Hear the Words of Yahweh the Great I AM and run to the sound of my Words that you may receive wisdom and that the wise man amongst you may become wiser still.
Behold! I come to tell you of things to come that you may know the surety of my Words and that you may come to your full salvation in Yeshua HaMashiach, who truly is your true Messiah, King, Lord, and High Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
Therefore, I do command that you hear him with your full being and that you circumcise your heart's in obedience! Because, it is Yeshua HaMashiach, even Jesus the Christ in the English tongue who is given not only for the salvation of Israel, but even for the salvation of the entire race of Adam because all who call on the name of the Lord till the end shall be saved whether they be an Israelite or of the nations, and Yeshua HaMashiach will save alive a remnant of Israel even from the race of Adam who will continue into the millennial kingdom.
And so it is, that I provided what was impossible for the race of Adam to provide for his own salvation because the race of Adam could only find full redemption in the blood of the lamb. Because it is I, Yahweh, the Great I AM who provided your perfect Passover even once, now, and forevermore and for all time is his sacrifice accepted, therefore, there is no more need for sacrifice, O' Israel.
As it is written in Hebrews, even so I say again to you now: For if the blood of bulls, and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifies to the purifying of the flesh: How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit, offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works, to serve the living God? And so I counsel you, O' Israel, accept my sacrifice because there remains no more sacrifice for sin!
So understand Israel, that it is impossible for anyone to approach The Everlasting God of Righteousness through Moses any longer, because, I have made Yeshua HaMashiach the way, the truth, and the life of which no man may come to Yahweh except by Yeshua HaMashiach!
And I have commanded your obedience to his voice, even through the Torah where the very voice of Moses cries to this day as a witness against you and in your unlearned and faithless ways instead of obedience you instead ignorantly seek to re-establish a man made temple, as you are led astray by Esau! Because you have rejected the temple built by your creator, even a temple made without hands, even the very temple made by Yahweh himself for the Israel of God of which Jesus the Christ is the chief cornerstone. Therefore, cease from your own works and rest in the works of your true Messiah and I will give you Sabbath.
So I command you O’ Israel and I am the one who gave the very Words spoken by Moses to your Father’s at Sinai, of which Words I do command your obedience always and forevermore even in your willful and hardhearted disobedience. And so Moses said for the obedience of all: The Lord your God will raise up unto you a Prophet like unto me, from among you, even of your brethren: to him you shall hearken!
Whereas Moses was the mediator of the first Testament (engraved by my finger on Sinai) given to convict sin in the flesh, of which Testament now shines in the face of Jesus Christ, even Yeshua HaMashiach who is your true Lord and Messiah! And yet the Law of Moses is a shadow of things to come of which things are fulfilled in Christ Jesus and I have made him a life giving spirit and after the flesh Jesus the Nazarene is known no more!
And as it was accomplished by my mighty hand, even the very finger of YHVH the great I AM, did I engrave my statutes in tables of stone on Sinai where I gave Moses my statutes that Israel may yet live before me. Yet, what was given to Israel on Sinai was rather the condemnation of sin in the flesh that Israel would have a schoolmaster to bring them to their true Messiah, even Yeshua HaMashiach whom I have sent for your full salvation.
And so it is, the law of Moses is good, and just, and perfect, and holy and should any man curse the law of Moses let him be judged thereby in the full severity prescribed under the curse and penalty of the law of Moses. And yet what is good and just and perfect and holy worked death to all those condemned therein by sin in the flesh, because where there is no law sin is not imputed, wherefore the law of Moses is given to reveal and convict sin in the flesh.
And yet it is by the spirit of the law and not the letter that mankind finds mercy in my love for them, because the letter of the law brings severity (Have you not read I would have mercy over sacrifice?) and so in my love for the children of Israel whom I intend to yet save should you be obedient to Yeshua HaMashiach, I prescribed sacrifice because without shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. And so by the watchful hand of Moses my people have been kept until Christ, although many of you have turned to false gods and love your black cubes, which things are utterly detestable in my sight, O' Israel, therefore depart immediately!
So understand my anger against you O' Israel, because I AM YHVH, the great I AM even he who is The Almighty Everlasting God of Righteousness who faints not and neither is there anything too hard for my mighty hand to accomplish. And It is I, El Shaddai, The Almighty God who framed the creation in my eternal wisdom and by the mighty power of my spirit are all things held together in obedience to my voice.
I AM your Elohim, of whom 10,000 times 10,000 surround my throne, even an Angelic mighty host of ministering spirits of which ministers are a flame of fire who excel in wisdom and are brilliantly and perfectly created even as I have created them in my love for them! And in their love for me, they are perfectly obedient to my eternal will and I have given Yeshua HaMashiach rule over them all.
