Be still and be at peace, and know that I am the Lord who has called you to stand before me upright in all of your ways. Have I not justified you? Have I not made you righteous in me, the Lord Jesus Christ? Are you not identified with me in my sufferings and in my glory? I am Lord of Lords and King of Kings, and I lie not. Have not the Holy Scriptures declared it? Stand faithful and upright, and be at peace in your hearts, and know that I, the Lord Jesus Christ, have given you perfect forgiveness and peace before me if you will yet hear my words and receive my instruction.
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom – not the wisdom of the world that comes to nothing, but the wisdom of the Lord. And rest under my mighty hand. For the fear of the Lord is to depart from evil and to walk upright before me, says the mighty Lord, yea the Lord Jesus Christ. Hear my voice! Hear my voice and listen to no other! Many voices contradict my Word and lie to you, as they seek dominion over your very souls that they might make a spoil of you if you follow them. Love not the world, my children, neither the things in the world. This present evil world is coming to an end, and I, the Lord, have said it, and I will not be silenced by your unbelief, and I will not be silenced by your lack of faith. No, I will shout even louder so that you may know the truth of the words I speak. Compare them with Holy Scripture. Am I not the word made flesh who dwells among you? Have I not given you an anointing and a comforter until I come?
Know, my children, that I have purchased you with my own blood, and the earth is mine, and very soon righteousness will have its rule on the earth. I have spoken it. I have given you life in me; only reject not my ways. I have given you a purpose; only reject not the life I have called you to. I have given you a calling, yea, a high calling that is eternal and has no end of days if you will yet turn to me. Turn to me with open face and heart, and allow me to purge you of your sins and iniquities in my atoning blood. As many as I love, I rebuke, that you may stand before me upright in fine white linen that I will give you shortly.
All of your own clothes are but filthy rags that you have chosen for yourself to hide from me. But there is nowhere anyone can hide from my gaze, and I see you as you truly are, and as I have created you new in me. There is great reward treasured up for my faithful children; but for those who reject me, I will reject you. Why do you yet hold to this dying world and its troubles and pain? You have a choice in me, a choice other generations did not have before my atoning sacrifice. Therefore, whoever rejects me in the times of refreshing has the greater sin. My love for you is eternal and cannot be broken. My Father and I are one, and our purposes and designs are inseparable. The Father has given me all things that I might save some.
Take not your place among the faithless, as I have given you abounding reasons for great faith. The faith of a grain of mustard seed is all you need, just the slightest trust. Clothe yourselves in the clothes I have given you. Have I not poured out my spirit on you, oh, my doubters? Be not faithless but only believe, as the times and seasons are on you and there is no turning back. The world you once knew will never return, and the world you know today is one of great deception. Though things still appear familiar to you, all you once held dear has been taken by the evil one; for he has an appointed hour, an hour that had I not shortened, no flesh would be left alive. Why do you desire the day of the Lord that is coming on the world to test the hearts of men? It's a day of darkness where no man can stand. It's a terrible day of judgment and consequence, and even in the darkest days, whosoever calls on the name of the Lord to the end will be saved.
Times and seasons are changing before your very eyes, and still you do not believe your own eyes. Though I do signs and miracles in you and among you, you still slam your eyes closed and stop your ears in faithless reasoning. My grace and mercy are everlasting from generation to generation, but the times are changing, and judgment and calamity are approaching the world you love so very much, and the things you hold dear will run through your fingers like sand. Soon the world will no longer have an invitation of grace and mercy, but those who will be saved will have to endure until their last breath to be saved in me. Turn to me and accept my invitation, for to be in Christ is to have a saving relationship with me, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. You are the only one who can stop your salvation by turning away from me in unbelief and refusing my call. Consider Esau, who sold his birthright for a morsel of bread that was cast out in the draught, who gave away his inheritance to his brother in faithless unbelief. To ignore my words and walk in darkness is sin, so sin not and stand before me.
Why do you yet count yourselves unworthy of my grace, when all you have to do is accept? Accept my atoning works in your lives and allow me entrance to help you in your time of need, if only your faithless hearts would allow me. Choose life, for today is the time of choosing; hear my voice and harden not your hearts in the wilderness as the fathers did and fell by the wayside. Do not fall away from me; do not follow destruction and pernicious ways of faithless unbelief, but look to me and trust my voice. Yea, my sheep hear my voice, so follow me to safety. Think not that a heart of unbelief can stand sanctified before me, for unbelief is the rejection of the faith that I have given you in me.
