Marvel not, my brethren, marvel not, though this world hates you. Know that the world hated me before it ever hated you, my loves, and the servant is not greater than his master. Therefore, understand the times you live and draw ever closer in your hearts to Yeshua HaMashiach, because I am calling you ever closer to me my church, my body, and even my bride, and I am calling you closer still in these times right before you are taken into the heavens that you may fully overcome all things in Christ.
And so suddenly and unexpectedly now will you be taken into the heavens, because I come at an hour you do not expect. Behold! I come as a thief in the night! But as the days of Noah were, so likewise shall the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days before the flood, they did eat and drink, marry, and give in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the Ark, and they knew nothing, till the flood came, and took them all away, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
So I have counseled you my loves, to depart from the cares of this world, knowing that your departure from this evil world is at hand. Yet, so it is that you still have lives to live, and you must continue until you are not, because when you are taken into the heavens unexpectedly by my mighty hand of salvation your courses will indeed be finished and your lives on earth completed at this time. So I counsel you my little ones, live your lives in complete obedience to the voice of your Lord and Savior, even Christ Jesus your ascended Lord and I will cause you to fully overcome!
Therefore, as you live your lives give your all to me in your heart's commitment and motivation because I am your sufficiency in all things. Think not to say in your hearts that you are successful and prosperous by the power of your own hands, neither by institutional degree that many of you so foolishly treasure above the knowledge of Yahweh, even lies sold to you for truth in your spurious educations that are wholly built on lies, yet you foolishly boast of your supposed capabilities gained thereby. And so I tell you yet again, to come out from among them and be separate in all things, or you will share in their judgments and plagues when such a thing is not necessary even because all along the times of now I am calling and begging you to come fully to me in my love for you my children. So depart from the worthless pride that knowledge brings!
Wherefore, I give you to understand anything you have gained in this life concerning this world's goods is given by the good pleasure and good will and grace of Yahweh, The Great I AM, who wishes above all that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. Yet, do not be so foolish to think you are self-made or that in your worldly accolades you stand approved before Yahweh, The Great I AM nor Jesus the Christ, because no flesh is justified in our sight. So understand those who elevate themselves in such manner will suffer great loss on account of their pride, that surely goes before great destruction.
For your own sakes, I beg you to come out of this world and all its ungodly attitudes of self-righteousness, self-made, ungodly false justifications and boasting of the flesh. Because, truly, truly, had the grace of Yahweh, The Great I AM, not been poured out in his eternal love for you, even where his eternal love and light has shined in your hearts and lives in the face of Jesus Christ: all of you would be as Sodom and Gomorrah and neither root nor branch would you have, therefore let your boasting be in Christ. However, that fate is not for you my loves, therefore, in your love for me obey my voice that you may overcome all things because if you are obedient to my voice, I will cause you to overcome!
So it is, and so will it be, that for my overcomers there is much reward, even for those who have overcome in like manner as I have, and their reward will be the greatest. Yet, so many of my faithful in Christ are tempted and lulled, as it were back to the dead! Even in the face of my commandments I gave to Paul many Jubilees ago in his letter to the Ephesians, and so he wrote, and so I remind you my loves: Wherefore he says, awake you that sleeps, and stand up from the dead, and Christ shall give you light. Take heed therefore that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the season: for the days are evil. Wherefore, do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
Do you understand the will of your Lord, my little ones? Is it your full focus? Or do you serve yourselves in your heart's allegiance, seeking more wealth to add to your coffers each day? Have you aligned your hearts in service to corporations, or companies of sinful men for the sake of filthy lucre, even at a time when the very money men hoard and treasure sinfully to themselves will soon be declared worthless before their very eyes? Or have you continued in obedience to my voice and carefully considered each Word I give you for you own salvation? Should you continue in obedience to my voice I will cause you to overcome all things, therfore, faint not!
I implore you still, all those faithful in Christ and all those who will yet become faithful in Christ to continue to turn to me because I am inviting you ever closer and closer to me that the full intimacy of my love for you may strengthen and sustain you in all things, therefore, fear not, neither waste time in self condemnation. Therefore, continue ever fervent in your love and hearts commitment to your Lord Jesus the Christ, my little ones, because there is no more time to waste! And when the trumpet sounds you will either be amongst the foolish virgins who are left to the refiners fire, or you will be found amongst the wise virgins who will be taken into the heavens with their bridegroom any second now. Which will you be and where will you stand when I appear suddenly any second now?
