Hear, hear, my Words O' Israel and bow your hearts in obedience to the sound of my voice and receive in meekness the Words of Yeshua HaMashiach that by the Words of The Everlasting Gospel you may obtain salvation and come to eternal life in your true Messiah who truly does fight for you in love. So I come to warn you, even those of Jacob and all those who read and accept the words of The Everlasting Gospel in saving faith that they may have faith in Yeshua HaMashiach who is also Jesus the Christ, and that they may have faith in Yahweh the Great I AM of whose heart The Everlasting Gospel remained hidden until the times of its revealing and so John the Revelator did seal up the voices of the seven thunders whose voices he did hear. And so I come to warn you of the spider who has woven its web and has caught the world in its embrace; even as it feeds on the lifeblood of others, and so that you may avoid its many webs so you are not taken in its deadly embrace.
Therefore, bow your hearts in obedience and hear the words of your true Messiah, even Yeshua HaMashiach! For truly I do come to make the wise man amongst you wiser still that you may discern the times you live and that you may understand your enemies and their nature and lying ways; because they move in great secrecy and stealth and by deception they do war. Because they are all pretenders who pretend, and the spider moves in great secrecy and stealth until the spider's prey is caught in its web of which the spider will always use for its nefarious purposes.
Therefore, I do come to warn you of the spider and show you its ways so you may avoid its poison and keep yourselves from its paralyzing and deadly embrace. But what spider has ever made itself an empire and a nation? And what spider has ever joined the confederacy of the fallen ones, even happily doing its part in rebellious evil? And what spider has ever assumed the identities of those caught in its web? Yet so is the spider of which I come to warn you and truly, truly, the spider is one of many components of the enemies kingdom and a venomous and poisonous spider it truly is.
Because the spider does weave its web in stealth and deception. Even a web of deception and a web of debt does the spider weave, and its web now cocoons the entire earth in its stealthy embrace. Consider a spider in its natural setting, it weaves its web stealthily in places where it can catch its prey even as its prey lands unawares in its web. And as its victim fights to free itself from the web in which it was ensnared unawares trapping itself further, the spider springs into action and injects its venom as it cocoons its prey in its web. Then the spider keeps its prey for its own purposes and feeds slowly on its victim until nothing remains, leaving its victim utterly desolate until truly its victim is not.
Yet so are the ways of the natural spider created for Yahweh’s purposes, except which of you has ever seen a spider work in tandem with an empire and nation of other spiders; yet the fallen ones have united their spiders in these end-times. And so I come to warn you of a people descended from Japheth, who begat Gomer, and from Gomer came Ashkenaz,and of Ashkenaz a nation because Ashkenaz is in the table of nations in the orders of old even in the days when men lived under the Noahic covenant of which covenant mankind forsook; and yet there was faithful Abram who sought the ways of Yahweh when the earth rebelled once again against their creator. Yet even though, natural man rejected Yahweh's covenant; Yahweh is faithful to his promises just the same. And not one promise of the covenant Yahweh made with Noah (who was a righteous man in Yahweh’s sight) has ever fallen to the ground unfulfilled and all shall be yea and amen forevermore because Yahweh is always perfectly faithful!
After the earth was flooded in the days of Noah, the earth was divided by lot of inheritance amongst Noah's sons in the days of Peleg, and so Japheth went into his inheritance in the lands of the north. And the people were of one language, and the sons of Ham congregated in the land that became Babylon. And the princes of Nimrod took counsel together with Phut, Mitzraim, Cush, and Canaan and their families to build their city and in it a strong tower even a high tower so that they could wage war on the heavens and that they would congregate themselves so they could make a name for themselves in rebellion of Yahweh’s command to be fruitful and multiply so they could repopulate the earth. But so are the ways of faithless natural man, who in his lusts and pride serves sin and therefore serves the Father of sin; even the devil, by way of mankind's disobedience to Yahweh due to the sin in natural man's flesh.
And from the posterity of Nimrod who grew in wickedness it is said from the wicked goes forth much wickedness. And so Nimrod did pollute the earth in the ways of the fallen ones and from his conjurers and sorcerers came the mystery schools of old where the fallen ones conjurers taught their worthless mysteries to those who will be cast to the flames forevermore in the sins of the Satans, and they will join them in their eternal inheritance. And Nimrod did rise in the first empire after the flood of Noah, even where Nimrod ruled the earth in unrighteousness; even a rule the fallen ones seek to have for themselves fully over the earth, yet no golden age will they have but harsh judgment.
