Unstop your ears, and allow me to open your eyes, O’ Israel, and awake from your partial blindness and hear the voice of your true Messiah, even the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, for so I am. So understand the words of Yeshua HaMashiach, even he with whom you also have to do, O’ Israel, for so I am.
Truly, truly, hear my words my brethren that you may understand the times you live and that you may understand the hope of your calling that is returning to the land of promise, for I am the hope of your calling, and I am calling you, O’ Israel, so you may understand what is to come and also the wrath that is to be unleashed in these times in which you live. And I am the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and in righteousness I do come to judge and make war, so understand the severity of my Words, even the Words of he with whom you also have to do for so has Yahweh made me to be.
Because I am that rock of offense, even that great stumbling stone where all the faithless shall stumble, because the just no longer live by Moses but the just shall live by faith! Because Moses lives in your true Messiah even he who perfectly kept the very law that is impossible for Israel to keep, and even all of Adam to keep because of sin in your corrupted flesh. And I am he who paid the penalty of Moses when I offered myself as the lamb of God to Yahweh in eternal atoning sacrifice because the penalty of sinners was not mine to pay, yet in my love for Yahweh, and my love for mankind I paid your penalties in full. Even penalties of great torment, agony, and death did I pay in full and Yahweh has accepted my sacrifice forevermore.
So understand, the wrath of the Lamb is about to be unsealed and the trumpets are set to blow, and behold, the vials of the indignation of the wrath of God surely approaches and is at your doorstep, therefore, hear my voice that both you and your children may live and escape the trap that Barabbas works to set for my people, even the lamb of the dragon who has been selected by Esau as their Moshiach, who is also a beastly temple builder. And he will rise as a lamb with two horns, and he does come to divide the lands even further from the rightful inhabitants who have been displaced by their genocide, to divide amongst the squatters from Esau who have laid false claim, and the invaders sent by the dragon who are the descendants of Ashkenaz and not Jacob but have yet joined themselves to Esau with their Talmudic ways.
And I am he who Yahweh did send as the lamb of God, even as a perfect peace treaty, even as your perfect Passover and even the final sacrifice for the sins of mankind once, all, and forevermore and there remains no more sacrifice for sins. And I did come to my own in love and peace, even of whom rejected my sacrifice, and yet I am sent as the perfect Passover in obedience to the will of Yahweh, and I am the lamb of God, of which Yahweh provided perfectly for your sins, therefore hear my voice O’ Israel and understand that I will no longer come to the earth as the lamb of God, and peace is to be taken from the earth in judgment that has come. Even of which judgment is to be suddenly unleashed first on the house of God because judgment begins at the house of God.
Because the faithful in Christ will be taken into the heavens, and the lukewarm will be left to the refiners fire for the destruction of the flesh, even so that the spirit may be saved yet so as by fire. And many, many multitudes will come to Jesus the Nazarene from all nations and kindred and tongues and I will purify them in righteousness and I will receive them to myself and will recreate them in righteousness and true holiness and of their reward there is no comparison to the sufferings they will endure, because the weight of their reward will far surpass the expectations of men and eternally will they ever live in perfect peace and holiness and true righteousness.
For it is written of them and so will it be: These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their long robes, and have made their long robes white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, are they in the presence of the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his Temple, and he that sits on the throne will dwell amongst them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore, neither shall the sun light on them, neither any heat. For the Lamb, which is in the midst of the throne, shall govern them, and shall lead them unto the lively fountains of waters, and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
So understand that I am he who has completed my works amongst the gentiles and my times of grace and mercy have come to a close, though grace and mercy are forever with me, and Yahweh himself has declared that he will have mercy on whom he will have mercy, so grace and mercy truly endure forever. Truly, truly, I went to the gentiles even as an exile rejected of my own who have been taken by Esau in bondage to his blasphemous traditions of which they seek to corrupt the eternal and everlasting Words of Yahweh, of which corruption is impossible. And yet they fabricated their infernal beliefs at the hands of their scribes who codified the traditions of wicked men into a supposed holy book, but how can a book of blasphemy be holy? Truly, truly, woe to them who call darkness light and light darkness, for their judgment lingers not!
And my times amongst the gentiles have come to an end because they have fallen to the same sins your Fathers fell when they rejected the lamb of God whom Yahweh sent to them undeservedly as an eternal peace treaty to the nations, of whom a great multitude has come to salvation. And now those who could have become the children of promise amongst the Israel of God have boasted themselves against the natural branches even of the natural Olive tree to which they were grafted in place when the natural branches were cutoff in the same unbelief.