Will you yet allow me to provide oil for your lamps that you might stand at my judgement seat? Will you yet trim your wicks properly by being obedient to my instructions? Or will you choose foolishly to remain your own sufficiency standing in your own self-accomplished righteousness and remain standing amongst the foolish virgins? Even when I have arranged better for you, should you be fully obedient to my voice. So, I counsel you my faithful, continue to come to me in all love and obedience so that I may highly exalt you into the highest of the heavens that you may shine as bright as the stars of the firmament for those things you have obediently done in service to your Everlasting Lord of Righteousness!
So, I ask all of you who know my voice, even you who are called by name, and who call on my name: Are you fully awake? Are your eyes fully opened to the world as it is today? Understand the world you now live is not the same as it was even six months ago, and the earth continues to drastically change right in front of your eyes, although many of you still rationalize away signs and wonders in faithless unbelief seeking instead to go back to sleep. Therefore, check yourselves and plans with your eternal Lord that I may direct your steps and keep you from harm in my love and grace.
So it is, the dragon's lies now saturate the earth even more than they already did before the dragon was cast down; because the dragon is cast down, is cast down to the earth and is bound under the firmament for judgment, and he knows he has but a short time and his wrath is great! And he does come to make war and his wars will be great, yet no greatness will that old serpent ever have but ever burning and rolling brimstone that burns the hottest flames of punishment.
And so I come to you my loves to encourage you to continue to draw ever closer to my heart by your obedience to my Words, and on the walls of my heart each of your full names are engraven in my love for you therein, that is everlasting and eternal. Yes, in my love for you, (I know each of you better than you know yourselves) I hold you so near to my heart at all times and especially in your times of distresses and trials that you surely face. (I have gathered every one of your tears in my bottle of tears that I may recompense you for each one) And in the battles that rage in this ongoing seed war, that is won in Christ and that rages against the fallen ones; understand, that you battles are won fully in your everlasting Lord! Therefore, rest in your eternal Lord, even Christ Jesus and cease from your own works of futility and rest fully therein, and complete the works of righteousness I have given you to do so that you may prevail over your enemies and I will give you Sabbath! Selah!
Therefore, understand the days you live because none of you have ever lived these days that have come upon the earth in this last time, although they deceptively appear similar to what you have known. Because the earth is in transition and truly the earth is being changed, and truly, truly the earth will continue to forcefully change according to Yahweh's purposes and designs.
Understand that a time of great transition has come upon the earth, even a time when the earth is being realigned and rearranged by the events and calamities and judgments to come into a restoration of the earth that once was in the days of Noah! And events and judgments will happen just as foretold by the prophets of old that are to occur fully during Jacob's trouble. Wherefore understand, that many judgments have already begun to fall even in this time of transition because it would be logistically impossible for things to happen any other way.
And so it is written, and so shall it be done, when I gather the faithful in Christ so soon and unexpectedly now when the restrainer will be removed, and the ice will fall, and the seals will be opened, and the trumpets will sound! That my two witnesses will rise who will command fire to fall from the heavens, who will smite the earth with all manner of plagues as often as they like, and who shall cause it to not rain upon the earth during the days of their prophecy at their command, and still many will refuse to repent! Understand that they will stand against the dragon, and the beast and the false prophet and if any mans will is to hurt them then that man must be hurt in like manner. If any man's will is to kill them that that man must be killed in like manner. These are my two two candle sticks and my two olive trees and many, many things will they reveal during the times of their revealing and their testimonies will be eternally recorded forevermore.
These are the times you live, my little ones, and these are the times you must continue to endure by drawing ever closer into my will for your lives because therein is your safety and salvation. Understand, that you grew up as calves of the stall in my times of grace and mercy that was given for the salvation of the lost tribes who were dispersed amongst the nations and thereby, were the nations blessed and showered in love, compassion, and grace and many achieved salvation thereby. But now the times have greatly changed, and I do command you to walk with GREAT wisdom, and that you may be wise as serpents and harmless as doves because these times are deceptively dangerous.
