The faithful Lord says to his chosen and faithful: Stand strong and purify yourselves by putting down and confessing your sins. Come out of her, my people, and be separate from her sins so that you don't share in her judgment and plagues. Who is she you ask? Is she not Babylon the Great, whose judgment has come? Is she not the great whore who is drunken on the blood of the saints? Safety and peace will I provide you, and I will lead you to shelter in my Father’s house until the season is over.

I am the Lord Jesus Christ, who has called you to glory and virtue, so faint not in well doing. I have given you a voice to speak for me and announce my soon arrival. Yet many in my Church have lost their voice and have become faithless in their expectation that my Father placed for you in his Word. Be not faithless but only believe. Look for the signs of my coming, as my Father has declared it in the heavens and they are already well known. Why are you still yet slow to believe? Have trust in me, my children, for I succor you; yea, I prune every branch from you that bears not fruit. Have confidence in my Lordship for you and push into my salvation as you work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Turn to me in prayer and ask me to show your sins to you so that you may confess them to me and overcome them by my blood. So fear not, for your salvation is near; yea, the second hand has almost completed its last rotation in my age of grace.

Turn to me and come to me as I have readied a place at my table for you and I have prepared shelter for you in my Father’s house to escape the coming tsunami of disasters. They approach those who dwell on the earth, and great judgment is about to fall across the earth. Forsake not my name! I know you are weary in this last hour, but rest in me and find energy in me and proclaim my soon arrival. I have not given a day or time for you to watch for, as you would build your entire lives around the event. But have no illusions: the date and hour are known in the heavens at this point, and my angels are on the ready, waiting for the trumpet blast when I will gather those who sleep in the earth first, and those who are alive and remain shall join them to meet me in the air, and I will take you to your inheritance that the Father has hid in me. Only faint not.

It will happen in the twinkle of an eye, when many of you will be about your day, and instantly you will stand before me as I present you to my Father; and we long for that day as we both long for your presence. I could indeed appear and preach to many, and who is to say that I have not done just that at times? Will you declare what the Lord can do? Or will you limit my abilities and Lordship by your lack of faith? Impossible! However, I have made you my fellow workers and included you in the work my Father gave me to accomplish, and know that it is an honor and a joy that I've bestowed on you for your salvation, reward, and wholeness.

As you have ministered to others in my name, have I not ministered to you? Give freely and hoard not the knowledge of my coming, though many will resist and you will be counted as lunatic. The lies of the enemy will melt before your power-filled words as you but speak for me and announce my appearing and herald the coming judgment, as even in these last seconds some will come to salvation. Many are not ready yet and will refuse your words; love them anyhow, as a great multitude will be saved out of great trials and tribulation, and know that your words can serve as a beacon of light and hope for the trials they may face.

Oh, dwellers on the earth who have refused my call and counted yourselves unworthy for my gift of salvation and all it brings: Great judgment is pronounced on the earth and it is nearly upon you, though you lie to yourselves, saying, "I have great plans for myself and tomorrow will be the same as today!" You fool! You do not even understand the turning of the seasons, as the skies herald the wedding of my bride to me in the heavens, and the skies turn from grace to judgment right before your eyes. Great calamity will come on you shortly, and many will die in their sins. It is not my will that you perish, but you reject my sinless sacrifice for you that could have saved you to the uttermost.

The world you know today will vanish before your eyes, and all the pleasures of sin in this life will no longer be your companions; but you will be pursued and hunted by an army of your enemies that lust for your demise and long for your possessions. There will be great shaking under your feet, and the earth will cleave, and many will fall into the earth. Your leaders have already betrayed you, though you foolishly still look to them, trying to figure out your vote. Your towers will fall, and your bridges will collapse, and your infrastructure will disappear before your eyes, and nothing will be the same.

Where will you run to when you have rejected the holy Lord, me, the Lord Jesus Christ? Who will save you now from your time of judgment? Oh, but you say, I am unworthy of judgment, whatever do you mean? Have you not rejected your Creator when he has sent me to you for your saving grace, a saving grace you count yourselves unworthy to obtain? Why have you rejected me? What offense have I done to you? I gave my last drop of blood in great torment and agony that you might live before me, yet you still do not believe my witnesses whom I have sent in my name.