And yet they were taken from a wild olive tree, even a tree with no hope nor promise and of those who came to me and made me their eternal Lord of righteousness in times of peace, grace, and mercy are now adopted into the Israel of God and fully partake of the promises made to the Fathers and many of these will serve me eternally as my body and I will take them to myself as my bride and I will seal my 144,000 who have purified themselves in my atoning blood as pure as virgins who are undefiled by the great whore. And by salvation of the gentiles were the nations blessed and indeed those of the lost tribes who obeyed my voice have come to salvation in their Lord and they will live eternally amongst the tribes in the Israel of God! So understand, I will save some of all from Adam from wherever he wandered on the earth in his days of chastisement.
Because Yahweh has made me a life giving spirit, and after the flesh am I known no more. Truly, truly, I am he who has now cut off the wild olive tree because of their unbelief and because they have broken my covenant, even my New Testament. And that because they are to have one Lord, even me, Christ Jesus the Lord of Lords and King of Kings and in my lordship is their only hope. And yet they have taken to themselves false hope in Barabbas and foolishly placed their hopes in a false lord who invaded their Churches with false hopes of material prosperity, even a false Savior who promises to save Secret Babylon but who secretly works for Secret Babylon’s destruction. Even the same pretender who is the beast from the earth who will rise as Esau’s false Moshiach, even the lamb of the dragon who will rise having two horns. And so my infiltrated Church of Laodicea have erred and are now consenting to their own deaths, for Barabbas only brings death, and he will utterly decimate and destroy that great whore, even Secret Babylon, whose judgment has come on account of her utter wickedness and depravity with which she has corrupted the earth in her fornication.
So they have rebelliously chosen to themselves even he who brings their destruction as their pretend savior, because the Synagogue of Satan are pretenders who all pretend. So learn, O’ Israel, just what Barabbas is about to accomplish because he has sold them into the hands of their enemies, and he will fake his own head wound and hide himself away in the earth from the calamities about to strike. And he will rise in great deception as a false Moshiach to Israel because they will have their war, even their third such war, and the worst of the three will it be. Even so, for so it is written and so shall it be done: And I saw a beast rise out of the sea, having seven heads, and ten horns, and upon his horns were ten crowns, and upon his head the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, and his feet like a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a Lion: and the dragon gave him his power and his throne, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death, but his deadly wound was healed, and all the world wondered and followed the beast.
And so it is that the words in scripture do reveal his treachery, even the Words I gave to John the Revelator these many jubilees past. And it will appear that Barabbas will receive a head wound, but he will lie and fool the world that will fully believe his lying signs and wonders for so is given him to draw all those who have pleasure in unrighteousness to himself in strong delusion, for he is their defiler and destructor. And in his hands he does bring the serpents bite, even that beastly jab, and they will mingle iron and clay though they shall not cleave one to another, yet so the lamb of the dragon will rise. And he will rise atop the fallen one’s final beast system, which will be their final empire to rule the earth from the land of promise. Yet he will not rise alone, but he will rise along with the beast from the sea, and they will rule their alliance of kings who have given their full power and authority to the dragon because they all worship the dragon and to him are they fully dedicated because he is their Father, even he who has planted his evil tares amongst Yahweh’s wheat, and I will utterly root them out and cast them to the fires.
And so will the lamb of the dragon rise in full deceit and many lying signs and wonders will he display to prove his false prophecies, and he will make many boastful and blasphemous claims of himself even claiming he himself is God. And the one beast will point to the other and a tandem rule will they have, even according to the plans of the dragon with which he will rule his evil kingdom for a short time. And they will make all things of Christianity illegal, and they will outlaw the holy writings, and it is given into their hands to make war with the saints and overcome them, and so will they accomplish. Yet they will merge the worlds religions so that all will worship their black cubes because at Satan’s feet have they united themselves in final rebellion and they will not escape my mighty hand, says your eternal Messiah, even Yeshua HaMashiach!
And yet in their hate for all things pertaining to Christ Jesus they will cause salvation to come upon a great multitude of whom they will martyr, even those who will call on the name of Jesus the Nazarene to their final breath and I will strengthen them and give them great hope, and they will come to me fully, even all those who are heirs of eternal salvation, and no one is able to pluck them from my hands and all those whose names are written in the lambs book of life will be saved. So fret not for your loved ones who appear lost, because many of them are in my mighty hands and I will yet bring them to salvation in Christ Jesus and in whatever language they call on my mighty name I will hear them!
