Come to your everlasting Lord and hear my Words, my kinsman, and bow your hearts in obedience at the Words of Yeshua HaMashiach. Because I, Yeshua HaMashiach, will make the wise man among you, O' Israel, yet wiser still when you are obedient to my instructions that you may then receive further wisdom and knowledge because wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of your times and strength of salvation, the fear of the Lord is your treasure.

Therefore, understand the times you live that you may walk with precision and that my purposes of salvation may come to full completion in you who are called according to my name, even you O' Israel, although you currently do not know me nor do you live my ways because Israel is ruled by Esau and Ashkenaz, when it is plainly stated the elder shall serve the younger and neither Esau nor Ashkenaz have any claim to Jacob’s birth right of inheritance. And yet, Jacob rejected Yeshua HaMashiach and I did turn to the nations for a season to fulfill what Israel was never obedient to fully fulfill that from Israel would the nations be blessed and that of the lost tribes a remnant would be saved.

Nevertheless, when you turn your hearts in obedience to the sound of your true Messiah's Words of instruction you will be restored as a peculiar people to Yahweh, even though your fathers turned from Yahweh long ago. Yes, they turned from Yahweh when they rejected me, Jesus the Nazarene, who is also Yeshua HaMashiach, even in the days when Pontius Pilate ruled Judea when I was delivered of their chief priests and Sanhedrin into the hands of sinful men to do those things of which the law explicitly forbade them to do, yet in their hatred for me and for all things of Yahweh they readily did so with great malice and cruelty. And so is the salvation of Adam accomplished by the hands of his enemies, that whoso believes and calls on the name of Jesus the Nazarene who is also Yeshua HaMashiach shall be saved to the uttermost.

And so it is because I am the lamb of Yahweh, how else could atonement for the sins of mankind ever be accomplished except my sinless blood is spilled in sacrifice to pay a sum that truly is priceless. Understand that although natural man does boast in great pride that he is self-made and self-sufficient in all things, natural man is fallen into a sinful and deplorable state of unrighteousness and reproach that is justly deserved.

Yet, in my grace and mercy and sacrifice of myself on Golgotha when I presented myself to Yahweh as the lamb of God when I offered myself in great agony as my last drop of blood flowed onto Golgotha, even to my last breath when I uttered the words it is finished. And I was buried, and rose again the third day according to scripture; even as Yahweh promised he would do, because it is impossible that death could hold the sinless blood. And Yahweh resurrected me where, shortly afterwards I then entered into the holiest of holies in the heavens themselves, where I did present myself as high priest forevermore to Yahweh, the great I AM, of which sacrifice he eternally accepted. Seeing then that you have so great a high priest, which is entered into heaven, even Jesus the son of Yahweh, let us hold fast our profession. For you have not an high priest, O’ Israel, which cannot be touched with the feeling of your infirmities, but was in all things tempted in like sort, yet without sin. 

So I ask, O’ Israel, what is finished? So I plainly answer: My new covenant, which is an everlasting covenant even my New Testament! For the testament is confirmed when men are dead: for it is yet of no force as long as he that made it, is alive; and almost all things are by the law purged with blood, and without shedding of blood is no remission of sin. In like manner as the Old Testament when Moses had spoken every precept to the people, according to the Law, he took the blood of calves and of goats, with water and purple wool and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book, and all the people, saying, This is the blood of the testament, which God has appointed unto you.

Yet, the testament of Old, even Moses former testament was never intended for the conclusion of Yahweh's plan of redemption for mankind, nor was Israel ever supposed to congregate in arrogance, forming fractious sects along many unneeded, and murderous divisions. But instead Israel was meant to stand as a beacon of salvation to the gentiles that the nations would see that there is a God in Israel and so that the nations would pour into Israel to learn of Yahweh according as it was written during times of old.

