From Yeshua HaMashiach: The one who Moses commanded Israel to hearken and obey.

Incline your ears to hear the words of Yeshua HaMashiach in this last time, and bow your hearts in obedience and allow your hearts to receive my instruction. Because my words are life to those who find them and health and promise do they bring, even in times of great distress. So understand that great distress has arrived and calamity approaches, and the times are now. Truly, truly of an eternal truth it is I, Yeshua HaMashiach, even The Lion of the Tribe of Judah who does come to judge and make war, and understand that there is nothing hidden from my sight, neither is anything hidden in Yahweh's sight and I see the injustice and genocide committed on the people of the land by the invaders from The Synagogue of Satan and I will repay says The Righteous Lord! 

For of a truth, for many jubilees the fallen ones have advanced their mystery of iniquity, even into the times of now where their schemes are ready to come to full completion. But understand that they are only allowed to fulfill Yahweh's purposes in his everlasting and eternal plans of salvation for mankind’s full redemption. Because natural man has been lulled to sleep in great deception and great complacency. 

And so the fallen ones use mankind to advance mankind’s own destruction all the while calling light darkness and darkness light. And so also is The Synagogue of Satan who have invaded the lands of promise and I will root them out fully. For The Synagogue of Satan seeks to lay claim to the promises of Yahweh that are written and confirmed to the Fathers of old. The Synagogue of Satan is infested with evil tares that the fallen ones have planted amongst my wheat and the times of their rooting out has come and so it is written and so shall it be done: For behold, the day comes that shall burn as an oven, and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble, and the day that comes, shall burn them up, says the Lord of hosts, and shall leave them neither root nor branch.

Yet, so has it been accomplished by the fallen ones that the spider has woven his web worldwide now, and by deception they do war. And now is the time of their rising and their short unholy rule is at hand. Because Yahweh in his justice will give natural man exactly what he so foolishly desires in his pursuit of the pleasures of sin. And so the darkness and evil that natural man desires natural man will now have. Yet, if my Gospel is hidden, it is hidden to them that are lost. In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, that the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ, which is the image of God, should not shine unto them. And so natural man in his ignorance has joined the spider in its deception, for by deception they do war. 

Therefore, El Shaddai, sends them strong delusion that they should believe lies made by the fallen ones, that they all might be damned which believed not the truth, but have pleasure in unrighteousness.  Yet in Yahweh's judgment and abiding mercy, pleasures will now be taken from the earth and the delicacies that natural man lusts so strongly to hoard will be taken from the earth. And so even the pleasures of sin will be taken from the earth, so much so that men will achieve madness as they seek to satisfy the lusts of their hearts. However, Yahweh does not choose these actions to be cruel to his creation but to punish evildoers and to wake those who, otherwise, would refuse to wake from their slumber because through the pleaseures of sin and wages of unrighteousness have they been made fat and blind. Instead of full and sudden judgment natural man is given grace because natural man is overcome of the fallen ones.

Yes, in Yahweh's grace and mercy and in his eternal plan Yahweh does seek to wake natural man from sin and to call natural man to righteousness. Of which call many have responded voluntarily to my salvation in my times of grace by way of The Gospel of Salvation. In which times, salvation was a free gift where a person could make me Lord and have time to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling as they fully come to me even fully out of sin. And so it is that my times of grace have reached their end, though grace and mercy are ever with me. And it will shortly come to pass that times of waiting will be no more and that the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of your Lord, and of your Christ, and I will reign for ever and ever with the faithful in our eternal inheritance that I will share fully with my overcomers.

And a great multitude will come to me during Jacob's trouble to save them eternally. And all who call on the name of the Lord till the end shall be saved, no matter the language or nation from which they call. And I do move to save Israel, and I am calling my true kinsman who have been led astray by false religions and have been oppressed by The Synagogue of Satan, and they will achieve eternal salvation and I will yet save Jacob of whose salvation will yet be accomplished by the refiners fire. But understand the times of long lives and material prosperity on the earth have come to an end until my Kingdom is shortly established, and the earth is held in chains awaiting its final judgments to be poured out in great wrath. Behold! The Wrath of the Lamb comes first, and great troubles will wash over the earth like a deluge of utter destruction, and many shall perish.

