Behold, I come to show you secrets of these end times that have come upon the earth before Jacobs trouble breaks fully across the earth. So bow your ears in humility to hear the Words of Yeshua HaMashiach so that you may understand the times you live, even times where great deception abounds. Yet, so are the times you live and so are the times of judgment that have come upon the entire world. Behold! Hear the Words of Christ Jesus my loves, and hear my Words that I am sending to comfort your hearts and to give you understanding of many things you now see that are overtaking the earth, and so that you may always follow my eternal commandment of fear not! Because of an eternal truth, the calamities that have come on the world and the judgments that are set for the unrighteous, and the scoffers, and those who refuse Yahweh's peace treaty are not intended for the righteous and for the faithful and for those who have accepted Yahweh's peace treaty for so it is written and so shall it be done.
Therefore, my loves, allow me to comfort you in times of distress that you may have to give to him that is in need and that you might love Yahweh with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and that you may love your neighbor even as you love yourselves, because truly, truly, all who live in such manner do show the ways of Yahweh that you have learned of me, your Everlasting Lord of Righteousness, for so I am! So I ask you to circumcise your hearts in obedience and accept my Words of truth that are also Words of comfort so that you may have peace in times of calamity, even a time when the birth pangs will culminate with the faithful in Christ being recreated and born again fully into the heavens and fashioned after Christ Jesus who is the last Adam.
And of an eternal truth the times have come for full redemption and the full redemption and salvation of the faithful in Christ is set to occur suddenly and unexpectedly now, and the day, time, and hour is now known in the heavens, and the host of heaven stands at the ready as they await that mighty shout, as they await the sounding of the last trumpet because the trumpet has been given and the times are now. Even a moment in time where promised redemption and complete salvation are realized in the twinkling of an eye in wondrous perfection and there will be no more delay. Even a moment in time of full consummation where all the faithful in Christ during my times of grace starting on the day of Pentecost all these jubilees ago, when Yahweh gave to me that holy spirit of sonship that I did pour out on them as they were all with one accord in one place. When suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing and mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they sat. And there appeared to them cloven tongues, like fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with holy spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the spirit gave them utterance. And so my babes in Christ who were newly born again were endowed with perfect speech in languages they themselves did not understand as they spoke in great boldness the wondrous works of Yahweh!
And so was the birth of my Church and so are the promises concerning it, that truly, truly, the gates of hell will not prevail against my true Church and truly never will! Although many will fall away in faithless insincerity that emanated from their own faithless hearts as they confessed Jesus as Lord in faithless unbelief, even refusing to believe that I have indeed been raised from the dead! Even a confession of Jesus as Lord, where they never repented of sin nor changed their evil ways, but instead chose the blindness brought about by Jesuit fables that have corrupted Christianity into denominational sects, and of an eternal truth Christ is never divided, and Yahweh is never mocked! Therefore, understand that the spirit of sonship is withheld from those who approach Jesus the Nazarene with insincere and faithless confessions. And so I ask, how can a confession of saving faith come from lips that are connected to faithless hearts? Yet, so is the tragedy of your times that natural man has a choice to receive full redemption and full remission of sins and refuses instead, choosing evil and their own eternal judgment. And this because most natural men, even men who have not my holy spirit of sonship, refuse to accept that they are in a sinful and corrupted state, and therefore stand in haughty arrogance claiming their own useless works are righteous instead, even claims that will not stand in the judgments to come, nor that are acceptable in my sight because no man may come to Yahweh, The Great I AM, except through me, Jesus the Nazarene!
Judgment falls! Judgment falls! Judgment falls! Behold! Judgment falls on Secret Babylon, even as promised, even because my many warnings were ignored, even because my Words sent by my messengers and prophets for the salvation of those who have now chosen judgment and their own destruction in disobedient rebellion were tossed aside like worthless refuse. Thus was it written, and so it is coming to pass: And the ten horns which you saw upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate, and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God has put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
And so it is coming to pass that judgment falls on Secret Babylon, and her pleasures are taken from her in judgment. And shortly now it will fully come to pass as it has been written by John the Revelator who faithfully recorded the Words given by my hand: For in one hour so great riches are come to desolation. Therefore, riches and pleasures are being taken from the earth and will not return until my millennial kingdom has come and this is done in judgment and punishment on those who lusted after these delicacies with the intent that they may come to repentance should they turn with full faith in their hearts to Jesus the Nazarene by calling on my name at the expense of their own lives to obtain salvation from a judged and dying world that truly, truly will come to utter destruction and judgment and none shall escape except through the grace and mercy of Yahweh given in the face of Christ Jesus the resurrected and ascended King of Righteousness!