Yet, I YHVH the Great I AM, even he who is surrounded by an innumerable Angelic host needs NO COUNSELOR in my eternal wisdom and of my creation I am sovereign and work ALL things after the counsel of my own will, and of the greatest sages of all eternity there are none wiser than the great I AM! So hear my voice and silence your tongues should you choose to accept eternal life over unquenchable flames of punishment O’ Israel because that is the choice every man must make.
And in my eternal wisdom I sent Jesus the Nazarene to Israel, even when Judea was ruled by Pontius Pilate, even when the chief priests and Sanhedrin unjustly accused him and by wicked hands was the lamb of God slain and crucified even so that the body of sin which binds Adam may be destroyed in all those who obediently live by faith, because the just shall live by faith! And I AM he, even El Shaddai (The Almighty God) who has placed all things in heaven and earth in the mighty hands of Christ Jesus, even Yeshua HaMashiach and he is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah who I AM sending to judge and make war and for the salvation of the faithful and obedient. Therefore, hear my Words in obedience to your true Messiah, for there is no other!
So understand my anger against you O' Israel that in your partial blindness that you inherited from your hard-hearted Fathers, whose Talmudic voice you revere greater than your Elohim. Yes, you hold the traditions of your so-called sages and wise men in greater esteem than the Words of The Great I AM, who is the eternal and everlasting creator of all that has been created! For by YHVH were all things created, which are in heaven, and which are in earth, things visible and invisible: whether they be thrones or dominions, or principalities, or powers, all things were created by me, and for me, And I AM before all things, and in YHVH all things consist.
Yet, you think you are my counselor and foolishly call yourselves my chosen people all the while refusing my Words in faithless disobedience? Oh Israel you have turned aside to dumb idols of the heart and the false words of Esau of whose counsel you prefer over The Everlasting God of Righteousness, even your Elohim! And you stumble about in partial blindness because in Moses your hearts are veiled. Nevertheless, when your heart shall be turned to your true Messiah, the veil shall be taken away and instead of partial blindness you will see!
Who are you, O' Israel, that you would appoint yourselves Yahweh's counselor? However instead of the Words of Yahweh given in the face of Yeshua HaMashiach, you have believed the lies passed down in the traditions of your elders who were in bondage to Esau, by whose writings you have bound yourselves to Esau in like fashion and to Esau you are chained! And I did plainly write for Moses to give to your Fathers at Sinai: What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: you shall not add thereto, nor diminish from it. And again I had it written in the wisdom of Solomon, of which wisdom stands eternally: Every word of Elohim is pure: he is a shield to those, that trust in him. Put nothing onto his words, lest he reproves you, and you are found a liar.
Oh Israel, that you would bow your hearts in obedience to the Words given for your salvation and eternal joy, should you once again obey the Words of your creator! And I AM he who would restore you and bring you amongst the eternal fold who is under the mighty hand of my Chief Shepherd whom I have given all things! Even Yeshua HaMashiach, who shepherds the true Israel of God perfectly in his obedient love to my voice, even an example you despise. Because Yeshua HaMashiach is the only man ever who perfectly obeys the will of YHVH, the great I AM in whom I am always well pleased, therefore I have made him a life giving spirit so hear him whom I have sent for your sakes because there is no other.
And you have hardened your hearts as hard as The Foundation Stone held captive by the Synagogue of Satan because you have rejected the words of my counsel given in the face of Christ Jesus, whom you ignorantly reject, thereby rejecting your only hope at restoration and salvation eternally and forevermore. And so you stand blind and naked and ashamed in your sin, ignorantly thinking you have become counselor to YHVH, the Great I AM!
So I give you to understand in your partial blindness that you have stumbled at my chief cornerstone your builders rejected, even my rock of offense. Because Yeshua HaMashiach is the chief cornerstone even the true foundation stone, even Jesus the Nazarene whom you reject in willful disobedience though I chose you to myself as a peculiar people and my heart does break.
Hear, hear, O' Israel and understand that I AM he who engraves my eternal law, even an expression of my eternal will in my everlasting plan of redemption that I made after the counsel of my own eternal and perfect will in tables of stone for the obedience of Israel at Sinai! Therefore, I AM he who will write my law on the fleshly tables of your hearts because in my love for you, just the tiniest of my might is able to engrave my law onto your stone tables and with my grace and mercy expressed in the face of Yeshua HaMashiach I will yet smash your tables of stone into the potters' clay that you may be recreated eternally in righteousness and true holiness even as I swore in my covenants to your Fathers I would do.
