Hear the Words of Yeshua HaMashiach and bow your ears to the sounds of my Words and circumcise your hearts to receive your true Messiah, O' Israel, and understand my speech so you may be wise in your ways, and that you may yet allow me to redirect your feet and alter your path from that wide path of destruction of which you follow, to the narrow way of salvation that are my ways and of which I am. Because I am he who Yahweh sent for your salvation, and I am the promised seed of the woman who will crush the head of the serpent, and I am calling you to myself my brethren, even my kinsman of whom I am kinsman redeemer. So I command you to circumcise your hearts and cease your fruitless arguments that you may bear fruit in your true Messiah so hear my instructions that are given for your obedience that you may yet live before Yahweh the Great I AM, even by accepting me as your eternal Messiah of which truly, truly: I am.

And even as Yahweh sent the law of Moses to your Fathers (of which law is your school master intended to bring you to Christ), so too has Yahweh sent me as promised of old where he promised salvation to the Father's of whose children I now address, even the children of Israel who I love with an ever-burning love. Yet in ignorance and faithless unbelief was I rejected of your Father's and given into the hands of sinful men to do with great cruelty and malice those things of which the law forbade them to do; and also that they may yet appear righteous to the people of the land when they murdered the lamb of God with your Father's consent, even a crime which many of you still foolishly consent.

Yet, understand Israel that I was not taken by force by my enemies and by your enemies. Understand, that I was neither taken by force, and neither by craft and no weapon that is formed against me can prosper, for so has Yahweh declared and what Yahweh declares can no one change! Indeed, Israel, I am he who said to Judas Iscariot when I was betrayed by his hand for thirty pieces of silver, this that you do, do quickly! For the price due to a slave owner who had a slave gored by an Ox was my life sold into the hands of those who pierced me, given even by the hands of the chief priests and Sanhedrin who I did confront for their evil and hypocritical ways. And so Judas betrayed me into the hands of Esau, even he who has laid claim to the land of promise yet once again by force, even a claim Esau sold for a morsel of bread. And yet, I willingly allowed myself to be taken by my enemies when I could have easily escaped, and truly, truly, had I prayed to Yahweh, he would have given me command of more then twelve legions of Angels, but how else then could the Scriptures be fulfilled, and so it was finished.

Yet, so it is, that my purposes and ways have been misunderstood by my own kinsman and those of my own nation that I love eternally with a deep and burning love that cannot be quenched nor conquered, because I am your Rock of Foundation without which no builder may build, and at which the faithless stumble. Because it was in my love for you, and all of Adam who is overcome of the fallen ones, that I willingly gave myself into the hands of my enemies to redeem you from the curse of the law. 

And so is my eternal commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love than this has no man, when any man gives his life in sacrifice for his friends, which I willingly did knowing that without my obedience to my Father's will mankind could be cast away forevermore. And I am Adam's savior even he who has redeemed mankind from his fallen state should any man come to me on bended knee and confess me as their Lord and indeed I am your true Messiah O' Israel. 

Understand my brethren, that I made no claims of myself that had not been written by the finger of Yahweh on stone tables and stated in the mouth of his servants the prophets to be recorded for the faith and obedience of the heirs of promise, of whose you are O’ Israel, if you will yet harden not your hearts as your Father’s did in the wilderness in their provocation against Yahweh, and in the wilderness did their faithless lives come to an end in utter futility, and they themselves did not inherit the promises but the children of faith! 

And yet in your partial blindness you believe the lies of Esau that I am a deceiver and of course I was rejected of Esau because Esau seeks to lay claim on an inheritance that he sold to the younger and there is no path of repentance for Esau, though he sought one with tears. And your Father's did not understand my true purposes because they sought a worldly leader to overthrow those whom they pledged themselves in subjection even so they could maintain their positions amongst the people. Yet, I was sent to deliver mankind from the hand of the fallen ones who Adam foolishly joined in his disobedience to Yahweh’s command because of the wiles of the serpent who deceived him and the mother of all the living when they sinned at Eden in the beginning. And though many nations have risen and fallen, and many empires have risen and fallen since the times of my sacrifice, Israel is still in bondage to their enemies even to this very day and serves the purposes of Esau, who seeks their utter destruction.

