Woe to you, apostate shepherds, for you have planted your false churches across the lands, and you do not speak for me, nor did I commission you in the works you took to yourselves. And you have made money your God, for you trust in filthy lucre, and you have taught my people that material gain is godliness. Woe to you, apostate shepherds, for the words of Jeremiah describe you accurately: A wild ass used to the wilderness, that snuffeth up the wind at her pleasure; in her occasion who can turn her away? For your adulteries and fornication are with evil, for you have chosen the Satans as your god, and those worthless princes are no gods. You are false ministers who pose as ministers of righteousness, and no wonder, for Satan masquerades as an angel of light.
Woe to you, apostate shepherds, for you have planted churches who have made my sweet waters of life as bitter wormwood, that you serve to those whom I have called, lukewarm dirty water that is bitter to the belly. Even your bitter waters are served in broken cisterns, and you are powerless, though you boast of great power. You have polluted the lands with false doctrines and built your false churches as spiritual prisons that are corrupted by your government, for you have sold my flock into the hand of the enemy; therefore, come out of her now, my people! Your worthless apostate churches are used as control centers where you will bring death and destruction to those left behind, and you will pay.
You have made Remphan your God. You serve Baal. You sacrifice children to Moloch. You are utterly corrupt. You are wells without water, empty vessels suited for destruction, for your inheritance is burning brimstone, and you will be in that great lake with your father, the Devil. You are false apostles, false prophets, false evangelists, false pastors, and false teachers; and those whom you convert to your pernicious ways are made twice the child of hell as you, for you are of a corruption that utterly corrupts. For Steven foreshadowed of your ways when he spoke of your ancestors, even the tares that plagued Israel, for he said: Yea, ye took up the Tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your God Remphan, figures which ye made, to worship them. You apostate shepherds even shamelessly fly the star of Remphan which you ignorantly associate with David, my ancestor; for I, Jesus Christ, am so descended, and I will rule from the throne of David in righteousness. For I am he who is given just such a rule, for I will rule the earth in righteousness!
Woe to you, apostate shepherds, I will repay you to the uttermost for all of your evil speeches, and all of your evil ways will be returned on your own heads for all eternity. For you will join the Devil and his angels in their inheritance from the Most High God; even Yahweh has prepared a great lake of unquenchable fire for you. You have denied salvation to those who searched, but know that I will save them and you will pay. You have denied my spirit to those who would confess my name by giving them false words to speak and silly, vain and repetitive prayers that do not save. Hear me, my people: salvation comes by declaring Jesus as your Lord and believing that God raised me from the dead, and only in a saving relationship with me can you be saved; for I withhold the seal of God from those who confess my name from a faithless heart, for I search the hearts and try the reins.
You arrogantly think because you call me Lord in front of your hijacked congregation that I know you? I will say to you on that day, depart from me, you workers of iniquity, for I never knew you! You teach lies for truth, and you lead those seeking me, the Lord Jesus Christ, astray into a corrupt, foolish gospel, for there is no other gospel: For good news is in me, Christ Jesus! Your vain babblings are about to end, and my wrath is hot on you, and you will not escape. I see every blasphemous action you take; I hear every blasphemous word you speak in my name, for you are a pretender. You pretend that you speak my words, as you pretend I sent you with your pretend stories and your pretend miracles and your pretend staged healings, for you are a pretender!
Woe to you, apostate shepherds, for you steal from those who would come to me, telling them lies that they are required by God to give you money. You ignorantly twist my Holy Scripture, telling those you led astray that they have to tithe to you. For what did I tell Paul when he wrote to those at Corinth: But this I say, He which soweth sparingly, shall reap sparingly: and he which soweth bountifully, shall reap bountifully. Every man according as he purposes in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. But no, you teach lies for truth and steal from my people, even sending the money you collect for Satan’s purposes, and you will pay, for my anger is red hot on you because you lead people who seek me, Jesus Christ, away from salvation to destruction. But know this, apostate shepherds, you will never pluck not one of these from my hands, for of all whom the Father has given to me, I only lost one, the son of perdition, even Judas, because he chose his own destruction over life in me! Your works and labors are in vain, oh apostate shepherds; you have treasured great judgment and wrath on yourselves. For I spoke of your ancestor’s ways, and you are them which devour widows’ houses and for a pretense make long prayers: YOU shall receive greater damnation!
Woe to you, apostate shepherds, for you have led my people to support world governments that are not of me, though the earth is mine. Oh, you apostate shepherds, you point my people to world leaders who are of the Devil, telling them that they are sent of God. You lead people astray into thinking that I will not bless them unless they bless those who commit genocide on the innocent. But what have I said in scripture concerning you, for this is not new, and many came before you in deception, though you are foolish enough to think you are an original. Hear me, my children, for I am exposing this evil for your sakes. For my scripture says: Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. Your worldly sermons, your worldly practices, your worldly conspiracy with Satan, all will come to an abrupt end, and you will not rise again. But you, my Bride, are mine, and these words are not for you, for you will enter into the pleasure of your Lord, even me, Christ Jesus.
