Hear the words of Yeshua HaMashiach my countrymen so that you may understand my ways and that you may come to your true Messiah because I am calling you, O' Israel, will you yet hear my voice? Therefore, bow your ears in obedience and circumcise your hearts, that the wise man amongst you may yet become wiser still should they become obedient to my teaching and meek to my instructions. Because I do come to tell you of those who will take the mark of the beast, even so that you may understand their beginning from their end, and so that you are not ensnared and taken away thereby.
Therefore, understand the times you live and understand the final separation that is about to commence so soon as my faithful in Christ are gathered to me in the clouds so suddenly and unexpectedly now. So it is and so it will be that I will suddenly and unexpectedly descend from the heavens to the clouds to gather the faithful in Christ when the trumpet of God sounds with a mighty shout with the voice of the archangel. Then the dead in Christ will rise first and those who are alive and remain will be gathered in the clouds to meet their everlasting Lord in the air and so they will be taken into the safety of the heavens and so will they ever be with and forever changed to be fashioned like their everlasting Lord of righteousness!
Yet, my appearing will not be done in secret as false study Bibles erroneously teach, nor will there be some false dispensation to descend on the earth separating Israel from my true Church, because the faithful in Christ Jesus are the Israel of God and will take their places amongst the orders and tribes in the heavens and are one new man. So it is written in Paul's letter to Galatia: For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision avails anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace shall be upon them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. Therefore, understand that I am he who will cause Israel to no more be a divided kingdom for evermore and for all eternity. Therefore, reject the lies of dispensationalist, Zionist wizards and accept the truth of Yeshua HaMashiach!
So I give you to understand that dispensations and secret raptures are concepts that are fabricated by the Satans whereby they do seek to ensnare the simple and take the meek and lowly in heart by craft with cleverly devised fables and false stories. Yet, my appearing will happen exactly as written and will be seen by all and the world will know that Christ Jesus has appeared as promised for his faithful saints, even leaving the luke warm for the destruction of their sinful flesh that has captured them in sin and so will it be done.
Yet, the faithful in Christ will be gathered as written in scripture to their everlasting Lord! And I will not in any manner be denied my purchased possession, and I will forcefully snatch away all those who are faithfully mine, whether they sleep in the heart of the earth or whether they are amongst the living on the face of the earth: They will be gathered to me in the air just the same. Yet, the fallen ones will lie with their fake alien invasion where they will say that aliens took those gathered in Christ and great war will break across the earth, and the fallen ones will lie many times over, only believe not a word they say. Because the gathering of the faithful in Christ is given as hope and surety that my second coming is near to come at the end of Daniel's seventieth week, that is a week of seven years where each day of the week reckons as a year.
Yet, the luke warm will remain luke warm no longer because the times of final separation will be fully unrestrained when my restrainer is removed and the ice shall fall. And in like manner will the luke warm come to their decisions, where some will grow red-hot in their commitment and convictions to their Lord Jesus Christ, and some will turn cold as the ice that is about to collapse into the sea, choosing their own eternal destruction instead.
Nevertheless, I, Christ Jesus, will kindle an unconquerable resolve in all those who chose eternal life in Jesus the Nazarene and I will have inspired an unbreakable resolve in them to call on their Lord Jesus to the end, and so they will come to their eternal reward of which sufferings are not worthy to be compared to the eternal weight and glory of the many eternal rewards given to those who overcome; and I will cause those who are my overcomers to overcome in like manner as their Lord, even when I overcame the fallen ones in similar fashion during my sacrifice as the Lamb of God.
And so it will be, that many who could have committed their hearts to their Lord Jesus Christ to the end will instead turn ice-cold to their everlasting Lord and will regrettably forevermore turn away from eternal life to the everlasting fires of punishment because they will have rejected Jesus the Nazarene fully for the pleasures of sin and will choose their own eternal torment when they could have chosen eternal joy in the presence of Yahweh forevermore. And so many who will have once had the eternal choice of becoming Sons of God for all eternity will instead turn away to join the walking damned who will fall eternally to the second death.
Nevertheless, all are free to choose, therefore some will choose wisely and many will choose foolishly. So enter in at the strait gate: for it is the wide gate, and broad way that leads to destruction: and many there be which go in there at. Because the gate is strait, and the way narrow that leads to life, and few there are who find the way that leads eternally to lives of unending righteousness and there is no other choice to be had. Therefore, choose life that both you and your seed may live!
Yet, I do come to warn you, O' Israel, even so that all may hear my instructions and heed my warnings even all who are near and also all who are far off and scattered abroad because the same choice of final separation remains for all those of Adam who dwell on the earth no matter the nation, or kindred, or tongue from which they are born. And so it will be that as my faithful in Christ are taken from the earth into the heavens to be hidden away from the wrath to come and to be fully rewarded for finishing their courses in faithful obedience to Christ Jesus their resurrected and ascended Lord; that the world will be brought to its knees in faithless unbelief at my appearing and the sudden destruction that follows.