Therefore, O' Israel, I do command you to obey the voice of Yeshua HaMashiach because there is salvation in no other name given than Jesus Christ the Righteous, whom you ignorantly call an idol of the goyim because you are in bondage to Esau!
Yet so it is written and so it has come to be: From Abraham unto Isaac, when Jacob and Esau were born of him, Jacob's hand held first the heel of Esau. For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginning of it that follows. The hand of man is between the heel and the hand. Yet so it is that I will now move to separate Esau from Jacob because Esau is the Synagogue of Satan who are evil tares who have infested the land of promise yet once again, and Israel is once again infested with Canaanites.
And as it is written so shall it be done says the Great I AM: For behold the day comes, that shall burn as an oven, and all the proud, yea and all that do wickedly shall be stubble: and the day that comes, shall burn them up, says the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. But unto you that fear my Name, shall The Son of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings, and shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall.
And as Yeshua HaMashiach gathers the faithful in the church, even his body, and his bride I will now move Yeshua HaMashiach for the final separation between Esau and Jacob, and Jacob will yet be saved even through the trials of Daniels seventieth week. Therefore, let there be no fornicator, or profane person as Esau, which for one portion of meat sold his birthright. For ye know how that afterward also when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place to repentance, though he sought that blessing with tears.
And so mankind is between the hand of Jacob and the heel of Esau, except Esau seeks to give Jacob a head-wound of finality, of which I will not allow. And so it is, that all the inhabitants of the earth who are left to Jacobs trouble to endure the refiners fire will either be of Jacob by way of Jesus the Nazarene, of whom are the children of inheritance, or they will be rejected amongst Esau who sold his birthright for a morsel of bread. Therefore, natural man will either call on the name of Jesus the Nazarene until his end so he may be resurrected into the Israel of God or he will likewise sell his potential and eternal inheritance for a morsel of bread given at the hand of Barrabas, for Barabbas will lead The Synagogue of Satan and he is the lamb of the dragon.
And yet so will the trap be set in the land to permanently ensnare Jacob and Barabbas does bring great deception with his rule and much evil will he accomplish both on the land and on the sea. Yet, so will it be that as the fires of war rage and burn that Barabbas will rise even claiming that he is resurrected to fulfill God’s purposes and many blasphemous and evil things will he claim. And he will bring his Olive branch and he will claim himself as Noah, even alive to save the World from judgment intended for evil men.
Because the beast from the earth who is also their false prophet will bring his solution because he is a lamb with two horms who speaks as a dragon. And of a dual nature will his rule be as he will seek to unite all of mankind under the rule of the dragon, who is that devil of old himself. For Barabbas does not come to rule alone though he will claim that he himself is God but he brings a covenant of division where two horns will rule both the sea and the earth, and of the two one is Daniel’s little horn. Yet I have promised that Israel will no longer be divided and of his two states there will never be a solution but Yeshua HaMashiach will unite Israel full and eternally forevermore.
(Yet so shall it come to pass my loves so understand what I will yet accomplish by Yeshua HaMashiach: I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land. And I will make them one people in the land, upon the mountains of Israel, and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two peoples, neither be divided any more henceforth into two kingdoms. Neither shall they be polluted any more with their idols, nor with their abominations, nor with any of their transgressions: but I will save them out of all their dwelling places, wherein they have sinned, and will cleanse them: so shall they be my people, and I will be their God.)
The other is the beast from the sea of whom it is written: For he does not desire women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. I ask you now and see whether a man does travail with child? Yet his wife appears a woman with children, though they are not his children. And the beast from the sea will rise fully united in purpose with the beast from the earth and they do pretend to be enemies who appear divided on ideal and religion.
But they do lie and they do pretend and their father is that same dragon who has made these two evil beasts for his nefarious purposes, even to destroy Adam so he may steal the earth forever for his own and it is impossible that he should accomplish his evil plans because the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, so declares YHVH, The Great I AM!
Because Barrabas brings two states that will be united under the dragon and a false peace will they have as they promise eternal life and health and peace if you will only take their mark and join them as they mingle iron and clay but they shall not cleave one to another. Understand, all of you who would consider joining yourselves forever to the fallen ones by way of their mark that they will tell a multitude of lies saying it is a miraculous medicine that will give life and health and is astonishingly perfect in its design!
But all who take their poison will forever alter themselves forevermore even an alteration of which there is no recovery. Because to blaspheme the image of YHVH of which Adam was created is to join one self to the sins of the fallen ones who pretend they are gods and are not, and all who do have no forgiveness and they have no peace and into that unquenchable lake of fire will they evermore go for so they will have chosen.