Because the dragon is now bound to the earth and the fallen ones grow stronger by the second, yet they are utterly powerless to stand against my mighty voice and utter strength and might! Therefore, I do rebuke and restrain them for your sakes more than you can possibly understand at this time and I have placed all things of the enemies kingdom under your feet that you may indeed trample them if need be. Therefore, fear them not because I have overcome all things, even the full kingdom of Satan; and so too will you overcome in like fashion, if you remain faithful to my Words of instruction I have given and do give for your obedience.
Marvel not, my loves, even as the fallen ones reveal themselves to the earth, marvel not in the least! Because the days of Noah have come! Even days where the Satans and their angels are cast to the earth, never more to return to the heavens from where they are now eternally expelled in utter defeat. Even days when the watchers are now released from their prisons wherein they were bound and kept separate one from another in great torment for their abominable crimes they committed against Yahweh and his creation in the days of old and in utter defeat were they bound from their rebellion and oaths they swore themselves to fulfill. Yet, their oaths will be fulfilled forevermore when they are bound and cast to the fires of punishement in that great lake of burning brimstone where their worm dies not.
Even days, once again, that are returning as in the days of Noah when the watchers descended on Mount Hermon in the days of Jared. Even days that have returned where the fallen ones now directly work hand in hand with the kings of the earth and their worldly governors they hide behind who are complicit in their designs who intend to bring great destruction and calamity and war just so soon as the restrainer is removed, when their evil will be unrestrained fully. Yes, they are loosed on the earth, and when the restrainer is removed Satans full kingdom will be unleashed when the ice falls, and the abyss is opened, and their portals will come alive once more. Behold! I bring giants to fulfill my wrath!
Marvel not, my loves, even as the fallen ones light up the skies under the firmament with their lights, and orbs, as they are now showing themselves in their forms they assume and their machines are now free to fly and much deception and confusion have they risen to cause on the face of the earth with their technologies, even during the conclusion of the birth pangs, that are so suddenly and unexpectedly to be concluded in calamity so shortly now. And so natural man wonders and speculates and rationalizes away the supernatural that has now become natural once again.
Yes, mankind faithlessly reasons away the power of Yahweh shown with the intent that mankind would awake to righteousness and attain salvation. Instead of giving Yahweh credit for his handiwork and signs intended to warn them of impending judgment; mankind instead credits mankind and his worhtless technologies he gained from the fallen ones: therfore harsh and severe judgment comes! Have neither part nor lot with their faithless reasonings and continue to glorify Yahweh for his works of salvation given in his eternal plans for the salvation of Adam in the face of Jesus Christ, who is the last Adam.
So I give you to understand: no matter whatever entity causes changes in heaven or on the earth, or changes in the earth's atmosphere, or anyone whosoever who alters Yahweh's creation in any manner whatsoever: I do command you to fully realize that Yahweh is utterly sovereign over his creation and anything that happens whatsoever only happens with Yahweh's permission, and with his full knowledge, and also to fulfill his everlasting plans of salvation for his prodigal son Adam. Understand, that Yahweh allows the unrighteous, hardhearted, and disobedient to live out their sinful lives so that they may fill up their sins to the fullest and their impending judgment they shall not escape, unless they come to Jesus the Christ in full repentance while there is still time.
Even so, Yahweh allows the unrighteous to sin so that in judgment they may be recompensed to the fullest receiving in full recompense their very own evil deeds right back on their own heads for all eternity and forevermore in the flames of punishment, even when such a thing is not necessary and could be avoided in salvation by obedience to righteoueness. In Yahweh's grace, and mercy in his eternal plan of salvation for Adam; Yahweh does desire that no man be lost to the flames, nevertheless, all men have been given free will to chose evil, or to choose righteousness in the face of Jesus Christ who will recreate all who come to salvation as one new man, and eternally will they live forevermore.