Yet, great troubles and distresses will be unleashed when the seals are broken and great wrath, and many plagues and pestilence, and famine, and drought, and war, and injustice, and death and much more will come fully on the earth; yet a multitude of multitudes will awaken from their luke warm ways. And they will be in great bitterness and anguish of soul when they realize the infallible truth of scripture and how they stubbornly missed their opportunity at salvation and to escape wrath and judgment at the gathering of my faithful Church to myself. Yet in their bitter distresses and anguish I will inspire an unconquerable resolve within them and I will draw them fully to me, even all those who come to me in torment and distress and through the trials of martyrdom. And great reward will they have, reward so great that their coming troubles are not worthy to be compared to the eternal glory that is to be revealed fully in them.

So it is written and so will it be completed to the uttermost: These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his Temple: and he that sits on the Throne shall dwell amongst them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore, neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb, which is in the midst of the throne, shall feed them, and shall lead them to living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.

And so the spider has woven its web around the world in great deception, blackmail, extortion and in many ways does the spider's venom work it's evil through its deceptive and poisonous ways. For a web of deception has it woven and a web of debt has it woven so that the world is now fully woven into the spider's embrace and is paralyzed by its venom. The spider has moved with great stealth and deception via the mystery of iniquity, and the earth is now fully in its web. And in great deception have these pretenders (made by the fallen ones) invaded the lands like locusts. Even in the same way that the spider cocoons its eggs until a multitude of its young break free and scurry off to weave their webs alongside it. And so the synagogue of Satan has taken the world both by force and by craft.

And over time and through many wiles and schemes they have made themselves mighty, for so is given them by Yahweh in his eternal plans of salvation to accomplish. Because natural man is blinded by their lies and follows them ignorantly to his own demise. Of which plans I speak will culminate in final separation between the wheat and the tares and between the fully committed and those who love their sins and willingly chose the flames in their sordid love affair with their own destruction, and they will eternally regret their choice they have chosen to align themselves to suit the spider's purposes. And so the vials of the indignation of the wrath of God will then be poured out in full.

Understand that the spider is The Synagogue of Satan who is now ready to overtake the earth in their final beast system of which rule I will make an eternal end and of whose destruction and judgment lingers not. Understand, my loves, that The Synagogue of Satan are all pretenders who pretend. They are Edomite tares whose ancestors I faced as the lamb of God as I willingly gave myself to pay for the sins of mankind. And so I exposed them, and so I told them straight to their evil faces: You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do: he has been a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, then he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.

And so since their initial invasion of the promised land that is not theirs to claim, have they persecuted, tortured, and committed outright genocide on the rightful inhabitants of the lands of promise. They pretend to be the rightful heirs of salvation, even misapplying portions of the law of Moses in their Talmudic false religion. And by such means they have blinded many who think they adhere to my will thinking that I will bless whoever blesses these tares and I will curse whoever curses these tares. And so many of my people ignorantly join themselves to The Synagogue of Satan by consent and I surely do command you to repent fully of their lies you have chosen for your own delusion.

My little ones understand that I, Christ Jesus, never authored any study Bibles but these are used as tools of deception with lies given in the margins to interpret truth. And the fallen ones have altered my words in false Bibles, therefore, look to the Byzantine line of texts, even the Textus Receptus where I preserved my Words. Therefore, come to me my loves and learn of me and I will take you fully into the truth of their present deceptions if you will yet humble your heart to my voice given by those who speak for me.

Understand that it is I, Jesus the Nazarene, who confronted these same type of pretenders for their oral traditions that they elevated above the pure Words of Yahweh given to Moses. For The Law of Moses is holy, and just, and upright forevermore and should any man curse The Law of Moses then that man shall himself be accursed. For I, Jesus the Nazarene, did fulfill The Law of Moses as I gave my sinless blood at Calvary for the sins of Adam (and all of his descendants) and The Law of Moses is kept fully by my loved ones who walk by faith in me, Christ Jesus, their ascended and everlasting Lord. 