Yes, Israel has remained in bondage because your nation was taken from you in chastisement for killing the innocent blood, even willingly and maliciously killing the very sinless man sent of Yahweh for your redemption. Even me, Yeshua HaMashiach, when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his Son made of a woman, and made under the law, that he might redeem them which were under the law. And in my sinless life and obedience did I present myself as the lamb of God in agonizing and brutal sacrifice when I offered myself as high priest forevermore after the order of Melchizedek. 

And of which mission is completed and I am sat down at the right hand of my Father, even Yahweh, the great I AM. And I have inherited all things, and into my mighty hands are all things given in heaven and earth until my enemies be made my footstool but of my Kingdom there shall never be an end! Of which Kingdom where your King will rule surely approaches at the end of Jacob's trouble where I will obliterate the enemies kingdom and bring great judgment and consequence on the fallen ones and into punishment will they go for their sins which are many and their judgment eternal of which there will never be a moments rest. And some of them will go into that great lake of fire and burning brimstone at my second coming to rule the earth when the beast and the false prophet are cast alive therein. And the Satans will be bound in that great chain wherewith they will be bound in torment and utter terror as they are bound in expectant horror for what awaits them in their eternal inheritance of punishment forevermore. Even a terrible sentence of which Satan can never escape where he is bound and cast to the hottest fires forevermore at the end of his little season.

Because, I am he who was given for the salvation of Jacob, even the promised seed of the woman of which Adam believed in hope, and he will be raised to newness of life into all eternity. Because I am he who is sent for the redemption of Adam, and I gave my last drop of blood that was spilled and soaked in by the red earth at Calvary, even where I uttered those everlasting words It is finished. And so it is, that I am he who in my love for Yahweh and my love for my fellow man gave himself in sacrifice in utter agony, shame, and torment and I have conquered sin and death and the day approaches where every evil thing will be no more.

And I did so willingly, even voluntarily for the glory that was set before me and I did so despising all shame that was not mine to carry. Yet in my love for you, I took your shame and punishment on my back, even as they ripped my flesh from my bones with their scourges. Yes, I took your shame and punishment in the abuse and hate of sinful men who were moved by the fallen ones themselves as they ignorantly executed me in your place not understanding in their brutish ways that by killing the lamb of God they were sealing their own fates to the fires for all eternity because it is impossible that death can hold me, because I have never sinned not once, not ever, and truly I never will!

Yes, Israel, I took your place in punishment and the place of your Fathers who ignorantly rejected me at the bidding of Esau! Yet how else could you be redeemed except by their faithless betrayal because to redeem Adam only sinless blood could fulfill the requirements of penalty demanded by the eternal and just laws of Yahweh because without shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. And since Adam was created sinless and perfect on the day he was created, so too was I, Yeshua HaMashiach (who is the lamb of God) created perfect and sinless for the full redemption of mankind. For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkling them that are unclean, sanctifies as touching the purifying of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ which through the eternal Spirit offered himself without fault to God, purge your conscience from dead works, to serve the living God?

So I give you to understand that I took your place in condemnation and punishment, and did so willingly and without constraint; although I prayed in the garden of Gethsemane if there be any other way, but not my will but Yahweh’s be done. And so in my disgrace, I was taken outside the gates of that great city, (even Jerusalem who kills the prophets) where I was sent to my own, and there were my garments parted as they cast lots! Yes, there at Calvary, after I had already endured hours of unending punishment of which I was innocent, I was there crucified by the hands of sinful men, of whose sins I had neither part nor lot not even in the least. Yet I willingly and voluntarily was tied and nailed through my hands and feet to hang on that rugged stake in your place, even a punishment that was not mine to bear. For when has it ever been given to the innocent to voluntarily adorn in shame a tree of contempt in utter disgrace and agony for the salvation of his unrighteous brethren to suffer in their place, and yet in my love for you I did just that. Understand that at any time I could have stopped them by asking my Father and he would have given me more than 12 legions of angels at my command, and yet, I never asked but instead chose to endure fully and willingly your punishment that was not mine to bear. And so in my love I gave myself for you, and would do it again, even though such a thing is not necessary and Yahweh has accepted my sacrifice once, all, and for all eternity, therefore there remains no more sacrifice for sin.