So Yahweh in judgment did cause the earth to open up and swallow a third of their tower, and fire fell from heaven consuming another third of the tower, and a third part was allowed to remain as a memorial against them. Therefore, is the name of it called Babel, because Yahweh did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did Yahweh scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. And many nations and peoples did reject and forget Yahweh who entered covenant with Noah, and so they forgot the covenant Noah made with Yahweh according to their inheritance and according to the languages they spoke did they forget Yahweh's covenant with Noah, and they did turn to the ways of the fallen ones because there is no other choice. (And yet Abram became Abraham and the just shall live by faith!)
At Babylon did Nimrod do much evil even as he made many idols and claimed himself a god and made his blasphemous trinity, even an unholy three, intended to mock the true godhead and the promised seed of the woman and to lead astray the sons of men in unrighteousness. And so did Nimrod establish his so-called mystery schools as the knowledge of the fallen ones once again began to spread and cover the earth and mankind once again changed the truth of Yahweh into a lie and worshipped and served the creation more than the creator who is blessed forevermore, Amen!
And as the people were scattered from Babylon so too was the spurious knowledge and ways of the fallen ones scattered abroad with them, even with all their disgusting and blasphemous rituals of those who eat the flesh with the blood and those who drink the blood of Adam where the life of the flesh does reside; even utterly corrupt and abominable practices that Yahweh has forbidden once, all, and forevermore because Adam was made in the image of Yahweh and the life of the flesh is in the blood. Yet they continue in their disgusting and blasphemous ways to this very day, and their practices and rites have been preserved in those who worship devils and bow to dumb idols and these are the ways of the spider, and yet the spider pretends to be righteous Jacob of whom he has neither part nor lot.
And so the ways of evil were entrenched into the ways of the peoples of the nations once again. And of Gomer came Ashkenaz and of Ashkenaz in time came a great nation of people who became nomads who lived and roamed the Eurasian step and its vicinity even where they did make their empire. Even of which, their empire grew in unrighteousness and fell to their enemies just the same. Even of whose enemies attacked them on account of their unrighteousness and instead of accepting Jesus the Nazarene and departing from evil they instead pretend to be Jacob, and of Jacob there was never a tribe of Ashkenaz of Japheth. Even so they rejected Jesus the Nazarene because they are of their father the devil and his lusts are they forevermore bound to do.
And of the people of Ashkenaz whose ways were evil and deceptive came a people, except of the race of Adam they were not fully, but evil tares planted amongst Yahweh's wheat who have corrupted themselves forever in unrighteousness. Even those who were born of their father the devil because the devil's seed does yet remain, although I will utterly root them out and cast them to the furnace just as Yahweh has declared. And of Ashkenaz came the spider but a natural spider it was not, but a nation of abominable spiders even altered from the image of Yahweh their creator, who are forevermore bound to the lusts of their Father the devil of whose lusts they will do. And so the spiders were scattered abroad, even as they did flee from the hands of the enemies of unrighteousness who stood against the ways of the spider. And so Ashkenaz rejected Yeshua HaMashiach, of whom they have neither part nor lot.
So in truth mankind has been led astray of the fallen ones since Adam fell from his sinless state of which he was created in the garden of Eden and corruption did spread across the earth through the bloodline of Cain. Of which corruption the fallen watchers did corrupt further when they descended on Mount Hermon in the days of Jared. Therefore, did Yahweh wash their corruption from the face of the earth in that great deluge in the days of Noah and yet the fallen ones did reestablish their ways after the flood for so Yahweh did allow mankind to select for himself. Because truly, truly, Yahweh has given all he created with free will in his creation freedom to choose whether they will live the ways of Yahweh of choose to serve the Satans in their rebellion of which rebellion is soon at its end. Because I, even Yeshua HaMashiach, am he who will bruise the head of the serpent, even he who will utterly destroy his kingdom never to rise again.
So it is and so is the truth that I taught concerning the kingdom of heaven when I came to Israel as the Lamb of God during my time in the flesh in Judea. For so, it is written: The kingdom of heaven is like a man which sowed good seed in his field. But while men slept, there came his enemy, and sowed tares amongst the wheat, and went his way. And when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. Then came the servants of the householder, and said to him, Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? From where then have the tares come? And he said to them, Some envious man has done this. Then the servants said unto him, Will you then that we go and gather them up? But he said, No, unless while you go about to gather the tares, you pluck up also with them the wheat. Let both grow together until the harvest, and in time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather first the tares, and bind them in sheaves to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
Even so because wheat bows in obedience while tares stand erect in evil defiance. Selah!