Yet, so it will be that a false lamb with two horns will rise to rule the world from the promised land Esau seeks to lay claim as his own, but his claims are spurious and Jacob’s birthright is sure forevermore, even which birthright Esau sold for a morsel of bread. Because Esau has joined himself to the fallen ones and has joined himself to Ashkenaz who have taken to themselves the very rites and practices of the evil Canaanite and yet they do lie and claim they are of Israel when they are not. Because it was Canaan who lusted after the ways of the fallen ones after the great flood, thus forever altering his posterity into eternal damnation because all who alter themselves genetically from the image of God of which image they were created have no forgiveness because these are the ways of Satan that Esau has codified in part in his blasphemous Talmud from where his deception springs.
And so Ashkenaz, who is of Japheth, has joined Esau in his false claims of inheritance, wherewith they seek to steal Jacob’s inheritance from the children of promise. However, such efforts are futile and will not stand because I am he whom Yahweh has given all things into my mighty and capable hands. So understand that I am he who has inherited all things promised to Jacob and I am your true Messiah, and in my hands are your rewards O’ Israel and in the hands of Barabbas your eternal destruction awaits, therefore join him not!
So understand that the rewards of promise made to the Fathers of old rest firmly in my hands and no one is able to steal what is rightfully mine for so is the power given me by the great I AM and I will give this inheritance to the children of promise, even the just who live by faith in the Son of Yahweh, who loved them and gave himself for the eternal salvation of the children of promise, therefore O’ Israel accept me as your Messiah that you and your children may live and prosper in the way. And I will keep and preserve you that you may come to your full lot of inheritance in my millennial kingdom that is at your doorstep. So hear my call, O’ Israel! For I am calling you to submit yourselves to my mighty hand that you may also become the children of promise because Moses is kept fully by faith in me, Yeshua HaMashiach, therefore, rest in my works and cease from your own.
And so Ashkenaz has joined Esau in his false claims, wherewith they seek to steal Jacob’s inheritance from the children of promise. However, such efforts are futile and will not stand because I am he whom Yahweh has given all things into my mighty and capable hands. So understand that I am he who has inherited all things promised to Jacob, and I am your true Messiah, and in my hands is your reward O’ Israel and in the hands of Barabbas your destruction awaits. Therefore, understand the choice you have to make, and he with whom you also have to do, because I am he who is sent by Yahweh for your salvation, even he whom Moses commanded your obedience, O’ my disobedient brethren.
And so as it is written of them and so shall it be fulfilled by my mighty hand, because Yahweh did reveal the truth of Esau to his prophets in the days of their offenses which have been many. For it is written of old: For your cruelty against your brother Jacob, shame shall cover you, and you shall be cut off forever. When you stood on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away his substance, and strangers entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even you were as one of them.
So understand O’ Israel that the final separation of Jacob and Esau has come upon you, and I do come to purge the land of promise from the hands of the fallen ones and Esau shall be utterly rooted out, and of Esau it is written: And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau as stubble, and they shall kindle in them and devour them: and there shall be no remnant of the house of Esau: for the Lord hath spoken it. So understand those of Esau who read my Words, what Yahweh has declared can no one change and your end will be one of finality and you will be utterly rooted out and never will you be again.
Because I am the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and in righteousness I do come to judge and make war. So hear my Words O’ Israel and hide yourselves from the day that is upon you. Hide yourselves from the man of sin that comes your way, because Barabbas comes with eternal death in his hands offered as a miraculous cure falsely promised to give life eternal. But they will not have lives to live in the second death only continual destruction in the hottest flames of punishment where their worm dies not.
I am he who will break the seals on my scroll of inheritance, even the very deed to the earth that I have purchased in my own atoning blood from the hand of Yahweh himself. And I do come to root out the squatters and all those the fallen ones have sent, and even the fallen ones themselves and their times are at an end. So understand what is to come, Israel, because they will establish their kingdom and they will appear victorious and many lying signs and wonders will they show so they may deceive all who have pleasure in unrighteousness. And they will think they have established the start of their golden age wherewith they lust to establish, because they are of their Father the devil, and the devil is that great dragon, therefore, the lusts of the dragon they will do.