Even so, because I will unexpectedly show my glory in my sudden appearing in the clouds and my brightness will illuminate the skies and all will see the glory of the Lord fill the horizons in glorious brightness and many will be taken suddenly, and the earth will reel and shake and tremble and quake at the presence of Christ Jesus, from whose brightness many will seek to hide their faces. For as the lightning comes out of the east, and is seen into the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
And a great multitude, even the faithful in Christ, will disappear suddenly and unexpectedly without a trace from the earth, because their lives on earth in corrupted flesh are at an end and their courses they will have finished. Therefore, they will be taken into the glory of the heavens, where they will be glorified eternally and rewarded forevermore. Behold! They will be made like their everlasting Lord of Righteousness, and they will be clothed in fine white spotless linen that can never be stained nor corrupted. They will be given much reward for their faithfulness and righteous works they have performed in my name, even works I gave them to accomplish for their own salvation, benefit, and honor.
And many will carry off rewards of such that have not entered fully into the hearts of men at this time. Although, some will suffer loss when their works are burned by the refiners fire so that all chaff is removed from their lives in eternal purity and so that the stain of evil works may be gone from them forevermore. Understand, that none of you have walked perfectly before me, therefore, some will suffer loss, some will suffer loss and receive reward, and some will receive reward who are my overcomers who will have overcome in like manner as I overcame the fallen ones and I am sat down at the right hand of Yahweh himself, even the great and everlasting I AM. Yet, all who are taken and gathered will have eternal life forevermore and eternal righteous lives will they forevermore live for so are they ordained.
Likewise, as the faithful are taken, so too shall those left behind understand the gravity of their situation and a great multitude will accept reality and the trials that they must endure, and many will weep and howl in repentance and many will live penitent lives of love and sacrifice, and many will lose their lives in love and service to their neighbors who will be in dire circumstances as well and a great multitude will come to me by calling on the name of Jesus the Christ who is their eternal Lord to the end!
And the earth will reel and shake, and great destruction will break across the earth, as sudden war and pestilence, and injustice, and famine and death will cause great destruction on the earth and the earth will be altered from its current configuration by many great earthquakes and many shall perish suddenly and without remedy. And yet many more will remain alive and will survive the coming calamities and many will be left to the trials of Jacob's trouble that has come upon the earth to test those who dwell on the earth, even to save all those who will yet come to salvation in Yeshua HaMashiach.
Therefore, understand there are several harvests for Adam. The first-fruits barley harvest is for my faithful in Christ, even all those who walked faithfully by my spirit in my times of grace and mercy even those who have cultivated fruit of the spirit in their lives by obedience to my Words as they walked in my spirit of sonship whereby they are sealed to the great day of redemption. These are the faithful in Christ and also my overcomers and my bride and my 144,000 that I will send to save alive Jacob from the hand of Ashkenaz and Esau.
Then will commence the harvest of wheat where the wheat is ripened in the fields and bows in obedience from the weight of the fruit produced, and the tares being fruitless will stand upright in defiance and great threshing will occur, and my wheat will be gathered into life eternal and the tares will be bundled, and bound, and burned in the eternal fires of punishment. So understand that all who refuse to be harvested in obedience at my threshing will join these evil tares in the fallen one's inheritance of eternal flames that are made specifically for the disobedient and rebellious, and they shall not escape. And so will the unbelievers and faithless go who have rejected Yahweh's peace treaty, even Jesus the Nazarene who otherwise would have saved them to the uttermost.
So will the end of Satans kingdom be, my countrymen, even a time of separations and harvests that preserves the righteous for all eternity and delivers the unrighteous for everlasting punishment in the inheritance of the fallen ones, even a fate that is reserved for all who continue in disobedience and who continue in the rebellion of the Satans, and the Watchers, and all who follow their evil ways. These shall fight with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings: and they that are on his side, called, and chosen, and faithful.
Therefore, understand that from the ashes of war will they rise, even the beast from the sea, the beast from the earth, and the dragon! They will rise from the ashes of great destruction that they themselves caused. Yet, they will blame their destruction that they have caused on enemy aliens, and Christians, and all things pertaining to Jesus the Nazarene, and so Christ will be made an outlaw in their Satanic kingdom. Truly, truly, I, Christ Jesus have neither part nor lot with them just the same, yet all who call on the name of their Lord Jesus to the end shall be saved.