Yet, Yahweh is faithful because he did bind himself in covenant with Noah that he would never destroy the earth suddenly with a flood anymore, but that the earth would be taken by fire in final judgment that is set to fall fully starting with the house of God. Because even in these times of final judgment, grace and mercy and salvation will be obtained by a multitude of multitudes who will see the error of their ways and who will call on the name of Jesus for their salvation and of Israel who will accept Yeshua HaMashiach as their true Messiah and many will be given entrance into my millennial kingdom wherein only righteousness will be found. Because I am The King of Righteousness and in righteousness I do come to judge and make war!
Therefore, understand that Yahweh is an all consuming fire, and I am Christ Jesus who sits with billow in hand stoking the flames of purification so that the treasures of Yahweh (which are his people) can be purified of all dross that they may stand before their eternal Lord and Savior clothed not in their own futile works of unrighteousness, but will stand instead before me clothed in fine white, spotless linen because they accepted the righteousness given by my own hand in the New Testament that I will use to rule the earth in righteousness, even a Testament of perfection that will never cease. And of those who accept salvation in this manner it will be said of them that truly they did not love their lives to the end and instead will have chosen to depart from this evil world in the honors or martyrdom, even in whose honors I sacrificed myself as the lamb of God even so that all who choose Jesus the Christ as their savior might live eternally in perfection before Yahweh the Great I AM! Therefore, understand that the servant is not greater than his master.
And so it is that judgment begins at the house of God and Jacob's trouble is set to break across the earth fully, so soon as the faithful in Christ are gathered, and then the seals will be loosed, and the trumpets will blow and the wrath of the Lamb will fall fully on the earth because The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the root of David, has prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof in righteous obedience to the will and eternal plan of salvation given by Yahweh in The Mystery of God for those of Adam who will accept righteous salvation and for judgment of sinners who will be removed from the face of the earth in the righteous judgments to come.
For of a truth had the princes of this world understood The Mystery of God that I revealed to the apostle Paul when I taught him, and he did write accurately for obedience to righteousness for all who are sanctified thereby: that the princes of this world never would have crucified the Lord of glory had they understood The Mystery of God. Because by giving myself innocently into their hateful hands, in their brutish hate did they unwittingly sacrifice the lamb of God who is the innocent blood! Thereby redeeming Adam fully for all those who choose to call on my name for their salvation, thus escaping eternal corruption in the blood of Adam brought about by the serpent in the Garden of Eden all this time ago. Yet so it is, that the Satans in their hateful and ignorant lusts helped bring about the salvation of Adam whom they seek to destroy from the face of the earth! Except they were defeated fully by their own actions in their ignorance of Yahweh’s eternal wisdom, even The Great I AM, who they sought to overcome by craft, even an impossibility that will never occur because Yahweh overtakes the crafty in eternal judgment that they will never escape.
Wherefore, understand that I am he who stokes the flames of purification that all who would come to Yahweh in the face of Jesus Christ may fully find salvation and may fully come to me to be recreated fully in their proper times and order. And so it is that the time has come to gather the faithful in Christ, even the first-fruits from the dead, even that great barley harvest that is about to happen so suddenly now because the times of harvest have come to Yahweh's garden of grace where a mighty and righteous harvest will be gathered in the storehouses of Yahweh and the chaff will be bound and burned eternally forevermore in unquenchable fires of punishment, so declares The Lord of Harvest!
Even though, at the time of this writing the great gathering of the faithful in Christ has not occurred and many of my faithful struggle to not lose hope in their Lord’s imminent appearing by impatience and many temptations. Therefore, I, Christ Jesus, do give you to understand that the gathering of the faithful in Christ is already in motion and cannot be stopped nor delayed, and so understand that what has been declared and set in motion in the throne and power of Yahweh cannot be changed, nor altered in the least and will come to pass exactly as foretold and at the exact perfect time chosen by Yahweh himself, because whatever it is that Yahweh sets to purpose will come to pass in complete perfection for so is the glory of Yahweh, The Great I AM!