Yet, they will have no golden age but only severe and harsh judgment, of which judgment will commence quickly as my faithful in Christ are gathered to me in the clouds as I make my appearing of which the earth will see. Yet, they will lie and tell the world that enemy aliens have stolen many away from the earth and they will return and the earth must be ready to fight these pretend invaders. Yet in truth they are preparing themselves to the battle of that great day, even the day of my second coming, even a day where the birds of the air will feast greatly on the flesh of their fallen kings of the earth and so will it be.
And as the judgments accumulate, as the seals are broken (the horsemen will ride) and the trumpets will sound and it will happen even as written of John the Revelator and also according to the Words of The Everlasting Gospel that has been revealed in its time that Israel may be readied against the day of their trouble and readied for the day of their salvation, which lingers not. And many will blaspheme the God of heaven for the judgments that are to come upon them and many will not repent, and most will take their beastly jab and mix themselves with technologies they do not understand, because their technologies are for the destruction of Adam so hide yourselves away O’ Israel.
And my two prophets, even my two candlesticks will rise and prophecy many things kept secret from the hearts of men and they will reveal much that has been lost in the writings of old and truth will be made known, and the fallen ones will be fully exposed, and Edom will be laid bare from where Esau arose and all those who have joined themselves in confederacy will be exposed and the truth will be made known. And they will herald The Everlasting Gospel and their testimonies will be added to the holy writings forevermore and for all eternity. And yet even in times of judgment does my grace reign supreme, because instead of swift justice that would swallow up the land of the living, grace and space to repent will be given before final judgment is set to fall. Therefore, many will come to their everlasting Lord of Righteousness and I will receive them to myself and keep them eternally more for Yahweh’s eternal purposes of which they are saved to accomplish.
And when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes out of the bottomless pit, shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them, and their bodies will lie dead in the streets for three and a half days. At the end of which time they will rise to newness of life as they hear that mighty voice from heaven who will say in front of them all present Come up hither! And they will be raised and taken into the heavens in the sight of them all.
And as the temple is completed the lamb of the dragon will move to dedicate the temple and yet he will set the abomination of desolation in the holy place and cause the oblation to cease mid-week where he will declare himself God and turn on the people. And the blood will flow mightily, and those who have refused my Words and joined themselves to Barabbas, even a great many of these will be killed even as written: And the Angel thrust in his sharp sickle on the earth, and cut down the vines of the vineyard of the earth, and cast them into that great winepress of the wrath of God. And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.
So understand the trap that is being set for you Israel, and depart from the ways of Esau into the arms of your true Messiah and I will save a remnant alive for myself. And so it will come to pass that I will come to the earth on Mount Sion with my 144,000 and I will lead you to a place in the wilderness prepared by Yahweh where you will be cared for and kept alive from the wrath of that great day. Because it will come to pass even as written: The dead which die in the Lord, are fully blessed. Even so says the Spirit: for they rest from their labors, and their works follow them.
And as my flock is taken into their field of safety, the full indignation of the wrath of God will be poured out in full on the beasts kingdom and even all those who dwell on the earth in unrighteousness and it will happen even as written and great agony, and terrible consequence will fall on those who have set themselves in array against the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and great punishment and torment will they endure on account of the vials of wrath that are to be poured out on the earth and so will it be.
So understand who I am, O’ Israel, because you no longer know Yahweh, nor do you follow his ways but you unknowingly worship false gods whom your Fathers knew not, even in the ways of Esau who has joined himself to the fallen ones and the confederacy who have united themselves around their false and highly blasphemous book of lies where they codified the traditions of men over the truth of Yahweh’s everlasting Words of righteousness thereby worshiping and serving the creation instead of the creator, who is blessed forevermore Yea and Amen!
I am he who brings the full wrath of the lamb and I will exact my wrath on all those who pierced me and all those who stand against me when I come with the hosts of heaven and they will utterly perish by way of the double edged sword that proceeds out of my mouth.
I am Yeshua HaMashiach who does come to judge and make war and in eternal righteousness will my everlasting rule be.
I am he who will utterly crush the head of the dragon who is that old serpent even Satan himself and of his wound he will not recover and never again will his kingdom rise because he is no king and of his punishment is the most severe because at his hand was the creation initially corrupted and many have been taken by his wiles.
I am the Lord of Lords and King of Kings and my wrath is fierce and my judgment has come and the times of Daniel’s seventieth week is about to break across the earth suddenly, even as I suddenly snatch the faithful in Christ to myself in the safety of Yahweh’s throne room where they will know even as they are known, and the bridegroom will take to himself his bride who has readied themselves for their bridegroom in much purification and atonement in the ever atoning blood of the lamb.