So understand it is impossible to violate The Law of Moses when a person walks by faith as I lead them by my spirit that I have created within them forevermore. Though, any who walk in the flesh are in violation because Moses came to condemn sin in the flesh by giving that eternal law of delight written by the finger of Yahweh himself. And no flesh is righteous in my sight and neither in the sight of The Everlasting God of Righteousness. Therefore, confess your sins and shortcomings to me, the lamb of God who is your eternal high priest forever after The Order of Meschizidek and I will fully cleanse you in my atoning blood that is shed for the cleansing of all who come to me for salvation.

Who hath heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Will the earth be brought forth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? Yet so it is that the nation of Israel came back into existence as a nation by the declaration of tares, and it was God himself who allowed his enemies to pretend ignorantly in their deception that they are Jacob and not Esau, because it was Esau who sold his birth right to the younger. And so the spider ignorantly and arrogantly thinks that it will bring in an eternal golden age on the earth for so is the lusts of their Fathers that they will do and the fallen ones are their Fathers even the Satans of whose nature they partake.

And yet they have invaded the lands with great violence for so is given them to accomplish to awake those who slumber, even all those who are in partial blindness who will respond to the call of their Messiah, even Yeshua the True Messiah. And understand that I do see every evil deed they undertake, and I do see every injustice they inflict on the innocent, and I will repay says The Eternal Lord of whom Yahweh has made Messiah, King, High priest, and Lord! Every evil deed is recorded perfectly in the heavens, and they will be recompensed eternally and to the uttermost in their eternal inheritance in the hottest flames of cobalt blue in the blackness of darkness forever.

And I do see Rachel weeping for her children as they suffer genocide and unjust affliction by The Synagogue of Satan and I will repay, says The Lord of Lords and King of Kings and I will yet save a remnant of Israel alive through Daniel's seventieth week, even Jacob's trouble. In Yahweh's eternal plan, he understands that many will never depart into righteousness from the pleasures and deceptions of sin. So instead of bringing swift judgment, Yahweh has instead chosen to bring judgment upon judgment so that events accumulate and progressively get worse. And judgment will accumulate in such manner all those who will eventually choose to call on me in their distress and calamity are even those whom I will save to the uttermost, and they will be led to safety.

And so it is that their purposes will now be revealed. For I will lead my 144,000 to descend onto Mount Zion, and they will follow me step by step as they lead my remnant of Jacob to safety in the wilderness where a place is prepared of God for their safety, and they will be fed and cared for and the dragon, the beast, and false prophet will touch them not, nor find them. But the false prophet will bring the abomination of desolation and many tares will be cleansed from the land, and I will hide my remnant away from the battle of that great day, even the day of my second coming of which day Yahweh has marked in eternities past and is set eternally in his timetable of salvation and that day surely approaches for it is written.

And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse, and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true, and in righteousness he does judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns, and he had a name written, that no man knew but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, and his name is called, The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it, he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treads the wine press of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture, and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords.

So it will come to pass that I will come to take my inheritance by force from the hands of the usurpers and squatters of whose time is at an eternal end, because Satans kingdom will never rise again in like fashion. And I will purge and cleanse the earth of all unrighteousness, and Satan will be bound for a thousand years in torment and great fear of his approaching eternal inheritance in that putrid burning brimstone that burns the hottest flames of punishment. 

Even of which flames are created to recompense every evil act they have ever committed since the moment they were created and chose unrighteousness. And every single sin of the fallen ones will be fully given in recompense back to each and every one of them, even every sin they have sinfully committed in great malice against Yahweh himself and his creation of which they have corrupted. And so it is as they are bound and cast alive into the hottest and purest flames of punishment where the fires will burn the hottest blue with shades of white-hot purity. And in those flames of punishment they will be utterly recompensed of all their worthless and detestable actions that will be given fully into their own bosoms a multitude of times over for all eternity.
Because in their judgment they have no mercy! 
Because in their judgment they have no peace!

Because in their judgment they will never have rest!
Because they have taken rest from the innocent!

Because peace they have not known!
Because they have shown no mercy!

And they will be fully recompensed in Yahweh's perfect and eternal judgement that lingers not.