Come out from among them and be separate, and so I warn you again because it is time to depart from the cares of this evil world because your departure is at hand. I counsel you to live your remaining, fleeting time in righteousness so that you may be at the ready for your Lord’s voice so that I may command you in service to your neighbor that you are to love, even in the same manner that you love yourselves that you may sow seeds of righteousness in their hearts and bring the stragglers to the Ark before that great open door in the heavens slams shut in judgment. I counsel you to live the time remaining in righteousness so that you may be ready for the voice of your Lord and so that you might hear that mighty shout when the final trumpet blows to gather the faithful in Christ. And my appearing will be seen and known worldwide because as the lightning comes out of the east, and is seen into the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Yet so will it be when I revealed myself to Paul on the road to Damascus that those who are accepted into the heavens will hear the trumpet and understand its sound and many will see my glory break acrosss the skies. Yet, most will not be able to distinguish that mighty shout and not understand the utterance given thereby, and so they will remain.
So I give you to understand that at the time of my appearing the brightness of my glory will fill the heavens and my glory will be seen and the world will know and understand for a moment that Christ Jesus has made his appearing because the faithful in Christ will be suddenly taken into the safety of the heavens where they will stand before their Lord, even recreated in eternal righteousness forevermore! And those left behind who were so sure they would be accepted at my appearing will weep, howl, and fall into great and bitter distress. Even so, as the gravity of their situation and future settles on them. Then many of them will fully commit themselves to call on my name no matter what and to call on my name to the end, and they will be resurrected into indescribable glory because the weight of their eternal reward is not worthy to compare to the sufferings experienced in this evil world, so says your eternal Lord who willingly hung on a stake for your salvation.
Even so, I will inspire an unbreakable resolve within them to endure the trials and testings that will have come fully on the earth, even trials and testings that are still currently restrained and sealed. Yet, they will do many mighty works of service and love for their fellow man in these times and I will give many mighty miracles for their salvation and many will endure the trials and honors of martyrdom in these times, thereby obtaining an eternally significant inheritance and reward that has not entered fully into the hearts of men at this time. And so I tell all who will read these Words of The Everlasting Gospel to look not to the left nor to the right but keep your focus on Jesus the Christ who will strengthen you to endure so that many more may come to salvation from your example and witness.
Nevertheless, so will it be that the dragon, the beast from the sea, and the beast from the earth (who is also the false prophet) will all rise in their time, even when they are released by the restrainer to do what is given for them to accomplish in the short time that they will be, and never will they rise again in such fashion. And in great deception will he literally claim to rise from the dead, because the beast from the earth will surely fake his own head-wound and great calamity will ensue as a result, even as foretold previously by Yahweh in A Lamb With Two Horns. Understand that they will hide themselves away during their calamitous war that they are waging currently that will be fully loosed when the restrainer is removed and their war will be fulfilled with all the destruction that their war will bring. Because out of utter chaos will their new order rise and the beast from the earth will lie and claim that he is risen from the dead for the salvation of Israel and to cleanse the world of evil, even an evil that they themselves will fully bring.
Yet so I give you to understand the deception that these evil beasts bring so that you are not ensnared thereby. Wherefore, understand that the fallen ones breed humans as a rancher breeds cattle. They mix and match and make their abominations and they claim they are gods on account of mixing seed that should never mix, because Yahweh created life after it’s kind and always has it been intended that Yahweh made the beast of the earth according to his kind, and the cattle according to his kind to preserve the purity and glory of each creature that Yahweh has created in his righteous love for his creations. Yet, the fallen ones sin against all forms of Yahweh's creation as they seek to mix, match, and clone species against species, even so they may pretend they are gods, except they are all pretenders who pretend.
Therefore, understand that the fallen ones are those who seek to mingle themselves with the seed of men but they shall not cleave one to another, just as iron is not mixed with clay. Understand that the fallen ones have developed many lying technologies and tricks to control and deceive those who dwell on the earth, and even all who have pleasure in unrighteousness. Understand that they have developed many abominations made for the destruction of natural man from the face of the earth. Understand that the watchers have once again made their abominations, and understand that the fallen ones have learned to copy and clone life that has been breathed into the nostrils of mankind because mankind was created in the image of Yahweh.
