From Yeshua HaMashiach who is also Christ Jesus:
Hear the Words of Yeshua HaMashiach, whom Yahweh has sent as your Messiah, King, Lord, and High Priest forever after The Order of Melchizedek and bow your hearts in obedience to my Words because I do come to warn the faithful in my Church, and even my Bride, (and all who have ears to hear whether they be near or far) yet once again of the current strong delusion that now is in full effect across the world, only to worsen when the restrainer is shortly, and suddenly removed! Have I not said what fowler sets the snare in sight of the bird? Oh, you of little faith!
So I give you to understand once again what I taught my kinsman when I came to Israel as the Lamb of God, so hear my Words! For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, who shall show great signs and wonders, so that if it were possible, they should deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert, go not forth: Behold, he is in the secret places, believe it not. For as the lightning comes out of the east, and is seen into the west, so shall also the coming of The Son of Man be! So I give you to understand my appearing is at hand and comes suddenly and forcefully, and I will not be denied my possession that I have paid for in my own blood, even my faithful bride and body, even my faithful church whom I love with an everlasting love! You are mine!
And so it is, my loves, that false Christs have risen and many have there been. But now the times of the dragon have come and Jacob's trouble has arrived and all remaining who are of Adam on earth must make an eternal choice. Because it has been given to the dragon to rule the earth along with his two mangy shepherds, even the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth, who is also their false prophet. Will you keep yourselves from falling into strong delusion by obeying my voice? Would you try to follow the world in its delusions and lies into utter destruction by being disobedient to my voice, even when I come to warn you of the current strong delusion that has overtaken the world? Have you allowed your hearts and your faith to be shaken by strong delusion offered you for false hope?
And so it is that nothing can alter the declarations of judgment given by Yahweh himself on Secret Babylon, even judgment that is given into my mighty hands to unleash when the faithful are gathered and the restrainer is removed, and it will suddenly occur just as promised! Even which judgments were announced in warning to the inhabitants of Secret Babylon, a warning they fully ignored as they faithlessly scoffed. Even my many, many warnings given in the mouths of my many prophets who have faithfully declared these Words of warning for many many years now. Of which warnings I ceased and in their place declaration now stand, even declarations of Yahweh, and of Yeshua HaMashiach, even which declarations are impossible for any entity whatsoever to stop or alter. For what has been declared in the power and throne of Yahweh can no one change, for so are the ways of The Everlasting God of Righteousness, who works all things after the council of his own will.
And so I tell you my faithful, even as I told Simon Peter at the hour of my sacrifice: Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has desired you, to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith fail not: therefore when you are converted, strengthen your brethren. And so I come to you in the lateness of this last hour (for the hour is almost up) to warn you in similar fashion so you may keep yourselves in the way and I do command you who shine as the lights of the World to strenghten your brethren and strengthen each other with these Words in loving faith and obedience so that all of you may keep and preserve yourselves in the way, so obey my voice and walk therein.
Behold! It is written: And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. Will you succumb to this delusion that is not yours, my loves? Truly, truly, I say to my church, will you run to the embrace of these deceivers? Even those who are sent for your destruction by the dragon himself? Therefore, my loves, continue to come out from among them and be separate! Do not partake of their evil deeds and expectations because many are enchanted by their sorceries and witchcraft, and he whom they have now selected does speak as a dragon, even making great promises and grand speeches of himself and many will follow his pernicious ways and many will be deceived and ensnared and taken, so turn to the sound of my voice and hear my words and run to me my loves, turn not to the left, nor to the right and I will keep you safely in the palm of my eternal hands of which no one is able to pluck you from my mighty grasp.
So why do you allow your hearts to trouble you, my faithful and true, even those whom I love with an everlasting love, even all those the dragon seeks to ensnare in delusion and judgment that is not for you. Therefore, do not join their delusions and come out from among them and be ye separate! And for those of you who have rightfully turned from strong delusion, I do command you not to return in the least. Behold! Neither Yahweh, The Great Eternal God, nor Yeshua HaMashiach will send or have sent any political solutions nor any world rulers to remedy the world's troubles at this time. Even troubles that are coming in judgment on those on the earth from Yahweh himself, of which judgment can no one escape, except the faithful in Christ Jesus. Understand exactly what I had Paul write to the Ephesians in the letter I had him write on my behalf to my beloved church:
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the assaults of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against the worldly governors, the princes of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness, which are in high places. So understand my loves that my words are unchangeable, so why would I, Christ Jesus your ascended Lord, ever send you an earthly governor, or ruler or king who would stop the judgments to come? How could Yahweh, of whose will I perfectly complete and of whom it is impossible that he could lie ever contradict himself in his eternal plans that are given to me in full for completion?
Because all world rulers have given their consent and power to the dragon, for so is given for them to accomplish because even the enemies of Yahweh obey his voice and will fulfill his will that is given them during this very short season that is about to crash over the earth with great wrath! For the times of the wrath of the Lamb and the wrath of the Almighty God has come and there is nothing that can stop, nor hinder in the least what is so soon to be unleashed after I gather my faithful into the heavens. And so I shout! Who can stand against the eternal will of Yahweh, the great I AM?!