Therefore, understand that I am he who will right many wrongs in judgment, and I am he of whom it is written vengeance is mine saith the Lord, and I will repay. And so I will utterly root Esau out of the land of promise and I am he who preserves Jacob’s inheritance in my mighty hands that I have reserved for the children of promise, and of which promises the children of the flesh shall be fully denied.
Therefore, understand my Words O’ Israel and understand what I will accomplish, for it is thus written of Esau and so shall it be accomplished: But you (Esau) should not have beholden the day of your brother, in the day that he was made a stranger, neither should you have rejoiced over the children of Judah, in the day of their destruction: you should not have spoken proudly in the day of their affliction. You should not have entered into the gate of my people in the day of their destruction, neither should you have once looked on their affliction in the day of their destruction, nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their destruction. Neither should you have stood in the crossways to cut them off, that should escape, neither should you have shut up the remnant thereof in the day of affliction. For the day of the Lord is HERE, and upon all the heathen: as you have done, it shall be done to you: your reward shall return upon your own head.
O’ Israel, understand the severity of the times that have arrived for your full redemption, even the times where the earth will be fully cleansed from unrighteousness culminating in my second coming to the earth where I will establish the Kingdom of Heaven fully on the earth, and where the earth shall be ruled in the righteousness of my New Testament that I have ratified and sealed in my own atoning blood.
O’ Israel, separate yourselves from Esau, and return to your true Messiah and I will receive you to myself and I will shepherd you because I am the Chief Shepherd who shepherds the flock of Yahweh perfectly in my sinless hands.
O’ Israel, separate yourselves fully from the ways of Esau and return to the holy writings of Yahweh and come fully out from amongst them in word, deed, and practice my children so that you do not partake of their judgments and so that you are not ensnared and taken in Barabbas trap, for what fowler sets the snare in sight of the bird?
O’ Israel, hide yourselves from the wrath to come and separate yourselves from the way of sinners and I will keep you in the way and preserve you from your own destruction even which destruction comes at the hand of your enemies, even their beastly mark of which none will ever recover.
I am, Yeshua HaMashiach, and I am he who has sent these words by my messenger and servant and by my messenger and servant have these Words been sent, and The Everlasting Gospel has been revealed in it’s time and the Words of The Everlasting Gospel will find the eyes, ears, and hearts to all those to whom they are sent.
Behold! My time has come and I am he who will surely come to snatch my faithful in Christ, whether they be living or dead and all the World will know of my appearing, only believe not their lies, O’ Israel, because my appearing is given as a sign of surety and guarantee of my second coming that will certainly happen even as promised of old, and there is nowhere my enemies can hide that I will not find every last one of them because no one can escape from my mighty hand.
I am he who has been empowered by Yahweh himself to restore the creation to its creator in full righteousness and true holiness and I will do exactly as Yahweh has commanded because I always obey my Father’s voice in full obedience so that every Yod, and every thorn of a Yod may be fulfilled in all righteousness.
I am The Lion of the Tribe of Judah and I do come to utterly crush forevermore the head of that great dragon, even that old serpent whose wiles have corrupted the garden of Yahweh from the beginning, THEREFORE, who can stand against whom the great I AM has empowered and shared his throne, because it is El Shaddai who works mightily by my mighty hand of which he has empowered, and no one can separate me from my eternal purposes, because I am he who will put down all unrighteousness never to rise and rule again.
Behold! I am he who will now move to make my enemies my footstool, and I will force their rebellious knees to bow to my judgments and I do come to destroy the squatters and send them to their punishment and judgments of which they will never escape.
I am he who is coming to exact vengeance on the fallen ones and to deliver Jacob forevermore from their grasp.
And I am he who will restore the creation in peace after the day of trouble and I will recompense the just and righteous according to their works, and forevermore will we go into peace and tranquility where perfect joy and happiness will be had by all, and Yahweh will make his abode amongst men even in that great day when I will have given the subjected kingdom into his mighty hands that Yahweh may be all in all and what a sweet day of unity and consummation that will be.
I love you my countrymen, and I do come to fight for you my loves, therefore, hearken to the sound of your true Messiah’s voice and understand the words of Yeshua HaMashiach, even he with whom you also have to do, O’ Israel, for so I am.
I am The Lion of the Tribe of Judah!