Therefore, understand that any abomination made by the fallen ones is not made in the image of Yahweh but is an imitation of life, and is not made fully from the kind of Adam and therefore, cannot be redeemed neither achieve salvation and is intended for the complete and total destruction of Adam and all abominations that are made in like manner are bound to fulfill the lusts of their Fathers that they will surely do. That which is crooked cannot be made straight and they will have neither root nor branch and they will all goto eternal judgment for the evils they have committed.
Understand further, that the beast from the earth does come to rule with his venom in hand, even that eternal snakebite that is also the mark of the beast. Understand that anyone one from Adam, male or female, who willingly takes the mark of the beast will be forevermore altered from the image of Yahweh forevermore, and will be slaves bound to the will of the hive mind because their minds will be linked to the internet of things to be, even an internet made for demons and fallen angels to possess and control. What? You thought their technologies were for the benefit of man and that mankind developed these technologies by tinkering around in a garage? Repudiate their lies my loves and do not fall victim to their senseless fables.
So it will be that all who take their mark will be meshed with their technologies and will become nodes in their network and will be controlled by their technologies and frequencies and they will be the walking damned who can never attain salvation in their altered state and all who join themselves to their technologies and alterations are forever bound to their judgments, never to depart, and they will have their portion in the fallen ones inheritance of burning brimstone for all eternity.
Nevertheless, the fallen ones continue in their insanity and madness as they seek to escape the firmament under which they are bound for judgment. They continue to make their abominations and they have many technologies of which natural man is not yet aware. And as in the days of old natural man will continue to worship the fallen ones on account of their so called technologies and manipulations. Many of their abominations are made even as in the days of Noah by fornication between the fallen angels and women taken from the children of men. Many of the fallen ones already walk openly among the children of men in disguise of their true selves, and many more appear fully human but are hybrids between angels and men, just as it was in the days of Noah. Behold! I bring giants to fulfill my wrath!
So I give you to understand that many of their deceptions will cause fire to fall from the sky in the sight of men, even where they already cause much destruction and they will continue to develop and reveal their technologies even so that the beast from the earth who is also their false Moshiach will cause fire to fall from the heavens in the sight of men, even a cheap counterfeit devised to appear powerful against my two witnesses who will shortly rise in their times of prophecy and power. Because my two witnesses who are my two candlesticks, who are my two olive trees will cause fire to fall from heaven at their command, and just as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses and Aaron, so to will the beast and false prophet withstand my two Olive trees seeking to counterfeit the true power of Yahweh, The Great I AM!
Nevertheless, the beast from the earth is an alternating copy of himself, except in his deception he appears that he is one, but in reality he is two of which you will not see both at the same time. Because a twin it is not, but an abominable copy of himself. Therefore, understand the duality of their occultic beliefs to understand their methods and insane ways of which they seek to overcome you my loves, and remain firm and fixed with your eyes on Jesus the Nazarene, who is also Yeshua HaMashiach because I have overcome them already. Therefore, stand fast and you will fully overcome their evil schemes that come to nothing. So understand the dual nature of the lamb with two horns who speaks like the dragon becuase he brings a two state solution to rule the earth with the beast from the sea, and he will make an image of himself in similar fashion as Nebudchadnezzar, and of himself there is not one but two that the dragon will use to deceive the world with his lying signs and wonders. Except, a golden image he will not make but an image used for lying signs and wonders made of their worthless technologies that are so soon to be made an eternal end.
Yet so are the nature of their deceptions because they have no heavenly power anylonger because in their defilement they have been stripped of all honor and all authority and no longer are they endowed with the power of Yahweh, but go about in their own strength and hatefully manipulate the creation in their worthless mysteries to seem as gods to natural man who runs after them in his lusts for their technologies and seemingly powerful ways and false occultic systems of death that will lead all who partake to those hottest flames of blue in that great lake of fire where the flames of punishment ever burn the hottest purity.