And so will my millennial reign come over the earth fully at the end of Jacob's trouble, and a reign of righteousness will it be. During this time will all the righteous be made alive, and each will have been resurrected in their time and in the orders of their harvest. The faithful in Christ Jesus who are alive and those who have fallen asleep in Christ will be snatched into the heavens in the twinkling of an eye, and they will be rewarded greatly and some will suffer loss, but all will be made alive fully and eternally evermore.

Then at the end of Jacob's trouble will the resurrection of the just occur where I will raise to life all the tribulation saints who were martyred for my names sake and I will raise to eternal life all who died in faith under the many covenants of Yahweh even all those who came to their last breath on the earth from Adam to the birth of my Church on the day of Pentecost.

Yet so shall it come to pass my loves so understand what I will yet accomplish: I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land. And I will make them one people in the land, upon the mountains of Israel, and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two peoples, neither be divided any more henceforth into two kingdoms. Neither shall they be polluted any more with their idols, nor with their abominations, nor with any of their transgressions: but I will save them out of all their dwelling places, wherein they have sinned, and will cleanse them: so shall they be my people, and I will be their God.

And we will enjoy the fat of the land and the wolf will lie down with the lamb as peace comes over the entire earth as the earth is restored in righteousness to it's intended glory. The earth will be ruled in righteousness and I do bring an entire host of kings and priest who will rule the earth in perfect union with me in righteousness, and they will rule with a rod of iron and in such manner will the nations be ruled in righteousness and peace and the ways of Yahweh will saturate the land. And in me, Yeshua HaMashiach, will the lion come to full consummation with the lamb even as my eternal purposes are brought together where The Lamb of God is in full union with The Lion of the Tribe of Judah and so righteousness will rule the land and the earth will give her fullness and no evil thing shall enter my kingdom.

And so it will be that the earth will be repopulated after Daniel's seventieth week, for had the times not been shortened no flesh would survive. And a remnant of Jacob who will come to me and make me their Messiah and I will eternally receive them to myself as Yahweh has promised and foretold. And so the earth will be repopulated in righteousness and the fullness of Yahweh's kingdom will be restored where the eternal will dwell amongst the mortal and where the angels will freely move and where the veil and curse of the law are removed forevermore. Many feasts will there be, and many Sabbaths will we celebrate, and the nations will pour into my Kingdom to honor their creator and eternal Lord and The Great Eternal God, because the earth will be ruled in righteousness and will stand in honor and love to Yahweh who has created all in the manners of creation he has chosen for each of his creations. And in love and righteousness will the earth be ruled.

And yet the corruption of natural man will remain and some will depart from the ways of Yahweh and the currents of rebellion will begin to show themselves yet once again. And Satan will be loosed from his prison of torment at the end of my day of rest, for one day with Yahweh is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day. And Satan will go to gather them together, of whose number will be as the sand of the sea. And they will compass the breadth of the earth, and fire will come down from Yahweh himself to devour all those who would yet once again choose evil and who would attack the camp of the saints.

But understand that evil will not triumph nor will Satan's kingdom come into being ever again and all those who follow his evil ways yet once again will find themselves in that great white throne judgment. Where they will be utterly judged and sentenced forevermore to that eternal lake of torment where Satan himself will be forever bound and cast to the flames in his eternal kingdom of rolling burning putrid brimstone for so are they worthy. They are no kings and they are no gods because they are not able to deliver themselves from my mighty hand and I will bruise Satans head utterly and forevermore and my overcomers will trample on every aspect of the enemies kingdom as it is utterly destroyed.

I am King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

I am he who has sent The Everlasting Gospel, having revealed it to my messenger and servant, and by my messenger and servant have the words of The Everlasting Gospel been sent for the obedience of all who will obey the everlasting covenant that I have ratified in my own blood, even The New Testament which encompasses in full all promises and covenants of old that will be fully fulfilled.

I am he who has been sent by Yahweh himself for the fulfillment of all things and my times have come, and I will save Israel fully and purge them fully from The Synagogue of Satan whose times of judgment, calamity, and distress has come.

I am Yeshua HaMashiach whom the Father has sent, commissioned, authorized, and of whom he has shared his throne and authority!

I am he who sends the Words of my Everlasting Gospel for obedience of all to whom these Words are sent for in these Words is life and peace to the redeemed, and eternal life are found therein. 