Yet, understand during my age of grace I instructed my Church to pray for their world rulers, knowing their world rulers were evil by nature and so that by the intercession of the saints evil would be restrained further (and my restrainer does still restrain), and these rulers could choose what would work for the good and well being of those who love God, and so was my age of grace, even though persucutions did abound. And although, the fervent effectual prayer of a righteous man avails much, understand that there are no world leaders given for the salvation of the earth until I come with a mighty host of eternal Kings and Priests who will rule the earth in righteousness at my command because I am Lord of Lords and King of Kings and I am High Priest forever after The Order of Melchizedek.
Understand fully and without compromise, there are no world leaders who can bring peace to the earth. There are no world leaders who can bring safety to the earth. There are no world leaders who can restore prosperity to the earth. Although, they will promise peace and safety and restored prosperity, understand they are powerless to give the things they promise, although they will give the world's worthless goods to those who take the mark of the beast, even the wages of unrighteousness of which will be utterly taken from them in judgment! So follow them not because any and all who follow will eventually be required to take the mark of the beast and those who do are forevermore given to unquenchable, eternal flames of punishment and the world and its worthless goods are passing away. And the dragon will rise fully with his beasts, and the beast from the earth has prepared his venom administered by the serpents bite to inject his venom and iron will be mingled with clay, but they will not cleave one to another.
And so it is written and recorded exactly in the testimony of my revealing, even The Revelation of Jesus Christ so that all may understand who have eyes to see and ears to hear, and a soft heart to comprehend, and so John did write: And the angel said unto me, Wherefore did you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and ten horns. The beast that you saw was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
Therefore, my little ones receive learning and I do give you to understand even though the dragon's kingdom cannot yet rise fully (because the restrainer will restrain until the restrainer restrains no more, even when the faithful in Christ are taken into the heavens) the fallen ones are allowed to prepare for their surprise attack and God does send those who dwell on the earth in disobedience strong delusion. But these things are not intended for you my faithful and chosen, and I, Yeshua HaMashiach do declare and testify to this truth with these words that I have sent by my messenger and servant to be read for the comfort and obedience by all these words are intended. And so I ask those of you who would prefer this delusion over my everlasting truth, why do you marvel? Will you yet choose the lies of the mangy shepherds over the truth and comfort the spirit of prophecy brings?
Wherefore, I give you to understand that these two mangy shepherds who both are and are not and yet will FULLY be, have not yet fully risen, and they will fully rise from the ashes and ruins of the old order and their new order will rise fully! They have now selected for themselves their false Moshiach, even Barabbas, and he will build their temple, and the beast from the sea still puppeteers his senile old stooge and they will succeed, and they will bring Secret Babylon's full destruction, for by deception they do war and so is their nature.
And they are sent by the spider who has invaded the lands, and it is the spider who has chosen him to lead the lands when they are fully risen. Because it is The Synagogue of Satan that has made their choice and selected their new false Moshiach and Secret Babylon has once again given her consent to the dragon, and so they will fully be given into the hands of the dragon who empowers them to execute wrath and judgment, judgment that is even sent as a double portion from Yahweh himself, of which judgment lingers not and is imminent and so they have chosen to themselves their own destruction.
And so it is that Secret Babylon now declares her future to be free from Yahweh’s judgment as they seek to escape as they scoff in their faithless ways. Because Secret Babylon is fully woven into the spider's web, and she cannot escape, and Secret Babylon is in chains awaiting her final judgment. And they will continue to spoil, rob, murder, plunder and take by force her prosperity and her posterity for so is given them to accomplish and a wasteland will remain where they will plunder the earth further for the resources they so lust.
And then sudden destruction will fall suddenly, and in one hour will she be destroyed. Again I say, that war will suddnely break free across the earth, and fire will fall, and many missiles will they send for her destruction. Her greatest city will burn and great waves of destruction will overtake her east and west coasts. The earth will violently shake, and she will be split up the middle and where a once prosperous heartland stood, waters will remain that will cleave her in two, and she will fully fall in her double portion of judgment. Even a judgment they chose for themselves when they ignored my voice I sent by way of my apostles and prophets and servants both great and small: truly she has ignored one and all to her own demise and never again will she rise. And so the earth is given into the hands of the dragon and he will give his infernal rule to his mangy shepherds who he has raised for his own purposes and they are corrupted forevermore.
Therefore, do not fall for their deception the beast from the earth brings because he does speak as a dragon. Do not follow those of Secret Babylon who are awaiting their judgment, for her judgmnent surely will come in one hour and suddenly she is not! Because those who could have followed Jesus the Nazarene as their Lord have now been wooed into the arms of a deceiver because they love to live their delusions, thinking that as it is today, it was yesterday, and surely this great king will make me great once again! But, you Secret Babylon, you will never be great again and your sins remain and you will not escape your judgment that is upon you.