And so the fallen ones will be released fully in judgment on the inhabitants of the earth who are disobedient by refusing the name of Yeshua HaMashiach who is Jesus the Christ! Therefore, understand that all who refuse Jesus the Christ as Lord, or who live unfaithfully in disobedience from my commandments will be left under their brutal subjugation and rule wherewith they do intend to brutally and completely erase Adam from the face of the earth; in their long devised plans wherewith they intend to steal the earth from my mighty hands, even designs that are impossible for them to achieve in their rebellious madness.
Yet, mankind continuosly walks purposefully directly into their trap, even as he explains away the signs given for his own impending judgment that he still refuses to believe is coming in his faithless reasonings provided by his spurious education wherewith his mind is completely blinded to the true earth he lives, even which earth was created by Yahweh The Great I AM, whose existence mankind seeks to deny in his Jesuit devised spurious education of learning against learning. If when I tell you earthly things and you believe not, how should you believe, if I shall tell you of heavenly things? For no man ascends up to heaven, but he that has descended from heaven, even that Son of man which is in heaven. Will you humble your hearts and believe the Words of the Son of man? Or will you cling to the idols of your heart and the lies of educated fools who speak in direct opposition to the Words given by Yahweh in the face of Jesus Christ?
In mankind's faithless reasonings he foolishly seeks to provide lying answers to the fallen ones lying signs and wonders. Even answers given by the fallen ones themselves at times to all who refuse the Words of Adonai Yahweh, of which Words are given for obedience by the hand of the true and living way, of which way I, Christ Jesus surely am. Therefore, do not join them in their faithless reasonings in the least. And so I give you to understand, the earth belongs to El Shaddai who has given it to Yeshua HaMashiach who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, therefore and truly, the earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof! And there is NOT ONE ENTITY who is able to take my inheritance from my mighty hands, and I do come to take my inheritance by force from the squatters who will go fully to eternal judgment of which they will never escape. And yet they foolishly cling to their false hope that in their numbers fully unleashed they can defeat Yeshua HaMashiach, even a hope that I will utterly crush in the strength of my might given by Adonai Yahweh himself, in whose throne he has shared with Jesus the Christ.
Do not fall for their deceptions my loves and do not succumb to strong delusion and judgment that is not for you. Because you grew up as calves of the stall in times of relative peace and safety where the restrainer did restrain and grace and mercy prevailed on the earth though persecutions did abound. And now peace and safety have waned on the earth and are all but vanished, though the restrainer does yet restrain. And the fallen ones carry on with their plans and purposes wherewith they seek to establish their revived golden age, yet only harsh and severe judgment will they have.
Therefore, you have not traversed these times before my loves and I will continue to lead you step by step ever closer to your finish line where I await and am cheering you across the finish lines of your ministries of service given by my hand for your honor, salvation, and reward! Therefore, fear them not my bride because you are my overcomers, fear not my body because great reward is yours and my 144,000 will do greater works on the earth than even I did during my times of ministry on earth as the lamb of God when Pontius Pilate was prefect over Judea!
For as in the days before the flood, they did eat and drink, marry, and give in marriage, unto the day that Noah entered into the Ark, and they knew nothing, till the flood came, and took them all away, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Then two shall be in the fields, the one shall be received, and the other shall be refused. Two women shall be grinding at the mill: the one shall be received, and the other shall be refused. Watch therefore: for you know not what hour your master will come. Of this be sure, that if the Goodman of the house knew at what watch the thief would come, he would surely watch, and not suffer his house to be digged through. Therefore be also ready: for in the hour that ye think not, will the Son of man come.
Who then is a faithful servant and wise, whom his master has made ruler over his household, to give them meat in season? Blessed is that servant, whom his master when he comes, shall find so doing. Truly, I say to you, he shall make him ruler over all his goods. But if that evil servant shall say in his heart, my master does defer his coming, and begin to smite his fellows, and to eat, and to drink with the drunken, that servants master will come in a day, when he looks not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, and will cut him off, and give him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping, and gnashing of teeth.
And so I warn you once again, because all whom I love I warn, and all whom I love I rebuke, and all whom I love I chastise and all whom I love I scourge many times over because Yahweh deals with you as children, and what Father chastises not his children, or else you are not children but bastards and reprobates. Therefore, endure my chastening and heed my Words of reproof and chastisement so that you may overcome the fallen ones in all things in this life whereby they seek to ensnare you, even so that you would not come to your full inheritance that I have for you in my mighty hand. Even an inheritance that is impossible for you to lose should you be fully obedient to my commandments that you are to keep in your love for Yahweh, and also for Yeshua HaMashiach.
