Take up a lamentation and weep and howl for the slaughter of the innocents. For they have done no crime, they have lived no lives, nor have they committed any sin, for their untimely departure was from the safety of their mother's womb, and before they had the chance to take their first breaths they are not!
Take up a lamentation and weep and howl for the lost lives of the innocents and their blood that has been spilled cries to the heavens demanding justice. Behold! The earth reels to and fro and shakes as the tension builds, for the weight of the slaughter of the innocents is great!
Take up a lamentation even for Rachel's children for thus saith the Lord; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping: Rachel, weeping for her children, refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not. Though you think this, but a light thing, understand that these sins are not to be ignored and the weight of their punishment is exceeding great and judgment surely is on all those who have committed these sins and rejected my offer of peace!
Hear my words, my people, and incline your hearts to my words and hear my wisdom because judgment is not for you. Understand the utter sorrow and bitter tears of your Lord and savior, even Jesus the Nazarene! For many, many tears, I have continually shed for the slaughter of the innocents. Come out from among her my people and allow me to completely dismantle the works of the devil in your lives in this, and even every matter my children. For my spirit no longer comes to convict you of sin, because you are made the righteousness of God in me because you have accepted my gift of eternal life and my gift of righteousness, whereby you are made righteous, even the righteousness of God in me by my atoning blood and by the spirit of the Living God, even the spirit of sonship whereby you are sealed for the day of redemption, and you are a new creation in me. So fear not!
You are created in righteousness and true holiness and when my spirit within convicts you, it is me Christ Jesus convicting you of righteousness. Yes, I convict you of righteousness so you may live righteously for you are the righteousness of God and you must continue to mortify the flesh, and walk in my spirit for there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit! So understand that judgment is not for you, for each soul whom Yahweh has forgiven in me Christ Jesus will not come to judgment for sins but pass from death to life everlasting because you accepted Jesus the Nazarene, even Yahweh's peace treaty to all mankind and eternally for all who accept my sacrifice!
Come to me and confess even the sins you have caused yourselves to forget and awake to righteousness and sin not. Come to me and confess your faults, so I may cleanse you of all stain in my atoning blood, and so that the works of the devil may be fully and eternally erased from your lives. Why do you stubbornly hold on to your sins? Why do you seek slumber for relief? Can you hide from the living God when you close your eyes? Do you cleave to the myth of the Ostrich and seek to emulate this myth? I didn't call you to live the myth of the Ostrich nor to bury your heads in the sand nor to cover your sins in pleasure and forgetfulness. For the Ostrich places its head in the ground to care for the eggs of their unborn, not hide from reality. But I have called you to face the sins of your past and confess them to me that I may heal you and undo the works of Satan in your lives because he seeks to bind you to his sins and eternally accuse you of folly!
Therefore, continue to confess your sins openly and your faults to one another and understand that as you do your enemies tremble for they see undeniable evidence of your continued salvation and undeniable evidence of their impending destruction and eternal judgment in that great lake where the purest flames of blue will burn forevermore and their worm dies not! So come out from among them and be separate and understand that you have remission of sins. As you continue in your saving relationship with me, Christ Jesus, I will purge you to the uttermost of all of your sins that I may make you to myself a glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that you should be holy and without blame before me in love. And that you may be clothed in fine linen for so is your immediate future. So understand in me, Christ Jesus, there is no condemnation nor judgment for you my children and my harsh words are not for you but I counsel you to learn of me and understand the gravity of what I have delivered you from because you are redeemed from judgment.
And know that every deed is recorded in the heavens for every creature under heaven who is subject to the great judgment. And I have seen and recorded the words and works of the false prophets, even those who pretend to speak for me and have condoned the slaughter of the innocents for their own pernicious ways. For these are those who are wells without water, even those whose adulteries led to the slaughter of the innocents. Who, instead of repenting of their adulteries and fornications they instead murdered their unborn so they could continue feeding on my flock instead of feeding my flock, and they will face great wrath for their crimes for it is impossible for ravenous wolves to hide in the pulpit from my eternal gaze, and they will bear their judgment all who will not repent from these actions!
And so I speak to you natural man, and I speak to you Secret Babylon. For you are guilty of the blood of the innocents, even those you have taken from the safety of their mother's womb. You have wrapped the smitings of the embryo in false justification and rationalization that make your selfish temptation to murder the innocents as common place as a doctor's visit, and your clinics of murder are a stench in my Father's nostrils, and a stench in my nostrils. For the blood of the innocents cries from the earth all the way to the throne of Yahweh in the heaven of heavens who sees all, even all you who seek to hide from his everlasting gaze. And I Yeshua HaMashiach am sent of my Father in judgment, and I am the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, for you have rejected the Lamb of God and now comes your judgment. And I will utterly cleanse the land of your murderous ways and you will eat of the filth of your own evil ways, for Yahweh has declared a double portion of judgment on you, oh Secret Babylon.
