Hear my words, my people; listen to that which I make known to you in this hour. For am I not coming to you even now as a mighty messenger to reveal to you that which has been hidden for ages and generations? For even now I would reveal to those who have ears to hear that which I have prepared for my body in these end times. Do you think that I will leave you without direction and knowledge of my purposes for you in these end times? Do you think that I am unable to choose special messengers through whom to reveal my message and my purpose for you at the consummation of all things? Hear my words: Again, I say, listen to that which I speak to you in this hour. For I now have a little book in my hands, and I am making known the contents of this book to my specially chosen servants.

And what does it say? It says this. My people, I am coming to you by way of my end-time message and purposes, which shall be the consummation of all that I have prepared for you even for many generations and ages. And I will cause you to come into the fullness of that which I have prepared, even the fullness of that which I consummated on the cross when I poured out my life's blood for you, to confirm the Everlasting Covenant to you, even a covenant of perfection for my people; a covenant that embodies all the fullness of my glory and power for those who are especially prepared to receive.

For I say to you that a few, yes, a remnant, will be prepared to receive this end-time revelation and purpose, which I am now making known. For it is too potent to be received except by a prepared company, even a "little flock," which shall receive the fullness of the covenant. For you shall walk in these last days in the fullness of that which I have prepared for you. For even now I am giving you a revelation of that which was sealed, ratified, and made available and ready when my life's blood flowed on Calvary. For is it not written that I spoke the words, "It is finished."? What was finished? The fullness of my covenant was finished; even then fully wrought out for the full deliverance from all the power of the enemy, and the full entering in of all that I am ready and able to impart, including the abolishment of death. Yes, the full power to overcome all the works of the enemy, and the full glory prepared even from the foundation of the earth for those who are ready to receive and enter in.

But is it now also written that they limited the Holy One of Israel? My children, I AM the holy one of Israel! But men have limited me. They have hardened their hearts to believe lies and thus have failed to fully appropriate all that I have made ready and sealed, rati­fied, on Calvary's cross. Yes, I say to you that all things were ready then. But where could I find a people who were ready—who were prepared to fully believe? Yes, none were found, save those like Joshua and Caleb. He that has ears, let him hear! For even here I perceive that your ears are heavy, and I cannot fully reveal to you at this time what this means, but you shall understand before too many days are past.

But now I shall reveal as much as you are ready to receive. For the little book contains much for this day and time. But I must reveal it a little at a time, for even now many of you are as babes just weaned from the milk and are not ready for meat. Others will understand more of that which I speak. So let me prepare you and circumcise your hearts completely to receive this end-time message. For to whom much is given, much is required. Would you know the contents of this little book? Then prepare your hearts to receive. For little by little shall it be revealed to you as you are ready to receive.

For even now I am preparing a people who shall fully possess the land prepared—who shall cross over Jordan's tide—who will laugh at the forces of the dragon—even he whose coming is with lying signs and wonders and whose working is like the rushing waters of the Jordan. Consider this, my people! For is it not written that the dragon will come as a mighty flood of death and destruction? And shall not that same dragon come against my people with a flood of lies and deceptions in this day?

But you shall not be overcome, for I will cause the waters to be dammed up while you cross over by my mighty hand to possess the land prepared for you. For truly, this is a good land. And my people have wandered in the wilderness of spiritual desolation long enough. I say to you that the ‘forty of testing’ has been consummated, and a second time my people are coming to the Promised Land. Even now, I am preparing you to cross over in spiritual power. Listen and consider what I say to you. For the little book that I hold in my hands contains all the secrets and mysteries that I would have you to know in these days.

Oh my people, have I not waited longingly for this hour that I might reveal to you that which has been hidden? Is not this the hour that all history has waited for? Is this not that which was spoken of by the prophets, though they themselves understood it not? Oh my people, have you considered the honor and glory accorded you to live in this hour and to partake in this end-time ministry? Oh, that you might be awakened from your lethargy to behold the glory that has been prepared for this hour. Why will you say in your heart that the time is not yet? Why will you wait and not enter in with all of your heart and soul? I say to you, NOW IS THE TIME TO SEEK ME WITH YOUR WHOLE HEART, that I may speak to you in the inner chamber of your heart and make known to you my counsel for this hour. Listen not to those who would seek to discourage you and blind you to that which I speak.

