will cover her lands and pestilence and disease will fill her lands and utterly helpless will she be.

And as this final attack takes place, the hordes of the Red Army will be fully unleashed on the remaining inhabitants of the land. They will kill all who resist and will kill many who do not resist. For the people of secret Babylon are sold into slavery by the mountainous debts she has incurred, for by usury the fallen ones work to destroy the masses. And in so much as her people have pledged and signed their lives away for material gain and the pleasures of sin, so too will those whom they choose to enslave serve those they are indebted in forced labor and the mark will be enforced for all who survive, only take not the mark.

And so the world that now is, will be suddenly replaced with the ashes of ruins and smoldering remains of a once vibrant society. And so famine will descend on the lands, for Secret Babylon has caused famine on many lands and now famine will be her dinner guest, for so she has given and so doubly she will now receive. Water will be a sought after commodity, and many waters will be made bitter from the destruction and fires of war and from the plagues of the unburied that will pollute the land. And many will needlessly suffer and perish in judgment for their sins, when such a thing was not necessary for them but those who remain amongst the judged will themselves be judged, yet any and all who call on the name of their Lord until the end shall be saved, but they will have to endure until their last breath. For faithfulness to the end has always been a requirement for the faithful, even Yahweh's very own children of Abraham who are the children of promise, for the just shall live by faith.

And so will secret Babylon be utterly split along the middle and the waters will rush where there was once fertile dry land, even the heart lands will be flooded up the center. And so God's mercy and grace will be utterly removed from the earth when the restrainer is suddenly removed and destruction will marry destruction, for these are the times of destruction where Satan's kingdom will be fully judged and fully destroyed, but first they will serve Yahweh's purposes in utterly consuming mystery Babylon and so will she be utterly burnt and consumed in many raging fires that will engulf and begin to cleanse the land. And so Secret Babylon's destruction will come to pass in one hour, for as it is written so shall it be done, and she will receive a double portion of judgment. And as it is written, so shall it be done.

For it is written of old by John the Revelator: I saw another Angel come down from heaven, having great power, so that the earth was lightened with his glory, And he cried out mightily with a loud voice, saying, It is fallen, it is fallen, Babylon that great city, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of all foul spirits, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the Kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are grown rich of the abundance of her pleasures. 

And I heard another voice from heaven say, come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. For her sins are come up into heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Reward her, even as she has rewarded you, and give her double according to her works: and in the cup that she has filled for you, fill hers double. In as much as she glorified herself, and lived in pleasure, so much give you to her torment and sorrow: for she says in her heart, I sit being a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no mourning. Therefore, shall her plagues come at one day, death, and sorrow, and famine, and she shall be burnt with fire: for God which condemns her, is a strong Lord! 
And so this once great nation of states and many cites will fall suddenly, and the angel of destruction currently hovers over her greatest and largest city on the eastern waters and her pride and joy and envy of the world will be utterly destroyed never to rise again. And so too will her destruction be shared by all those who have joined her, for she is that great whore who sits on many waters that are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues.

For their judgment lingers not, and all the kings of the earth have joined the ten horns in their surprise attack. For their leaders willingly serve the fallen ones, for so are all worldly rulers. There are none good, no, not one. These leaders have worked for many years to bring this attack to pass and have betrayed their own nations of which they were sent to deceive. And the people who willingly followed them in pleasure will fall to the fires of war, pestilence, death and destruction. And these things are at the ready to be suddenly released fully on the earth. And so all so-called Christian nations will fall by the sword as judgment begins at the house of God. And as it was in the days of old when Israel left the Father of Lights and served other gods, who by nature are no gods, so too will these be given into the hands of their enemies, even as the twelve tribes were divided and conquered of old for their betrayal of covenants and brought about by the curse of the law for the disobedient and hard-hearted.

And from the ashes of total war and destruction will the final beast system arise, for the dragon already prepares the beast system to rise, even those who join the ten kings who will give their full power to the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth who is their false prophet and false Moshiach. The beast from the sea will rise as their Mahdi, and to him, it is given power to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And so the beast from the earth shares the same power as the beast from the sea, and it is he that is the Little Horn prophesied of old by Daniel. 

And so these two beasts will be fully empowered by that great red dragon and will rise fully and will conquer and go forth to conquer, and they will say: Who is like the beast? And who is able to make war with the beast? And so all will be required to take their mark who would join them in their satanic society. And madness will fully cover the earth, as the restrainer will no longer be present to convict mankind of sin and to restrain his passions and evil lusts. And so full, unrestrained evil is set to be unleashed on the earth and the abyss will be fully opened, for the dwellers on earth have rejected Yahweh, because they have rejected me, Jesus the Nazarene who is sent for their salvation. But they have counted themselves unworthy of eternal life and rejected Yahweh when Yahweh came to them in love, gentleness, grace, and mercy and offered an everlasting peace treaty to mankind. A peace treaty they have now rejected. Yet, whosoever calls on the name of the Lord to the end shall be saved.

And even though times of judgment, great destruction, war, famine, pestilence and the like will be fully unleashed on the earth, this final week even Daniel's seventieth week is given for Jacobs salvation and I, Yeshua HaMashiach will yet save a remnant from Israel who will accept me as their true and rightful Messiah for, so I am created, made, and sent of the Almighty God in honor of the promises made in covenant and testament to their Fathers. 

For Yahweh is the great everlasting God who sits on high and will now move to reveal himself to his creation and I, Christ Jesus, am the everlasting Lord of Lords and King of Kings of whose kingdom there is never an end. And I will send my two prophets, even my two candlesticks who will prophecy, and I will send my 144,000 to save alive those to whom they are sent in the wilderness in a place chosen by Yahweh and of Yahweh will they be fed and cared for. And the everlasting God has so declared of old. For it is Yahweh who speaks of things that are yet to be as though they have already happened for so are the ways of The Everlasting God who has given me the Everlasting Gospel to be  declared over the earth so that everlasting salvation may come to all who will call on my mighty, everlasting name.

I Yeshua HaMashiach, even Christ Jesus, have sent these words by my servant and by my servant have these words been sent.
I am the Word of God made flesh who dwells amongst you
I am he who sits with billow in hand stoking the flames of purification
I am he who removes the unbelief
I am he who removes your faithless ways
I am he who fully purifies you of all manner of fleshly corruption
I am he who has called you to virtue and truth
I am standing over you, offering you a hand back on your feet. Will you accept my offer?

And know that I am he whom the great everlasting and eternal God has given all things into my mighty hands and has given me a name above every name, that at the name of Jesus should all knees bow in heaven, in earth and under the earth. And I am he who is the Lion of the tribe of Judah and in righteousness I do come to judge and to make war and execute judgment on the fallen ones, and the hour of judgment is now here. And so I counsel those who dwell on the earth to follow Yahweh's words and Kiss the Son, lest I become angry, and you perish from the way, when my wrath is kindled but a little. 

Blessed are all they who put their trust in me, even Yeshua HaMashiach and all who call on my name to the end shall be saved, even all those who are heirs of salvation from before the foundations of the earth were laid.

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