For you have murdered the innocents, ignorantly thinking that this heinous act is a light thing. You have sold your unborn children for filthy lucre that you may advance your careers, even your careers in utter futility for they will all come to naught and your highly prized worldly endeavors of futility will all vanish in judgment never to be remembered. For you have willingly murdered your unborn children in an unwitting sacrifice to Moloch, and you murder own your unborn with great pride. And so it will be, for pride goes before a fall and a haughty spirit before destruction and your judgment and destruction lingers not but is upon you and is already underway and the birth pangs are non-stop now.
But instead of repentance, instead of coming to me, Jesus the Nazarene in humility when I have offered you life eternal and remission of sins and the consequences stemming from corresponding judgment you have chosen instead your sins and own eternal punishment. You have committed yourselves to and chosen instead of me Jesus the Nazarene, Barabbas, your false Moshiach. Instead of Yahweh the great eternal God, you have chosen the dragon as your god and I will now give you over to them for you have joined their ways in your arrogance and pride and you will now eat of the filth of your own ways.
You have sacrificed the blood of the innocents on the altars of self gratification, and you shed your smitten embryos as if they were impure rags tossed aside into medical waste bins, and you have accounted the spirit of life that is in the blood an unholy thing and your judgment is on you. But your very own, even your unborn children, were out of style with your ever fading fashions and their lives were a hindrance to you fully enveloping yourselves in the pleasures of sins.
You justify and demand the blood of the innocents in your murderous political ideologies, and you knowingly have joined the fallen ones in their rebellion, for it was the Satans who taught the smitings of the embryo in the womb, even your precious murderous procedures you are so proud to protect and flaunt. And so the blood of the innocents cries from the earth and the weight of your sins have caused the earth to wobble like a drunken man, and great will be the shaking and great will be the fall! Babylon the Great is Fallen is Fallen!
Oh natural man, Oh Secret Babylon, how you have fallen from the grace and mercy that I undeservedly bestowed on you. And though my grace and mercy is not in vain, for Yahweh's purposes, even his purposes hidden in the great mystery of God have been fulfilled in the Gentile nations and their times are completed. And I am he who will now turn to save Jacob from destruction, for they will turn to me as their Messiah, even all that Yahweh himself has called from eternities past to walk before him as one new man in me Christ Jesus, and one new nation and never again will the Israel of God be divided and there will be no more sea. But first the lands must be cleansed and Satan's kingdom will be utterly destroyed, never to rise again. Oh foolish, evil and corrupted natural man, even you who has not my spirit and he who has rejected life eternal in me Christ Jesus.
Understand that children are the Lord's heritage, and it would be better for a person to never be born than to harm the innocent ones before their first breath; to harm even one of my little ones is grievous and carries eternal punishment. But nevertheless you continue. Even though I have inspired many to stand outside your clinics to try and stop you from sealing your own fates. But you would have none of it, and you have rejected my warnings and now will suffer your judgment.
You have gone astray into the ways of Baal and you have become just as Satan has led you, for you are beyond all feeling in your nihilistic ways. Do what you will is the whole of their law that you have made your very own. You have been led astray into the ways of the Canaanite, for they sacrificed their children as well, with great pride and joy, just as you continue to do! But in your arrogance you think you are nothing like those foolish and unlearned ancients and your ways are superior to these ancient barbarians, yet you practice the same. But you foolishly think you are different, and you seek to use willing ignorance as a cloak, and you seek to rationalize and hide your sins in your spurious educations that have led you to judgment. For the weight of the innocent blood cries to the heavens even now and demands justice, and Yahweh has heard their cries!
You have unknowingly given your unborn to further the beast system, and the fallen ones have accepted your sacrifices. They have used the blood of the innocents as they always have in the making of their abominations, and so in the days of Noah so will it be. For when the restrainer is removed, then you will understand the sheer enormity and number of their abominations, for they will be released completely unrestrained.
You have sacrificed the blood of the innocents and the abominations they have made will hound you and pursue you to the ends of the earth for they have always eaten the inhabitants of the land and the evil tares made by the hands of the fallen ones have no forgiveness for their sins and crimes against Yahweh, for mankind is made in the image of Yahweh and to desecrate the life of the flesh that is in the blood is grave sin and will not be overlooked for those who have refused my salvation during my times of grace and mercy. Behold! I send giants to fulfill my wrath!