Yet, as the unholy three rise so too will my two witnesses, and they will prophecy 1260 days clothed in sackcloth and many testimonies will they give. They will come to Israel and witness of The Everlating God of Righteousness and will witness mightily of Yeshua HaMashiach even Jesus the Nazarene of whom without no man may come to El Shaddai! Yet, the unholy three will declare Jesus Christ as an outlaw and they will outlaw the holy writings of whom Yeshua is the Word made flesh. Yet the same they seek to outlaw will utterly crush their heads in everlasting defeat.
Therefore, during the days of their testimony if any man’s will is to hurt them fire will proceed out of their mouths to devour their enemies: for if any man’s will is to hurt them then they must be hurt in like manner and if any man’s will is to kill them they must themselves be killed in like manner. These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophesying, and have power over waters to turn them into blood, and to smite the earth with all manner of plagues, as often as they will. And so will the days of their testimony be.
And they will speak of many things and they will herald The Everlasting Gospel even the same that has been revealed in it’s time for the fulfillment of all things in the face of Jesus Christ. And their own testimonies they will give and many things will they reveal during the days of their testimony and all will be recorded forevermore. And at the end of their days they must be killed and their bodies will lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also your Lord was crucified and they will celebrate much and exchange gifts over their deaths. And at the end of three and a half days they will hear a mighty voice saying come up hither and they will be resurrected alive forevermore and taken again into the heavens and so their testimonies will be finished.
So understand the deceit that has come to your doorstep Israel and understand the choice you must make. You will either accept Barrabas as your false Moshiach and take his mark theryby joining Esau as you liquidate your birthright for a morsel of bread for all eternity, or you will humble your hearts and become obedient to the voice of Yahweh the great eternal God even the great I AM in the face of Yeshua HaMashiach who is the same as Christ Jesus whom I raised from the dead and ascended in to the heavens, and have glorified in eternal splendor and of his rule and Kingdom there shall be no end, and no man may approach YHVH by any other name given whether they be in heaven or earth or under the earth for all time and forever more. Because In Christ will all be made alive and fashioned eternally as one new man forevermore because Christ Jesus is the last Adam.
And they will make war with the saints and they will overcome them for power is given for them so to accomplish. But they will not overcome Israel, no a remnant of Israel is to be saved when they turn to Yeshua HaMashiach with their entire hearts.
Therefore hear my Words O’ Israel that you may yet live before me and I will gather you to myself under the mighty authority of your true Messiah, even Yeshua HaMashiach. And it is written: Notwithstanding it cannot be that the word of God should take none effect: for all they are not Israel, which are of Israel: Neither are they all children, because they are the seed of Abraham: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called: That is, they which are the children of the flesh, are not the children of God: but the children of the promise, are counted for the seed.
I AM YHVH, the Great I AM and I AM calling you Israel so that a faithful remnant will come to Yeshua HaMashiach that he may save you from the trap that Barrabas is working to set in the land for the final destruction of Jacob, even a destruction that I will not allow.
I AM he who sends these Words by the voice of one crying in the wilderness, who was redeemed from the gentiles by Christ Jesus and set apart for our eternal purposes, and to Yeshua HaMashiach does he serve YHVH, The Great I AM, because no man can come to me by any other name, not even by my beloved Moses alone, because Moses demands obedience to Jesus the Nazarene!
I AM he who will remove partial blindness from Israel who is blinded to the New Testament by the veil of Moses that is still draped over their hearts in partial blindness. And all of Israel who call on Yeshua HaMashiach will regain their sight and will see fully, even in the face of Jesus the Christ, your everlasting Messiah!
I AM the Almighty God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob and I do come to fulfill all of my promises many times over and I will do so wholly by the eternal works of my beloved Son of whom I do command your full loyalty, faith, love, and obedience, O’ Israel unless you intend to sell your birthright, joining Esau by default in those eternal flames of punishment and recompense of justice.
Understand, O’ Israel that the earth will know that there is a God in Jacob and that the God of Jacob is forevermore and eternally Yahweh, even The Great I AM, and it is in Christ Jesus that the Israel of God will be gathered and I will gather them to myself just as promised. That whether they be near or far, or whether they be Judean or gentile that all may be gathered in Christ who are heirs of eternal life and who are the true children of promise because the children of promise are the just who live by faith.
And so it will be and YHVH has so declared and all will be yea and Amen and Amen and AMEN!
I AM Elohim of the living, YHVH of Hosts your Elohim.