Understand my love for you my church, my body, and even my bride and know that I am calling you ever closer to me because so soon now will I descend from the heavens with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of Yahweh, and the trumpet will sound and that voice shall shout and the day, time, and hour of my appearing has now been announced in the heavens and is so soon to be realized on earth, even so suddenly and unexpectedly as promised. And all who long for and love my appearing will have great reward and even receive a crown of righteousness for their expectation because those who hold such an expectation are those who have fully died to the current evil world, and they will have fully overcome by the power, might, and righteousness of their Everlasting Lord of Glory!
I am Jesus the Nazarene, who is calling you ever closer to me my church, my body, and even my bride.
I am Jesus the Christ, who is calling you closer still in these times right before you are taken into the rewards of your inheritance that I will give you shortly in the heavens after you are taken.
I am Christ Jesus, who truly, truly is your sufficiency in all things, therefore rest in my works and righteousness and ask of me in humility and depart from all boastful ways of self sufficiency, because you are about to be fully united with your Bridegroom who will evermore supply you an abundance and wealth of all things in your inheritance in Christ.
I am Yeshua HaMashiach, who is calling and begging you to come fully to me in my love for you my children, that your full salvation may be realized fully in these times of full redemption for the faithful in Christ, whether they are at rest in the heart of the earth as they peacefully sleep in righteousness, or whether they are alive and remain on the face of the earth at my appearing, whose time has come.
Therefore, understand the importance and urgency of the times because there is no time remaining for disobedience and truly it has come almost fully now, that at my appearing he who is faithful in Christ will be taken to safety in the heavens where great reward will be theirs and they will have been rescued from the coming wrath, and judgment that is about to crash onto the earth in great calamity. And so in like manner at my appearing he who is unfaithful and not in Christ will be left to the refiners fire, where they will be saved should they call on the name of Jesus their Lord until their end and there is no other choice remaining for those of the nations who have rejected their full salvation at the time of my appearing.
And so it is, my loves that I do come to tell you once again, to turn not to the left, neither to the right but keep your feet firmly fixed on that straight and narrow path where I do cause the meek and humble in heart to have full victory as they overcome the fallen ones by my mighty power, and righteousness that I have freely given to the obedient. Therefore, keep your eyes fixed in single minded focus on your Everlasting Lord of Righteousness that you may come to your full reward and that you may rest fully in the peace and comfort that I do bring as I shower you in my peace and comfort in my love for you. That even in the face of adversity and trials you may stand eternally strong in your brokenness and affliction as you rest in my strength that cannot be overcome.
I am Yeshua HaMashiach who, along with Yahweh, The Great I AM, have sent the Words of The Everlasting Gospel by my mighty messenger and servant who has faithfully recorded and read these Words for the obedience and salvation of all these Words are sent. And by my mighty messenger and servant have the Words of The Everlasting Gospel been sent. Truly, truly, the Words of The Everlasting Gospel will be preserved through the coming calamities and judgments that are about to explode across the earth. Understand that further testimonies will given and recorded and scribed into the books in the heavens and the Words of Adonai Yahweh will fill the earth in all righteousness and true holiness!
I am coming so soon for the faithful in Christ, and truly their times have come! Times where the first fruits of harvest will meet fulfillment of promise and reward in the presence of Yahweh himself (even a moment Yahweh has longed for since ancient times), and Yeshua HaMashiach and an innumerable host of angels of whom there is joy in their mighty presence when just one person attains eternal salvation. Yet, so will it be when I call the faithful in Christ home to their eternal reward that they will take their places amongst the tribes because they are the Israel of God and they will fill the ranks of their orders and a mighty host of kings and priests will I coronate and consecrate for eternal service in my eternal kingdom, of which there is never an end.
I am Yeshua HaMashiach, who is also The Lord of Harvest, and truly, truly the times of the harvest of first-fruits has come, and the first-fruit's of harvest time for reward has in like manner also come.
The times are now. Selah!