And the righteous Judgments of Yahweh and Yeshua HaMashiach have been declared and what has been declared by Yahweh and Yeshua HaMashiach can no one change because these declarations are backed by the throne of Yahweh himself.

Behold! I am coming in the power and authority of The Great I AM and I will rule The Kingdom of God until my enemies have been made my footstool at which time I will present the subjected Kingdom to The Father of Lights, that El Shaddai may be all in all and that The Almighty God may make his everlasting abode amongst men and rule supreme in harmony, love and peace forevermore over his creation, and of my rule shall there never be an end for Yahweh has so declared and promised to the Fathers of old, and as it is written so shall it be eternally done in everlasting perfection and splendor. 

I am that the great I AM has made me and all shall be Yea and Amen forevermore, even an eternal Amen where Yahweh creates a new heaven and a new earth and of which the former things will not be mentioned nor come to mind. Amen and AMEN!

From Yahweh the Great Eternal God!

Hear, hear oh Israel, hear the voice of Yahweh, The Great and Everlasting God of Rightouseness whom your Father’s knew and of whom they rejected when they rejected my beloved son who was sent for their salvation and even the entire salvation of Adam, my prodigal son, who have multiplied as the sand of the sea. Hear my voice and understand that I AM he who is eternal and changes not, and I AM he with whom all of my promises are always Yea and Amen for there is none greater than your Everlasting God of Righteousness with whom you have to do.

So understand, that although your Father’s rejected their true Messiah who I sent to them when Judea was ruled by Pontius Pilate preferring instead that he release to them Barrabas. Yet, I am still calling you to accept my beloved son because I AM sending him to you yet once again for your full salvation and now are the times of Jacob’s trouble that shall absolutely issue in Jacob being freed from The Synagogue of Satan whose judgment lingers not.

And understand that I do see every atrocity committed by these evil tares, and they will pay, and I will perfectly restore all they have taken and all they will yet take from my eternal children many times over. Yet I have given free will that all may choose, and by your rejection of Yeshua HaMashiach, even Jesus the Christ, you have taken to yourselves false gods and many of you have aligned yourselves with The Synagogue of Satan. Therefore, I am coming to you in this time and calling you by these Words because I took your Fathers as a tender plant and nourished them with my schoolmaster intended to bring them to Christ, even The Law of Moses.

And I have entered into many covenants with my chosen people; which covenants they were unable to keep due to the sin and corruption that is in their blood. Yet, I AM faithful to my Words and I AM he who is sending these words to you, even by the works of my mighty messenger whom I have created and given to my Son, Jesus the Christ that he would raise him up for my eternal purposes. And so is the state of the earth that most have chosen corruption and compromise with the fallen ones a sin that you are guilty of O’ Israel whom I have sanctified and chosen for a peculiar people unto myself if you but bow the knee to Yeshua HaMashiach for no other Messiah will I ever send.

And I AM he who sees, records, and remembers every single act committed by those I have created. Especially all those who have rebelled against me and my ways; of whom I will recompense to the fullest for their evil ways for every evil imagination, and for every evil intent of their detestable hearts, and for every evil and detestable act no matter how small because my justice and judgments are perfect in their consummation and execution. Because those who choose to live unrighteously will on account of their choice inherit eternal destruction, whereas all those who choose to live righteously will live in eternal joy, rest, and peace and will grow as calves of the stall.

Therefore, I AM commanding you Israel, whom I love with an everlasting love, to depart from the web of the spider and I will free you fully into everlasting life and happiness. Depart from your blasphemous Talmud because I, Yahweh, The Great Eternal God, did not send that book neither by inspiration nor revelation and I did not authorize not one word in that book, and it is an abomination created to lead astray my beloved people, even created by the abominable fallen ones.

And so I come to you with the same Words I had Moses give to your Fathers when I freed them from Egypt into the land of promise stolen by the evil Canaan. And so Moses cried aloud to your Fathers: I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore, choose life, that both you and your seed may live, by loving the Lord your God, by obeying his voice, and by cleaving unto him: for he is your life, and the length of your days: that you may dwell in the land which the Lord swore unto your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.