And it is I Yeshua HaMashiach, even the King of Kings and Lord of Lords who has given no king on the earth at this time because no other rule has Yahweh established, save The Kingdom of Heaven of which, I Yeshua HaMashiach am King of Kings and Lord of Lords! So understand that all who have committed themselves to this deciever and abandoned their Lord and savior Jesus the Christ will be left to the refiners fire because you are in the arms of a false Christ, who is also their false Moshiach. And so the final seperation has come for my age of grace and many have been deceived and carried away as spoil by the beast from the earth. And although, many will depart from his deception into eternal life it will take Jacob’s trouble to break them from strong delusion should they ignore my call to immediately repent in these final seconds.
And so I give you to understand that Yahweh has given the final trumpet to sound, even my final trumpet in my age of grace and the trumpet will sound. Because the time is here and upon you my loves, where I will descend from the heavens with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first and those of you in Christ will join them in the air and so will you ever be with me my loves and I will not leave my faithful to the refiners fire because their refining I have completed in my love for them because they came to me willingly even when I was revealed to them.
So understand my loves that the hour has come for the dragon to fully rise and for war and judgment to fully come and that the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth may rise fully with their dragon. Had I not shortened the days no flesh would be left alive, and so their surprise attack will fully come on the world and they will utterly destroy Secret Babylon. So do not fall for their delusions and lies as they congratulate themselves and say openly in the face of Yahweh’s judgments and the wrath of the Lamb “peace and safety” “peace and safety”! Because I am Yeshua HaMashiach who will fully remove peace and safety from the earth until the end of Daniels seventieth week when I establish my kingdom fully on the earth. Therefore, do not fall for their delusion.
And I am he who does send these Words by my messenger and servent and by my messenger and servant have these Words been sent.
Behold! The time has come for your Lord to shine his glory and majesty across the skies for all to see and I will gather all of my faithful in Christ even from the ends of the earth as I appear in the air to gather the faithful in Christ and my appearing will be seen in the skies in like manner as lightning comes out of the east, and is seen into the west, and I will not be denied!
I am Yeshua HaMashiach who will come to judge and make war on the earth and of my kingdom there will be no end.
I am that the great I AM has made me and the times has come.
I am The Lion of the Tribe of Judah and my times have come.
All will forevermore be, Yea and Amen!
From Yahweh the great Eternal God:
Hear, Hear the words of The Everlasting and Eternal God! The times of Jacobs trouble have come on the earth and the times of harvest have arrived. Then suddenly and unexpectedly will my son, Christ Jesus, who is also Yeshua HaMashiach appear in the clouds so both the dead and living in Christ rise from the earth in immortality and incorruption to stand freshly created into all eternity even when they will stand in my very own throne room, even a time that I have yearned and longed for in eternites past.
Therefore, take heed to Yeshua HaMashiach because I have given the order and that time surely approaches and the day and exact time is now known in the heavens, although it has not been revealed fully on earth. And so the times of that last trumpet blast have come and the first fruits will be gathered and the bride groom will join himself in everlasting covenant to his faithful bride and they will fulfill my eternal purposes and The New Testament of Yeshua HaMashiach will be established fully forevermore, because all of my promises are Yea and Amen!
The faithful in Christ will stand at their Lord’s judgment seat and receive for their works whether they be good or bad but all of them do have eternal life. And many will carry off great reward of such that hasn’t entered into the heart of men fully the things I have prepared for them. Because Christ Jesus will make them Kings and Priests before my throne and they will inherit fully their thrones and authority from Yeshua HaMashiach in his inheritance I have given him to share with the faithful, and called, and proven, and true.
And so I declare to the dwellers on the earth to hearken and obey fully the voice of Yeshua HaMashiach because he does come to judge and make war and the final seperation draws near. But first the times of Daniel’s seventieth week will be fulfilled and Jesus the Christ who is also Yeshua HaMashiach does come to the earth to save a remnant of Jacob because I AM that I AM, even YHVH The Great Eternal God, and who is there that is like me? Of my equal there is none, and truly never will there be.
I AM he who has given my eternal plans that I concealed in my own heart until they were revealed to my Son, Christ Jesus and The Great Mystery of God has been revealed and is soon to be fulfilled. And I have given The Everlasting Gospel to my Son Christ Jesus and have revealed it with him to my chosen messenger who has returned faithfully to his eternal calling and he will fulfill my eternal purposes under the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, to whom he fully belongs.
I AM the Great I AM so tell them The Great I AM has sent these Words and the times are now.
Behold! Look and watch because the hour is upon you, listen and keep your ears unclogged so you may hear the sound of the trumpet, for the last trumpet has been commissioned to sound and the hour of its sounding is upon you, only do not fall asleep back into strong delusion.
Are you ready? So let it be done at that appointed time marked in my heart before the earth was made.
I AM that I AM and Christ Jesus is prepared to make his appearing even at that time I selected in my own counsel in eternities past, even a perfect time given for the full redemption of the first fruits of righteousness! Behold! The times are now!
And so the great eternal God says, Yea and Amen!