Therefore, Israel, understand the love, long-suffering, grace and mercy that I am showing you in your current state of rebellious rejection of your true Messiah, and I am coming to you in this last time in my love for you that is still undying and unconquerable, if you will yet only accept your true Messiah. Because I am he who willingly took your place amongst the condemnation, punishment, and execution of sinners because the wages of sin is death, and yet I am sinless forever, and I always do my Father's will, even an example you reject in your willful disobedience to Yahweh, and in your rejection of your true Messiah.

And wherefore was I rejected? Even Pontius Pilate who was Prefect of Judea at the time was determined to let me go and spoke truly of my accusers, even those of Esau who corralled your Fathers to shout to him release to us Barabbas! Even as they shouted nearly in the same breath "Crucify him!", in regard to Pilate releasing to themselves their true Messiah and the innocent blood of which they refused. For he knew, well, that for envy they had delivered me. Also when he was set down upon the judgement-seat, his wife sent to him, saying, have nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream by reason of him, and so it was and so it is written in the holy writings if you will yet find the faith to believe my testimony.

And all because your Fathers desired the things of this earth and loved their positions amongst the people where they could live off the tithes and offerings of the people and stand as self-righteous false oracles where they rehearsed the wisdom of Esau in the people's ears: even spurious wisdom that their elders prized so much more than the voice and wisdom of Yahweh, the great I AM, of whom they rejected when they rejected and crucified to themselves Jesus the Nazarene.

And so it is, that in your rejection of me, even Jesus the Nazarene, I turned to the gentiles, and they did hear my voice for a season and many, many who otherwise had no hope, have now come to salvation in their Lord even a great multitude that I will raise alive to myself to present to Yahweh at the great gathering of the saints that is about to take place. And many from Judea and many who were scattered abroad have been sealed for full salvation. And of your brethren, even those from the northern kingdom who are marked for eternal salvation, even many of those are now sealed eternally and forevermore and will be raised to newness of life. Truly, truly, all of these have left an example of repentance for you to follow, should you obey the voice of the only true Messiah Yahweh will ever send, even Jesus the Nazarene your true Messiah!

Because on account of their sins were the northern tribes scattered amongst the nations, where they have been preserved and kept for salvation, even by Yahweh's mighty hand. And yet so it is written by the hand of my Apostle Paul when he addressed the Romans these many jubilees past: We know that all things work together for the best unto them that love God, even to them that are called of his purpose. For those which he knew before, he also did predestinate to be made like to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn amongst many brethren. Moreover, whom he predestinate, them also he called, and whom he called, them also he justified, and whom he justified, them he also glorified. And so in the Israel of God will the gathering of the lost tribes be accomplished, and many Israelites came to salvation by confessing me as their Lord, even Jesus the Nazarene, during my age of grace and salvation they have achieved. 

Although you currently hold my works in contempt, even my works of salvation that I have accomplished in the nations at Yahweh's command during my age of grace that has now come to its end; so understand what Yahweh has cleansed by way of Yeshua HaMashiach’s blood, do not call common or unclean! And I, Yeshua HaMashiach do implore you to follow the ways of your brethren whether they be near or far who have come to me in full repentance so I may receive you to myself and restore you to Yahweh, because he that has the son has also the Father but he who has not the son has not the Father either, and so has Yahweh declared!

And so it is that I turn to my kinsman once again even as I turn away from the nations in this last time of finality and a final separation will now occur during Daniel's seventieth week, that has arrived to purify the world in my refiners fire and Esau shall be separated from Jacob permanently and forevermore. Because Esau sold his birthright, and Yahweh has forevermore accepted his choice that it may be an eternal choice, because the children of promise are heirs of the promises and not the children of the flesh, if you are Christ's, then are ye Abrahams seed, and heirs by promise. And so it is that the promises of inheritance made by Yahweh himself were made in faith to those they were made, because the just shall live by faith! And after the faithful promises were given so to were covenants made and tokens of promise were given and covenants became testaments by the shedding of blood and all the covenants of old and all of Yahweh's promises from least to greatest have been included in my New Testament of promise, wherein the creation shall be made righteous forevermore in eternal restoration to the Father of Lights, with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning.