So they will make war on the saints and will overcome them with great cruelty that will be returned to them without mercy for all eternity. Even so, a great multitude of multitudes shall be saved from eternal destruction by the destruction of their sinful flesh that held them in bondage to sin. And so I will remove all pleasures from the earth and I will break the enchantments and sorceries the evil one has inflicted on them that they may yet awake from their slumber to live righteously before me as they come out of sin in full repentance and repudiation of Satans kingdom, that previously they supported by consent in disobedience.
Yet, so will the fallen ones reveal themselves as they pretend to be aliens from other falsely rotating worlds that do not exist in the same manner as their Jesuit indoctrinators have indoctrinated the masses through learning against learning. Even so that the lies of the fallen ones may be believed in great deception by those who have pleasure in unrighteousness. And so is the stage set for these deceivers to reveal themselves because they are all pretenders who pretend.
They will pretend to be benevolent helpers who have come to save Adam from his own destruction, of whose destruction in truth, they will have revealed themselves to facilitate in great stealth and with all deception and with many lying signs and wonders. Because they will bring their technologies and manipulations and abominations and the abyss will be fully opened. Evil will no longer be restrained and all manner of evil will dominate the earth during Jacob's trouble. Even because natural man desires evil and darkness so much, that Yahweh will now give natural man fully over to the Satans kingdom even so that many may yet be saved, even so as by fire. And this because mankind is evil and his deeds are evil of which evil mankind loves in his rebellion with the Satans. Therefore, mankind will be given over to the Satans fully who already plan Adam's eternal end, although their plans will come to nothing and only severe and harsh judgment will they have for so are they worthy.
So they will appear with their solutions and technologies in hand and they will appear pretending to be aliens from other pretend worlds that do not exist. And Barabbas will rise, even the beast from the earth and he does rise with the serpents bite in hand. And he will make all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding, count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred and sixty six.
Therefore, understand what is written and what the Spirit of Yahweh expressly declares in these end times my countrymen so you may understand the danger of the times you live: If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, yea, of the pure wine, which is poured into the cup of his wrath, and he shall be tormented in fire and brimstone before the holy Angels, and before the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment shall ascend evermore: and they shall have no rest day nor night, which worship the beast and his name.
However, they will rise just the same, even the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth, and the dragon and they will rise in their unholy rule and they will dominate the earth in unrighteousness and evil and nothing will be restrained from their evil hearts desire. And so they will promise many great and mighty things. And they will shroud and decorate the serpents bite in great deceit and with many lies and lying promises will they tell surrounding this venom of which no one can escape once they partake. Therefore, all who take the mark of the beast will have forevermore altered themselves, even an alteration they can not escape since that which is crooked cannot be made straight.
And so they will promise eternal life, and they will promise perfect health and freedom from disease and they will promise perfect harmony with their technologies they will claim are intended for peace, and health and healing. And all who partake of the serpents bite will be forevermore altered from the image of Yahweh in which they were created, thereby making themselves the walking damned who will be slaves forevermore to the lusts of the dragon. Because in truth the mark of the beast is given for Adam’s destruction that the fallen ones may have their golden age on the earth alone with themselves and their abominations and without Adam whom they hate. Even designs that are impossible to realize because no golden age will they have but harsh and severe judgment instead.
Truly, truly, by accepting the serpents bite they will have surrendered their free will in submission to the dragon because they will mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not join one with another, as iron cannot be mixed with clay. Yet they will alter themselves just the same by the serpents bite and by the technologies contained therein. And they will find themselves attached to the internet of things to be, even wherewith they will control and manipulate their slaves to obediently do the will of the dragon as they move in one zombie hive mind of which they can never escape and of which all who are ensnared thereby will be controlled by their frequencies and images in full.
Yet, the dragon knows he has but a short time and truly, a short and shortened time only does the dragon have. Those who accept the serpent’s bite, even the mark of the beast will quickly find themselves betrayed and will very quickly understand that they have been betrayed with many false promises, yet they will be slave to carry out the lusts of the dragon and much evil will they commit as they are controlled and commanded by their technologies of which escape will be impossible.
And so will the lives be of those who reject Jesus the Christ in such manner because to join their society will require taking their beastly mark and all who do have never forgiveness and they shall not escape. Because the times for the righteous to be fully separated from the unrighteous has come, of which unrighteousness the righteous eschew. And it is time for the faithless, and unbelieving to fully join the ranks of the rebellious because all who reject Yeshua HaMashiach have no other choice because all who reject and refuse to choose, even the same by their rebellious disobedience and refusal will have by default chosen that lake of fire burning forevermore with rolling brimstone.