Therefore, understand the temporal nature of Moses as practiced by Israel in the times before my New Testament and understand that Moses fully lives in your true Messiah, even the holy one of God who perfectly lived according to Moses and who gave his life once, all, and forevermore to pay the penalty of Moses for you. As it is written, therefore, understand my New Testament, O' Israel: For the Law having the shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices, which they offer year by year continually, sanctify the comers thereunto. For would they not then have ceased to have been offered, because that the comers, once purged, should have had no more conscience of sins? But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again of sins every year.

For it is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins. And so it is my countrymen, that Moses could only ever temporarily purge sins, and yet many sins under Moses remained where those who committed such things were cut off from the people forevermore on account of their sins. Therefore, Moses was a shadow of things to come, of which things are fulfilled fully in my sacrifice of myself, because my sinless blood atones for all sins, once all and forevermore, even so that all who are of Adam may achieve salvation thereby. Yet for those who accept the mark of the beast, no forgiveness will they ever have.

And so it is written of Yeshua HaMashiach, that by my life and obedience Adam could be restored to Elohim, his eternal and righteous creator. Wherefore, when he comes into the world, he says, sacrifice and offering you would not: but a body have you ordained me. In burnt offerings, and sin offerings, you have had no pleasure. Then I said, Lo, I come (In the beginning of the book it is written of me) that I should do your will, O God. Above, when he said, Sacrifice and offering, and burnt offerings, and sin offerings you would not have, neither had pleasure therein (which are offered by the Law) Then said he, Lo, I come to do your will, O God, he takes away the first, that he may establish the second. By the which will we are sanctified, even by the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once made. And every Priest of Levi stands daily ministering, and oft-times offers one manner of offering, which can never take away sins: But this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins, sits forever at the right hand of God, And from henceforth tarries, until his enemies be made his footstool. For with one offering has he consecrated forever them that are sanctified thereby. 

For Yahweh also bears us record: for after that he had said before, This is the Testament that I will make unto them after those days, says Elohim, I will put my laws in their heart, and in their minds I will write them. And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Now where remission of these things is, there is no more offering for sin. And you stand in a time of national ignorance where your Fathers long since rejected he who is the perfect Passover Lamb of Yahweh himself, even where Yahweh so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten son that whosoever believes on the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, even Jesus the Christ even that person will be saved to the uttermost. And so I call on you to turn from your ignorance and partial blindness, O' Israel, even by rejecting and repudiating fully the blasphemous wisdom of Esau contained in his filthy Talmud and return to the pure Words of Yahweh, even of which Words have been preserved within the Byzantine line of Texts, even the Textus Receptus as preserved in the Stephens text. 

Therefore, understand what rejecting Yeshua HaMashiach eternally means for you Israel so you may understand the seriousness of said rejection. For if you sin willingly after that you have received and acknowledged that truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins, but a fearful looking for of judgment, and violent fire, which shall devour the adversaries. He that despised Moses Law, died without mercy under two, or three witnesses: Of how much sorer punishment suppose you shall be worthy, which treads under foot the Son of God, and counts the blood of the New Testament as an unholy thing. Therefore, accept my sacrifice and confess your sins to me so I may forgive you for I am faithful and just to forgive you your sins that you may be purified in my atoning blood and confess your faults one to another.

Therefore, I do come to you in my mercy and grace so that I may lead you away from your partial blindness, O' Israel, even that you may yet obtain salvation by your obedience to my voice and so that you may depart from the rejection of your Fathers that is enshrined forevermore in your filthy Talmud and in your filthy religion that Esau has made for your destruction, but of which you cling as if his wisdom was given by Yahweh himself, and not Satan. O' Israel, hear my saving voice and accept my love for you and come to me with your full hearts open and ready to receive that you may yet be filled with all glory and virtue.

I give you to understand the complete forgiveness and restoration my atoning blood does bring to all who accept me as their saving Lord, and also as their true Messiah, for so I am. And as Adam was created, formed, and made sinless and in full perfection up until the day he sinned willfully, so too does payment for Adam's sin require sinless blood, even an impossible requirement for all those who dwell on the earth in corruption to provide. And in Yahweh's love he did provide such perfection and sinless blood in the body of his only begotten son who is given in sacrifice for the sins of Adam, therefore there remains no more sacrifice for sin.