And so I come to my kinsman in love and lowly humility, and I do come to you willingly in my love for you not wishing any of you should perish in faithless unbelief. And truly, truly a remnant will be saved alive from Jacob even during Jacob’s trouble which is Daniels’s seventieth week. Therefore, I implore you my brethren hearken to the sound of my voice because this is the last time and this is the final separation before wrath is poured out in full and before I come to destroy the enemies kingdom completely, because in righteousness I do come as the Lion of the tribe of Judah and I do come to judge and make war!

And all who will turn to me during this time, O’ Israel, even all I command who are born of the Fathers of old to hearken to my voice, and also even all who will call on my mighty name to the end from the nations will yet be saved and will be saved in their own orders. The nations will receive similar honor as myself when I gave myself for the sins of mankind, and they will be martyred as they call on my saving name to the end. And into great glory they will go eternally and their rewards are everlasting for their stand, and by their obedience will they have overcome their faithless and lukewarm ways, even so as yet by fire. 

And of Israel, my brethren, I will yet come to save you and I will come to your aid with my 144,000 even those who have purified themselves fully as my overcomers in my atoning and redeeming blood in their day of salvation and they will be gathered to me at that great gathering that is about to happen suddenly on the earth. For I will lead my 144,000 to descend onto Mount Zion, and they will follow me step by step as they lead my remnant of Jacob to safety in the wilderness where a place is prepared by Yahweh for their safety, and they will be fed and cared for and the dragon, the beast, and false prophet will touch them not, neither find them, of which remnant you are O' Israel. But Barabbas will bring the abomination of desolation and many tares will be cleansed from the land, and I will hide my remnant away from the battle of that great day, even the day of my second coming of which day Yahweh has marked in eternities past and is set eternally in his timetable of salvation and that day surely approaches, for so it is written and so shall it be done.

Therefore, my kinsman whom I love eternally and forevermore, and yet I still respect your God given right to choose for yourselves which path you will walk. Therefore I ask you, will you remain on that wide path to destruction that leads to the unquenchable flames intended for the fallen ones? Or, will you obey the voice of your true Messiah, even he who gave every last drop of his own sinless blood in utter torment and agony that you might live before your God, even Yahweh the Great I AM? Yes, Yahweh who has shed many tears in his heartbreak for the lost sheep of the house of Israel, even all those who refuse his voice and my voice. Will you yet join me by your obedience to your true Messiah? Or will you willingly join Barabbas who Esau has sent for your destruction?

So hear my Words O’ Israel and understand the choice you have to make and understand that I am drawing you to myself and I will send my two mighty witnesses and I do command you to hear them so you may receive their testimony for they will testify of many hidden things that have been concealed from the hearts of men but of which they will reveal and their testimonies will stand eternally and forevermore. Therefore, hearken to the voice of the true lamb of God, O’ Israel, for there is salvation and redemption in no other name ever given, and truly, truly no other name will ever be given for this purpose, except Yeshua HaMashiach who is also Jesus the Nazarene although after the flesh I am known no more and I am Christ Jesus even he who is Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

I am the Lion of the tribe of Judah and in righteousness I do come to judge and make war.

I am he who has sent these Words by my servant and by my servant have these Words been sent, and I do testify and certify that the Words of The Everlasting Gospel that have been revealed by my own hand, and indeed by Yahweh himself, are true, and eternal, and my servant has spoken faithfully the Words that have been revealed to him in their time and they will be preserved through the coming calamities and will find the eyes, ears, and hearts of those to whom they are sent.

I am your everlasting and eternal Messiah who longs for your salvation and redemption Israel, and truly, truly I am prepared to receive to myself any and all who respond to the sound of my voice and you will go into the millennial Kingdom and a peculiar people will you be and you will live lives eternal and you will find eternal pasture amongst the Israel of God, and never again will you be separated from the righteous rule of your King, Lord, High Priest, and Messiah and forever more will you be led in peace and righteousness and you will grow as calves of the stall.

I am Yeshua HaMashiach and I am that the great I AM has made me and I am the lamb of God given as your perfect and sinless passover forevermore and for all time.

Which lamb will you choose, O Israel?

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