Also, I had Moses proclaim to your Fathers the following everlasting truths that were given to him by me concerning your Fathers, of which proclamation I send by my messenger yet again for the obedience of Israel, and these Words are sent by me The Everlasting God of Israel of which there is no other. And Moses did proclaim that I will raise them up a Prophet from amongst their brethren like unto you, and will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I shall command him. And whosoever will not hearken unto my words, which he shall speak in my Name, I will require it of him. Understand O’ Israel that Yeshua HaMashiach, whom you reject is he whom I have sent for your salvation and to reject him is to reject The Everlasting God of Righteousness, even Yahweh himself.

Therefore, understand the gravity of the times you live O’ Israel. On one hand your enemies have overtaken your lands, even the descendants of Esau who sold his birthright to Jacob, and they do seek your full and utter destruction, although many of you have ignorantly joined them in your rebellion of which you have learned from your Fathers. Yet, they will promise you many things and many promises will their false prophet and false Moshiach make because he will speak as a dragon and his promises only bring destruction, so take not their mark or you will join them in their eternal inheritance in the that ever-burning lake of fire where their worm dies not.

On the other hand you have eternal life and peace given by my own hand, even the loving and everlasting hand of Yahweh himself in the face of my eternal and beloved son Yeshua HaMashiach, even Jesus the Nazarene my stumbling block of which all who are faithless shall stumble. And in his mighty hands have I placed your future and no man can approach me through Moses any longer, but only through Christ because I have made Jesus the Nazarene the way the truth and the life without whom no man may approach Yahweh, The Great Eternal God for so have I declared!

Therefore, Israel harden not your hearts at the sound and sight of my words and let them penetrate deeply into your hearts and depth of being and make not the same mistake your Fathers made of which they will be held to account. Reject not my offer of eternal life that I now extend to you personally yet once again. Come fully to Yeshua HaMashiach in full obedience and wait on your everlasting Lord. For he it is that will come to your rescue and lead you to safety with his mighty host of 144,000 Israelites who are born again amongst the tribes and will have the seal of The Living God in their foreheads.

Therefore, my loves, I implore you to turn to your true Messiah for there is no more need for sacrifice because Jesus the Nazarene is also The Lamb of God who is coming as The Lion of the Tribe of Judah and many great and righteous judgments have I given into his hands to accomplish.

And so understand, that I, Yahweh, The Great Eternal God am he who is calling Israel to repentance that they may embrace their true Messiah and that I may yet save you by his mighty hand. Hear my Words Israel and choose life that both you and your seed after you may prosper. And so I cousnel you yet once again in my love for you my children: Kiss the Son lest he be angry, and you perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little.

I AM The Great Eternal and Everlasting God of Righteousness, even Yahweh the creator of the heavens and earth and there is none like me. 

I AM he who has sent these words to my beloved people by my mighty messenger of whom I have revealed and sent The Everlasting Gospel to the intent that these Words will find the eyes, ears, and hearts to all those to whom they are sent. And I have chosen my messenger before the foundations of the earth were laid, and I have called, and sanctified, and commissioned him for the revealing of The Everlasting Gospel that has been revealed in its time.

I AM The Everlasting God of Righteousness who will save my beloved creation and my beloved people from the fallen ones and into eternity and everlasting peace and joy will they go and a new heaven and new earth will I make for them. And I will make my dwelling amongst them and they shall see my face, and they will walk with me in my fields of safe pasture, and I will hold their hand as they walk with me into all eternity.

I AM he who will be all in all. And I will give them to eat of the tree of life and to walk the streets of New Jerusalem and in complete joy and perfection will they forevermore be. And I will wipe away all tears from their eyes: and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things will pass.

Shalom! Israel’s redemption has come!

Shalom! Hear me Israel and repent and come to he whom I have sent for your salvation, even Yeshua HaMashiach! 

Shalom! To The Israel of God for it is in The Israel of God that my people will be gathered and never again will they be scattered, but all will live in harmony, righteousness, and everlasting peace.

And everlasting peace will forevermore be on The Israel of God, and It is I, The Everlasting God who has thus spoken and so shall it be accomplished forevermore.

Yea and amen, and Amen, and AMEN! It will be done!

שלום על ישראל של אלוהים  
(Peace be upon the Israel of God!)

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