Even in warning you of your approaching calamity, neither I nor my Father have any pleasure in what is about to be unleashed. But as you have been entertained by sin, you will now be swallowed alive by the consequences you have treasured for yourselves. As you have lusted after money, property, and financial acclaim, you have done nothing more than heap wrath onto your own dinner table, and you will dine on tribulation and anguish. I will give you the darkness you love so much. Darkness will fall on your land and will envelope the earth, a darkness so thick that the noon sun shall appear to have been extinguished. You say to me, what sin do I have to bring your wrath; have we not done many mighty works in your name?

Verily, you have done many works, but they are not the works I have given you; no, you have become a false prophet, prophesying words from your twisted flesh. No, you do your own works for your own glory, as you have made your belly your god. You hold the good words and fair speeches of evil men above my holy Word. Am I not the Word made flesh? You could have eaten of me the bread of life and escaped perdition, never to hunger again. You could have drank of the rivers of living waters flowing from me; yea, you could have drank of my spirit and never thirsted again. But in your refusal of me, you will go into great famine and distress, though to this very minute you still think it will not come upon you in an instant. Your economy is destroyed, and the riches you have lusted after will be worthless instantly. You have placed your faith in the rulers of this present darkness and have cherished the lies of Satan over the light of my ever-present truth.

Therefore, you will seek a place at their table, only to discover there is no place set for you. They will have great plenty that they have hoarded for themselves, and you will have access only by taking the mark of the beast. Even though the beast has not quite been revealed in his time, I have warned of him and identified him to my faithful so that they are not deceived by his good words and fair speeches, even though at this time he has no kingdom, at least not yet. Take not his mark, as all who do will have their portion alongside the beast and false prophet in the lake of fire, and the smoke of their torment will forever rise.

You have been warned, and though I still seek to deliver you from your destruction, you still stubbornly refuse my call. Therefore, I will give you the fruit of your own ways.

You will experience great famine, great war, great destruction. The red armies will pursue, torment, and destroy many of you; and it will come to pass that you will be surrounded by dangers and destruction. He who is not taken captive into torment and eventual death will fall by the sword; he who does not fall by the sword will meet the wild beasts, who will kill many; he who does not perish by the wild beasts will succumb to famine, and the ways of death shall be multiplied on the land.

Great tribulation, calamity, destruction will come to you instantly, and mighty waves of the sea will come upon your nation. A mighty nation shall you never be again, yet a remnant will still be saved. Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved, but he who loves his life to the end will have his part in the lake of fire, and you will share in Satan’s torment and punishment because you have held to his dying world to your last stubborn breath, and you will certainly perish with this dying world. Turn to me while there is still yet time so that I may save you and your families from the coming calamity. Just as a multitude received salvation on the day of Pentecost many years ago in the first few minutes of this age, so too shall a multitude be saved in the last few minutes of this age, and my invitation still stands for a very short time longer.

The evil that is coming will not respect women or children or the elderly or the infirm. No, that evil will consume all it can into great perdition and agony. Run to me while there is still yet time, as the clock is almost ready to stop, and there will be time no more. Satan will be cast into the earth shortly, and his kingdom will be unleashed to the fullest on your world, and he has great wrath because he knows he has but a short time. Turn to me while you still can to escape the coming evil.

I am the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

I am he that walks amongst the seven lampstands and commands the seven angels of the seven churches.

I am he that commands the armies of heaven, as my Father has put their command in my hands.

I am the Word made flesh who dwelt among you.

I am the root of Jesse, and my kingdom has no end.

I am the son of God come in the flesh to atone for the sins of all, if only all would accept.

Those who have accepted my grace and have been faithful will rule with me in my kingdom and partake of my throne, as I have made you kings and priests before our God. There is great reward for you treasured in the heavens; only stand firm and faithful just a few minutes more.

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