So it will be that those who have taken the serpents bite and given themselves over to genetic alteration will be fully part of their internet of things to be and they will have given themselves into the hands of those who seek their full destruction, even those who consider Adam a hackable animal. Yet, their new society will be one of strong delusion and lies where truth is not to be found. So understand there is no saving those who take the mark of their own destruction, even the mark of the beast because all who do will be altered and will be used in their mesh technologies and they will serve the purposes of the dragon and evil will be fully unrestrained in their hearts and they will have no conscience neither knowledge nor understanding of Yahweh, in whose image they were once created and from whose image they will be forever altered forevermore.
Therefore, understand O’ Israel that you are now warned fully of the fate of all those who reject Yeshua HaMashiach, who is also Jesus the Christ, who is also Jesus the Nazarene, who is also Christ Jesus! And all who make such a rejection will be subject to the second death and will be harvested as grapes in the winepress of the wrath of God that will kill from the earth all who partake in their society and will be given fully to the harvest of the damned in the second death where their worm dies not and of which they will never escape. And so will they be preserved in torment at the end of their natural lives, even reserved in death for everlasting punishment at that great white throne judgment, where all whose names are not found written in the Lamb's book of life will be cast to the lake of fire, which is the second death and they will never escape.
So understand Israel, that you will have to live separate from their society and they will seek, and hunt all who refuse their abominable society and all who refuse their beastly mark and all who turn to Yeshua HaMashiach or who call on the name of the Lord Jesus to the end. Even all of these will be fugitives in the earth, and I will hide away in the wilderness by the hands of my 144,000 all those of Jacob, which is Israel, who will have accepted me as their true Messiah.
I am Yeshua HaMashiach, even Israel’s true Messiah who has come to save a remnant of Israel alive through Daniel's seventieth week into my millennial Kingdom that is so soon to be established on the earth. Even all those who accept me as their Messiah and who join themselves forevermore to my New Testament.
I am Jesus the Christ, even he that is sent to the nations to gather the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and even all whosoever decides to accept eternal salvation by making me Lord and calling on my name to their end.
I am Jesus the Nazarene, even he who gave himself as the lamb of God in sacrifice for the sins of mankind.
I am Christ Jesus, even your resurrected and ascended Lord who does come as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah in righteousness to judge and make war.
And so I counsel you O’ Israel, whom I love and of whom I am calling in this very hour that you may come to everlasting salvation by way of Yeshua HaMashiach, who truly truly, is the only way for anyone to come to Yahweh, the great I AM, therefore respond in obedience to my instructions and teaching that you may inherit all things from my merciful hands.
Therefore, come to me in obedience and submit yourselves in love to the voice of your true Messiah, even Yeshua HaMashiach that you may understand your times and that you may have the wisdom and knowledge to navigate and survive the very times that are designed to cleanse evil from the earth and purge the righteous of dead works by fire. Truly, truly, Israel I am he who is given for your eternal salvation even a priceless price that I paid in my sinless and ever atoning blood.
I am he whom Yahweh has given as the lamb of God and who is also the lion of the tribe of Judah who in righteousness does come to judge and make war. Therefore, submit yourselves to the sound of your true Messiah's voice and understand that I do stand to fight for you O’ Israel, so stand fast and follow my lead and come out from amongst them and be separate in all things.
I, Christ Jesus, have sent these Words by my messenger and servant and by my messenger and servant have my Words been sent for the obedience of all these Words are sent. Understand, that the Words of The Everlasting Gospel have been sent in their times of revealing and the times of their revelation are now. Truly, truly, The Everlasting Gospel has been revealed for the obedience of all these Words are sent, and The Everlasting Gospel will be preserved through the coming calamities and wars and will find the eyes, ears, and hearts of all these Words are intended and sent.
Behold! The times of fulfillment, revelation, and restoration have come over the entire earth, even a time where the unrighteous will be as stubble, who will have neither root nor branch and none will remain nor enter into my holy kingdom who live unrighteously and who love the pleasures and wages of sin.
Behold! The times of fulfillment, revelation, and restoration have come over the entire earth, even a time where the righteous shall be saved eternally and forevermore so that they may fully partake of the root of Jesse, that truly, I Yeshua HaMashiach truly am. And in Christ Jesus, even Yeshua HaMashiach will Israel be gathered and will forevermore be one, united peculiar people unto Yahweh, the great I AM. And in righteousness and peace will they go forevermore, into all eternity, even an eternity of eternities where no evil thing shall ever harass the righteous evermore for all times and an eternity where the fallen ones are sealed forevermore in their lake of punishment, and they will not be remembered nor come to mind.
Behold! The times for consummation and fulfillment are now, therefore, standfast and obey my mighty Words that have been given for the rescue and salvation of Adam from the hand of his enemies, therefore, understand that now are the times of consummation and fulfillment: once, all, and forevermore. Selah!