I speak now to the congregations of the apostate churches led by apostate shepherds, even you, my congregation of Laodicea. I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot; I would that you were cold or hot. For Paul wrote to Timothy about you and others like you: For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. So many of you attend these apostate churches under social pressures and to feign effort that you are searching for me, Christ Jesus, which you are surely not.
You desire to be entertained, for entertainment is your desire, and entertainment has become your idol! And you won't hear me, Jesus Christ, nor will you listen to any of my messengers except your ears are tickled, but my words do not tickle ears! You apostate congregations: Hear me and hear me well, for I said in the great book of Revelation: And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues: For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Come out of her, or you will share in her plagues and judgment, for the time has come. To my Laodiceans: Leave your apostate churches now, for the time is at hand, and I am warning you, though many of you are too lazy to act on my words.
Don't hesitate at my warning, for what did I give John to write in his second letter? Whosoever transgresses and abides not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God: he that abides in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed. For he that biddeth him God speed, is partaker of his evil deeds. But you Laodiceans are so disobedient that you ignore these words and instead of wishing them God speed, which is bad enough, you go further into evil and invite them into your houses and give them access to your children, and you are utterly at fault before me, so REPENT!
For of a truth, you opened your doors to the world and its ways; you let the wolves in, even the lowest of the low, to feed on my children, and unless you repent, you will pay. Repent or I will come against you, for you are partakers of their evil deeds, and you are in disobedience to me, Christ Jesus, even he who will strip you of your reward and give it to another if you continue to ignore me. For my grace and mercy are about to end, and wrath will abide in its place, though grace and mercy are ever with me, and whosever calls on the name of the Lord to the end will be saved. For you can have no fellowship with the unfruitful ways of darkness, but you are to reprove them.
But you are so naive to think because someone lies and blasphemously uses my holy name on their unholy works that they are sent by me and speak my words. Hear my words, for by their fruits will you know them! Return to my pure Word of God and learn of me, for you do not know me and my voice is foreign to you, and you have not the Father because you have not the Son. Turn to me in repentance, and I will receive you. Sit in sackcloth and ashes in your hearts and bring yourselves low that I may exalt you! I called you to overcome, and now is your last chance to overcome these apostate shepherds and their evil ways; for I am coming, and I bring great wrath on Secret Babylon.
Time is a luxury you no longer possess. You cannot be lazy any longer, or you will find yourselves in Jacob's trouble, when I would have set a place for you at my table and wed you as my bride, but you are unfaithfully in the arms of another, even Satan! So come to me so that I may restore you to your reward. It is not enough to hit the exits in disgust; you must repent of this wickedness and change your ways and confess these sins to me, and I will cleanse you in my atoning blood and wipe the stains from you in my perfect purity, for I am clean and my garments as white as the fresh snow. Return to me and forever will you be with me; come out and come to my outstretched arms, for I am here to tell you that you do not have any time to waste.
To my faithful Bride, who have listened to my voice and followed my ways: To you I say, continue in your faithfulness to me, and if any of you have a foot in the door of the Laodicean church, I command you to take it out of the doorway and let the door shut! For you cannot do what your Lord will not! Have you not read my letter to the Laodicean church in Revelation? Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Notice, I did not say I will come into the Church of Laodicea, but if any man in the Laodicean church hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and sup with him, not his former apostate church, though I am calling them as well if they will only listen. My Bride, the servant is not greater than his master, so follow my ways.
My Bride, I am almost there to catch you away into the heavens, so continue to prepare yourselves and continue to announce my coming. For I have sent many of you in the work of John the Baptist to announce my coming and call for repentance. I have sent many of you in the work of Peter to shepherd and feed the flock. I have sent some of you as stewards of the great mystery of God, in the work of Paul the Apostle (and other stewards of the mystery). I have sent many of you in the work of Philip the Evangelist, so preach the word; be instant in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine. I have sent some of you in the work of the Apostle John, who was also a pastor and cared for the flock with love, tenderness, and compassion, even healing the hurts inflicted on my sheep by the evil one. Doubt it not, for I have sent you in their works; for the time is at hand, for I am about to marry my Bride, for I am coming for you, my loves! Finish your courses, for I am near. Time is up.
I am Jesus the Nazarene.
I am he who will rule from the throne of David, for so am I descended.
I am exposing this evil, though Satan wants it to remain secret.
I am warning you, though many of you are too lazy to act on my words.
I am coming, and I bring great wrath on Secret Babylon.
I am clean and my garments as white as the fresh snow.
I am here to tell you that you do not have time to waste.
I am calling, especially you, my Laodicean Church.
I am almost there to catch you away into the heavens.
I am about to marry my Bride.
I am coming for you, my loves!
I am near and I love you dearly; you are at the center of my heart.
I am your hope and salvation, even the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
I am Yeshua HaMashiach.