I will now speak to the fallen ones, and they do hear and they do tremble! Your ways have caused your utter eternal and everlasting destruction for yours is an everlasting destruction where you will have each sin returned to you many times over. Each life you have taken in your greedy and lust filled evil ways will be recompensed to you a hundred times over. For you have used the blood of the innocents in your rites, and practices, and rituals and many abominations have you made as you played god! But you are no gods and you cannot deliver your selves from my hand, for I Christ Jesus am the promised seed of the woman who will utterly crush your head!
Now comes your judgment and imminent destruction. For you have not only shed the innocent blood, even me Jesus the Nazarene, but you are guilty of the blood of the innocents even from the first to the last for it is you who taught the smitings of the embryo that it may pass away. Your abominable ways and actions will be fully recompensed to you for all eternity and you will never escape nor will you have a moments rest from your eternal punishment. For it is you that are responsible for the death and destruction of the innocents and all who have followed your destructive ways in unrepentant hate will share in your inheritance of eternal fire as you pay for each and every detestable act you have committed against Yahweh's creation. For the very same things you have done to others will be given into your bosoms many times over even for the eternity of eternities and you will not escape.
For you tried to steal my inheritance from me, except you failed for you tried the impossible: You tried to kill the innocent blood, even me Jesus the Nazarene, for it is impossible that death should hold me. For I gave my life willingly and no one took it from me, but I laid my life down willingly as the perfect Passover for all time. And I, even Christ Jesus, will undo all of your evil works in the lives of your victims, even those who have come to me in repentance of your vile ways and those who will call on my name to the end, for a GREAT multitude will yet be saved. Even every soul whom Yahweh has ordained for eternal life from the foundations of the earth and you will not pluck even the least of these from my eternal hands, oh failed dragon. For the innocents you have murdered will spring alive into newness of eternal life and eternal joy in the presence of Yahweh and forever will they live in everlasting joy and they shall enjoy the fat of the land! For what has Yahweh Promised?
Behold! Thus saith the Lord, A voice was heard on high, a mourning and bitter weeping. Rachel weeping for her children, refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not. Thus saith the Lord, refrain your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears: for your work shall be rewarded, says the Lord, and they shall come again from the land of the enemy: And there is hope in your end, says the Lord, that your children shall come again to their own borders.
Behold! I, even Yeshua HaMashiach will raise to life all the lost innocents and I will fully avenge their blood on the guilty! I will raise them to eternal life and the lives of the unborn will spring forth into eternal life and eternal joy and I will reconnect them to the redeemed, even those whom I have shown mercy who came to me in repentance and I will restore to them what you have taken, oh fallen ones. And theirs will be an everlasting joy and I will restore the murdered innocents to their families and Yahweh himself will be their Father and they will take their places amongst the everlasting tribes and they will be avenged even on your own worthless heads!
Behold! They will be made powerful, and glorious, and the innocents have a special place in the heart of Yahweh and his purposes will be fulfilled in their eternal lives and forever will they shine before their Father and their God and they will come to be forever glorified in me Christ Jesus who will resurrect them and fully restore their lives that were stolen before they even had the opportunity to breathe.
So take comfort Rachel, for your children will be restored and rest under my mighty hand of comfort knowing that your little ones will ever be alive evermore and never will they perish, for I Yeshua HaMashiach have so declared and nothing can change my declaration. And Yahweh the great eternal God does rise in anger and judgment and judgment will now fall!
Why do you seek to return to sleep my called and chosen? What I have promised I will deliver for I come in the power and glory of Yahweh the great eternal God and I am one in unity and purpose with my Father, even El Shaddai the great eternal God for there is none like him! Understand that my appearing is approaching and is now even at your door! Time is out for Secret Babylon to repent and her judgment is already underway. Suddenly when the restrainer is removed and my people are raised and changed to meet me in the air, sudden destruction will fall on the ungodly and they will not escape and the blood of the innocents of all time will be fully avenged forevermore in the day of the great judgment, and so now great judgment will fall. Comfort one another with these Words, for you are saved from wrath my Church, even my Bride!
I Yeshua HaMashiach have sent these words by my servant, and by my servant have these words been sent!
I counsel all of the unrepentant to accept salvation by grace before the door to the Ark is sealed shut. You have no time, so make me Lord now knowing that Yahweh raised me from the dead!
And all who are left to the refiners fire I counsel to call on my name to the end and accept not their mark, and you will be saved into everlasting joy!
I am he who is coming in fiery vengeance
I am he who is worthy to loosen the seals.
I am he who protects, fights for, and resurrects those who never had a voice
I am sent by the great I AM
I am coming in the clouds and all shall see my glory
Time is up!