And so is the nature of their deception that they should set themselves as if they are gods, when in reality they are pretenders who pretend. And their lying signs and wonders will cause the world to wonder after them, saying who is like the beast? Except in reality they will be fully deceived and captured by the dragon’s worthless lying signs and wonders and through many deceptions will they deceive the unrighteous who will follow them eternally, bound to them forevermore. Because the skies under the firmament are now filled with the fallen ones themselves, and their technologies, and even with holographic images they will display to cover my appearing that will happen so unexpectedly now.
They will use their technologies to keep natural man chained to his coming judgment and destruction and the majority of those who dwell on the earth in unrighteousness will follow their ways, never to return and persecute my beloved doves again, because they will be forevermore cast to the flames. Therefore, I give you to understand the fullness of their deception because they will cause lying signs and wonders by their hidden technologies that are mere manipulations of the glory of Yahweh’s creation that is reserved for the inheritance of the meek. They will use their CGI technologies to make their images so lifelike that those who are bound to stare at their mirrors by way of the mark of the beast will utterly live a false reality, very similar to the false reality brought about by the mystery of iniquity currently, where people go from screen to screen, even holding the digital chains of their bondage happily in hand as they are inundated with useless knowledge that utterly results in arrogant delusion, even separated from reality for all eternity should they not repent!
Their AI will rise fully, and is nothing more than demons working through their technologies, even built by the hands of the children of men. Yet, artificial intelligence it is not, but a vehicle for disembodied spirits to thrive, and a means of control and deception wherewith to make it appear that their lying signs and wonders are divine power given to support their lies.
I am Christ Jesus and I do come to tell you of these deceptions even that you are not ensnared thereby.
I am Christ Jesus and I am he, who along with Yahweh, has revealed and sent these Words to our messenger and servant and by our messenger and servant have these words been revealed and sent. Truly, truly, these Words are part of The Everlasting Gospel that has been revealed in it’s time, and the Words of The Everlasting Gospel will find the eyes, ears, and hearts of all to whom they are sent.
I am Jesus the Christ who is sent for the salvation of Adam, who truly truly is the last Adam, even that last kind of man to be made and truly, truly, I will change the faithful in Christ at my appearing (whether they be living or dead) to be fashioned in like manner as my glorified body. Because Adam was created with the intent that he would rule according to The Order of Melchizedek that has been preserved for Christ Jesus for all times even so that I may coronate and consecrate a host of Kings and Priests to rule along with me, even under my mighty and perfect command.
I am he whom Yahweh, The Great I AM, has sworn forever and will not repent, that I am forever and forevermore, High Priest after The Order of Melchizedek and from my eternal shoulders the mantle of Melchizidek will never pass but will rest on Christ Jesus forevermore.
I am The Lion of the Tribe of Judah and in righteousness I do come to judge and make war.
So understand the times you live my loves, and stand firm wherever it is that you stand, and in whatever courses I have set your feet to run, because the hour of your redemption has come and will break across the earth so suddenly and unexpectedly now. And yet I send this message not only for my Church, my Body, and even my Bride but also to Jacob, even Isreal my kinsman of who I am kinsman redeemer, of whom I will save alive to myself a mighty remnant! Because my two olive trees represent the natural olive tree, and also the wild olive tree from which the gentiles were grafted into the root and fatness of the natural olive tree. Even so that Yahweh would be able to save the lost tribes of the house of Israel eternally and forevermore into the Israel of God, theryby being adopted as Sons of God, and also being eternally grafted into the natural olive tree, and of the two there shall eternally remain one! Even the Israel of God!
Therefore, understand that in like fashion as my two olive trees will become one by grafting in the wild branches to partake of the root and fatness of the natural olive tree. And so too will those redeemed from Adam become one new man, even a new creation fashioned after their eternal Lord and saviour, even by way of the redeemed from Adam being recreated into one new man. And in similar fashion that the branches of the wild olive tree were grafted in to partake of the root and fatness of the natural olive tree, so too will those I have redeemed from Adam be grafted into the Israel of God and will partake of the root and fatness of their eternal inheritance that they will gain from the eternal olive tree, even Christ Jesus, because through Christ have you all been made full partakers of the goodness and fatness of the root, wherein does all true goodness reside, even in Yahweh, The Great I AM! Because you will all be redeemed and eventually the two will become one. And so in time Adam will cease to exist, and all who are ordained to eternal salvation will be made a new creation forevermore and forevermore without corruption, and so will it be done. Selah!