Consecrate me, the Lord Jesus Christ, in your hearts and fear not, for my appearing is at hand and is very, very close. Trust my voice and walk in my footsteps, for the path I have laid for you leads to newness of life in the very presence of God. For I am the only way to God; I am the way, the truth, and the life. Though the evil one promises many things, he can deliver nothing, and he cannot deliver himself from my hand. No, great wrath is treasured against him, and Satan has an inheritance coming of his own choosing in that burning lake. All who choose him, all who take his mark, all who worship the beast and his image will follow him in his inheritance of the unending wrath of God.
Is my Father not justified in defending his creation? Is he not justified in his judgments and ways that he has laid before you? Therefore, choose life and choose the inheritance I have given you, for I promise a new heaven and new earth wherein dwells righteousness. I promise you life eternal, a life of great abundance, peace, and happiness. Yet, in your lack of faith, you still resist. What have I done to you to offend you that you refuse a relationship with me, the son of God, and with the Father of glory? To choose this world and its ways is to chose death, and eventually everyone's choice will be final, as the times of separation are here; and those who don't decide, a decision will be made for them.
There is no pleasure in the coming destruction that will soon overtake your world. Natural disasters will abound, and the earth shall quake, and great waves will crash on Mystery Babylon; for the earth will be ripped apart in many places. Great fire will overtake the land, and the merchants will stand afar off for fear of her torment. Great destruction is on the harlot, Babylon the great, who has made the world drunk with her adulteries and fornications, for she has had many lovers. Those who will not separate themselves from her will share in her judgment, so why would you yet choose death over the life I have given you, paid for in my own sinless blood? War is about to come fully on your land and nation, and even though it is already underway – yes, an undeclared war they fight against you – soon it will break across the entire world as the seals are loosed.
Great war and great persecution will come over the earth as they will try to destroy anything of God and his Christ as they will eventually openly declare holy war on you. They will capture many, and many will be taken, and those who will be saved will have but one choice: endure to the end and love not their lives until the end and call on my name till the end. Your own leaders have betrayed you and will sacrifice many to the wicked one in the battles that will soon rage. Your nation will be attacked from within and from without. The red armies are already here, and they await their orders; for they plan a surprise attack, and many will be taken. The armies of the evil one will take everything from the land for their own and from those who reject me. They will steal your land, your homes, your posterity; and many lives will be lost in unbelief. War is coming from without as many nations are aligned against you; and they have your leaders’ consent, and your leaders work for your deaths. They want a world of their own, a world dedicated to Satan where they can fully follow the evils that dwell in them, and nothing will restrain their evil desires, as the restrainer will be gone.
They will utterly burn Secret Babylon with fire, and whoever does not succumb to the flames will succumb to famine; whoever does not succumb to famine will succumb to pestilence; whoever does not succumb to the edge of the sword will be delivered to the gallows for my name, and many will be beheaded as my Holy Word declares. And those who are martyred for my name will have great reward, and I will wipe all tears from their eyes.
Know, my children, that all delicacies and pleasures of sin that evil men treasure to themselves will but vanish into thin air, and tribulation and anguish will stand in their places. Darkness will cover the land, and there will be a dearth of my Word, and the voice of the bride and the voice of the bridegroom will not be heard in her anymore.
Even then, I will send my prophets among you, as I will seal a number from the remaining tribes to minister to those, and great miracles will they do. Many signs and wonders will be granted during these days of darkness, and those who call on the name of the Lord to the end will be saved. Your towers will fall. Your bridges will collapse. Famine will break on the land, and there will be utter lawlessness, and they will hunt those who stand for me, and many will be martyred; yet great reward is prepared for those who stand till the end. Why do you desire the day of the Lord? For it would destroy all flesh from the earth had I not shortened the days. Then the world will see me break forth from the heavens with the armies in heaven, for the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.
Yea, I tell you these things before they happen, not that you would stand there in unbelief, but that you would have just the faith as a grain of mustard seed, for it will grow fuller than the other trees and will become unshakeable in me if you will allow me to purge your sins and if you will but come to me for healing and refreshing. The trumpet's call is ever close and is nearly on you, and I will snatch my bride from the midst. I will yet set a place at my table for anyone who will make me Lord by answering their doors; for behold, I stand and knock!
I am the Son of David and I will rule the earth from his throne.
I am the root of Jesse; hear my voice!
I am the Son of Man; fear not and look to me.
I am the Son of God, yea, the only begotten of the Father.
I am the righteous judge who judges in holiness and righteousness.
I am the lamb of God chosen from among the flock, without spot and without blemish.
I am the door of the sheep, and no ravenous wolves may enter.
I am the bread of life; whoever eats thereof shall never hunger.
I am the lamb of God who is worthy to open the seals that bind the scroll.