I am he who gave himself in full for the sins of fallen Adam

I am he who offered myself fully in everlasting atonement that all who submit themselves to eternal salvation may be purified thereby.

I am he who is your High Priest forevermore after The Order of Melchizedek, even he who offered myself as the perfect Passover once, all, and forever more.

I am Yeshua HaMashiach, even he who is your true Messiah and of my rule there is never an end.

I am Christ Jesus, and I have sent my Words by my messenger and servant and by my messenger and servant have my Words been sent.

Therefore, understand the fulfillment of all things has come, O' Israel, and I am calling you to myself by way of The Everlasting Gospel that is given in the proper times of revealing and the times of revelation are now. Because from the beginning Yahweh did state to the serpent in the garden during the times where sin entered the world, I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed, you shall bruise his heel, and he shall bruise your head.

And so in the course of time David, when he was a young shepherd boy, who became King of Israel before the kingdom was divided; who also became a man after Yahweh's own heart, defended Israel and slew that giant Philistine, even Goliath of Gath who was a tare descended from the Rephaim! So David the young shepherd boy went out to war with Goliath of Gath even as a shepherd, with staff, scrip and sling, going to battle against a giant warrior, but David went to war in the name of Yahweh, who the Philistines defied, and David stood to fight against the enemies of Israel so that the host of Elohim could be victorious.

As the stone from David's sling caused this unholy giant to fall to the ground groveling about, David drew this giants own sword and cut off his head. And as it is written of old: And David took the head of the Philistine, and brought it to Jerusalem, but he put his armor in his tent. So David buried the skull of Goliath of Gath outside the city walls of Jerusalem. Yet, in my sacrifice of myself as the lamb of God, I was taken outside the city walls and there at Golgotha was I crucified, even the place of the skull. And as I was crucified they did nail me to that rugged tree where they did bruise my heel with their nails when they nailed me to that rugged stake. And so victory was there obtained for Adam when my heel was bruised there at Calvary where Satan's head was likewise crushed as my blood flowed bringing victory over the seed of the serpent forevermore. Therefore, in the same manner as a shepherd boy defeated Satans own seed, so to did the chief Shepherd defeat Satan forevermore in my sacrifice of love that I made for the sins of Adam.

Yet, as I was dying in great agony as a common criminal (of which criminality I remain innocent) outside the city gates of that holy city, my sinless blood did there drain out of my body in full representation of the sinful man of red earth coming to full redemption. And as my blood soaked the red earth at the place of the skull there at calvary was the head of the serpent bruised eternally and forevermore, and in the consummation of all things that old dragon himself will be bound and cast eternally to the fires of punishment where their worm dies not, for so is his inheritance.

And I am he who is coming to utterly destroy the enemies kingdom so that the dragon may be bound and sealed into the abyss for a thousand years that my righteous rule on earth may be established. At the end of which he shall be loosed for his little season where he will gather his final rebellion. And as they attack the camp of the saints fire will descend from Yahweh himself and devour them utterly at which time Satan will be cast to the eternal fires burning forevermore with putrid brimstone.

Wherefore, I give you to understand, O' Israel, the penalty of Moses is paid fully by the sacrifice of Yeshua HaMashiach who is Jesus the Christ in the English tongue even so that you may understand the completeness of my sacrifice and the perfection accomplished by my ever atoning blood that was spilled and given for the sins of Adam. Understand in full, O' Israel, that had the fallen ones understood the mystery of Yahweh, they never would have crucified your Lord of Glory! For by my crucifixion where the serpent temporarily bruised my heel, the serpents head is now bruised eternally, even a bruise of which he shall never recover.

Therefore, O’ Israel, hear my Words and understand my love for you and that I am calling you in this last time. So understand my speech because it is written: The God of peace that brought again from the dead Yeshua HaMashiach, the great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in all good works, to do his will, working in you that which is pleasant in his sight through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise for ever and ever, Amen. 

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