Where are those who have the courage to STEP OUT on the waters of difficulty and testing and WALK TOWARD ME WITH FAITH, knowing that I am able to sustain and uphold you in this hour and forevermore, so that you may walk triumphantly above the waters of tribulation and disturbance, which shall try all men in this day? Walk, I say, fixing your gaze steadfastly on me, looking neither to the right nor to the left; looking neither to those around you nor to the turbulent waters that would seek to engulf you.

For I say to you that you will never make it to the end-time calling and awakening until you are willing by faith to step out of the boat of your present ease and security and into the STREAM OF MY DI­VINE PURPOSE, letting not the waves of doubt and fear overcome you, nor letting those who prefer to stay in the boat deter you. But COME MY PEOPLE, for I will have those who dare to walk on the waters of that which has never been done before, and meet me as I come to you in power and glory in this day.

Did they not see that it was a body walking on the water and not a spirit as they had suppos­ed? And did not Peter, in his body, walk on the waters? Even so, my people, it is not just the spirit but A BODY OF FLESH that shall be brought to me in this day to do exploits above the waters of human confusion and distress. Are you not the BODY of Christ; are you not my flesh and my bones? So shall you be one with me in this day; so shall we be joined to­gether ON THE waters to go forth in this day, says the Lord. And so shall you be in the coming days, says the Lord, a BODY OF OVERCOMERS—those who have overcome all the emotional defilement of the watery recesses of the enemy and who are walking triumphantly in overcoming power. 

My people, hear my words! Are not the acids in the stomach a type of my workings in your midst? Can you get nourishment from that which is not bread and from that which does not satisfy? I say to you, the workings of My Spirit are necessary for you to receive that which is life-giving. For am I not able to take that which is vital from my Word and cause it to be assimilated into your being so that you shall receive that nourishment which you need? But why will you feed on that, which is not my word? Why will you seek that which you know will not satisfy your innermost being?

I say to you, if you will not seek me wholly and let my Spirit vitalize that which you take into your system, you will find yourselves in a condition spiritually similar to that which is described herein. The workings of my spirit are necessary. Otherwise, you are taking only that which is dead and which will do nothing to bring spiritual vitality to your innermost being. Therefore, heed that which you are reading, for it is true to the pattern of that which is happening to my people today. For it is impossible, in the present condition of the church world, for me to work by my Spirit in such a way that my Word will give life and health and deliverance to all who are in need. Therefore, again, I say, seek me and let me give you that which is necessary for you to live a spiritual life that is vital and full, says the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Prophetic Message Given By J. Leland Earls 1923-1991, sometime during the height of the Cold War, which occurred somewhere around 1962.

Taken from the following website: A Mighty Messenger and A Little Book

Comments by William Brooks:

Twice now, I have reached out to the steward of this website who maintains the works of Mr. Earls to no avail, so at this point I can only assume he is not going to respond further. Other than that, I have nothing to say about any of the people who have taken responsibility to steward his works, and this is certainly no reflection of the prophetic works that Mr. Earls accomplished and of whose words still stand to this day. The Lord is the judge of us all, and so it is to Christ that we stand or fall, and Christ is able to make us stand!

However, to be clear, the website I linked to has many doctrines and positions that I do not share nor endorse, nor do I agree Biblically with some of what is written. Many of these things I mention were not written by Mr. Earls, but no matter who writes what, study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

And I will take the opportunity to say this again. Whatever anyone says when they claim to speak for God, prophetically or otherwise, take those words to scripture and especially to the Lord for confirmation and understanding. There is no use in asking me the validity of one prophet or another. I will not answer because I will not be caught in a snare to speak evil of any true prophet of God, nor do I really have the time to divert my attention to prove someone else's works. Who are we to judge another man's servant? To their own master they stand of fall, and so we serve our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, the Lord is the one to confirm or deny the validity of anyone who claims they speak in the name of the Lord. If the Lord chooses to speak through someone, I promise you they have a strong relationship with Christ, and he knows more about them than they know of themselves. Take it to the Lord!

Well, perhaps you would say, William, whats your point in all of this? To which I would answer that the Lord Jesus Christ paved the way for us to receive the Little Book a.k.a. The Everlasting Gospel, not only scripturally, which is of the highest importance, but also 60 some odd years ago in the mouth of J. Leland Earls. Personally, I am thankful for his faithfulness, and especially thankful to Christ Jesus, our resurrected Lord, for working in this man to give him these words that bless us so powerfully today. I am thankful to the Lord Jesus Christ for revealing to me, to share with all of you, the Little Book of Revelation Chapter 10/The Everlasting Gospel of Revelation Chapter 14. Shalom Shalom!

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