Yet so it is that the times of gathering have come, and I will gather my wheat into Yahweh's barn because the time to harvest the first fruits has come. And so it will come to pass that I will utterly root out the tares and bind them, and they will be cast to the fires in their judgment. So understand the earth you live and even the war into which you were born. Even the seed war that has raged since the garden of Eden where Yahweh did declare war on the serpent and the fallen ones because of their wickedness and for corrupting the garden of Yahweh. Of which war culminates in utter defeat for all who have rebelled in such fashion with the fallen ones and their inheritance of burning brimstone does await.
And so Yahweh did declare: I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed, and you shall bruise his heel and he shall bruise your head. And so was my heel bruised in my crucifixion when I gave myself as the perfect Passover as the Lamb of God willingly into the hands of my cruel enemies. And I am the promised seed of the woman who will utterly crush Satans head and I will make my enemies my footstool, because I am the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and in righteousness I do come to judge and make war!
Therefore, understand that the seed war is won fully in Christ Jesus even as I had Peter write these many jubilees ago: Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God which lives and abides forever. And again did I have John the Revelator write in his letter: Whosoever is born of God, does not commit sin: for his seed remains in him, and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever does not practice righteousness, is not of God, neither he that loves not his brother. Therefore, all who are sealed in Christ can never be corrupted in such manner and neither can they sin where they are altered from the seal of the living God, even Yahweh to whom they belong. Wherefore, do not allow such foolishness to trouble you that those born again of my holy spirit of sonship and sealed with the seal of Yahweh can ever be plucked from my mighty hand by any means whatsoever. Therefore, for those who have achieved salvation your salvation is secure.
And so the ways of the spider I will reveal, and I will reveal the spider fully, although spiders love to move in great stealth, I will yet expose their ways. Because these mutated spiders are those who assume the identities of those they plan for and do murder. These are spiders who thrive on great cruelty and love to torture their prey for no other reason than to satisfy the lusts of their Father of which they are bound to serve and of whose offspring they are. These mutated spiders of which I speak even the same are robbers, and thieves, and murderers and pretenders (and much, much more are they guilty) who can never have enough and who lust for the death of Adam that they may have their golden age forevermore along with the fallen ones. And so the spiders have moved out across the world and woven their webs together in great stealth and secrecy.
Even a great web of debt because the spider thrives and has made itself rich with gold that it has acquired through unjust usury. The spider has hidden itself amongst and disguised itself as Jacob and a convincing disguise have they made for themselves. Because the spider cannot show itself truly as an evil, mutated spider; for what fowler sets the snare in sight of the bird? But the spider disguises itself and changes its appearance and mannerisms to blend in with those it wishes to feed. And as the spider begins to weave its web amongst those who have unwittingly allowed the spider space to weave amongst their nation; the spider then brings more spiders either who come to join him in his evil conquests or by way of more tares hatching from the spiders egg sac who scurry off to weave their own webs and continue the cycle of death. And so is Adam bound and cocooned by these evil arachnids. And slowly and with great delight do they ensnare and feed on Adam and with great cruelty and malice does the spider seek the entire earth for itself and their Fathers to whose lusts they are bound.
Because in its deception the spiders of Ashkenaz have joined themselves to Esau, by way of the Talmud because in many jubilees past they did adopt the Talmud as their master and ruler, yet a true proselyte of Moses they are not, nor do they follow the way of Yeshua HaMashiach but they do pretend. And of Esau were my murderers and by the false wisdom of Esau, even their blasphemous traditions of men that they elevate above the ways of Yahweh, have they polluted Jacob and ensnared Esau's brother many times over. Even so I said to them during my time in the flesh as the Lamb of God: You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do: he has been a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, then he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.
Yet the spider has never departed from the ways of the fallen ones and the spider still partakes and relishes its evil practices. Because the spider preys on children it has cocooned as its prey and drinks the blood thereof from the little ones it torments in its embrace. Because the spider fulfills its disgusting lusts on the little ones from whose host nation they kidnap in great stealth as the little ones are taken in its web. And of what spider has there been that both weaves a web and yet tunnels into the earth. Because the spiders web even goes under the earth and its web covers a great expanse and a worldwide empire and kingdom does the spider seek. And so the spider does move in great deception because by deception they do war.
And yet these pretenders who have joined themselves to the fallen ones forevermore and of whose offspring they truly are; do pretend to be Jacob and have falsely laid claim to the land of promise, of which they have neither part nor lot but are pretenders who pretend. And of their ways comes the trap that the beast from the earth will set for Jacob because by way of Esau’s Talmud has Ashkenaz united in confederacy with Esau, and they will be further united by the lamb of the dragon, even their false lamb with two horns. Even an unnatural lamb where one horn rules the sea according to Noahide and the other horn rules the promised land in great blasphemy and deceit because he is Daniel's little horn, and so will the earth be ruled by their rule for a short time. Because they will unite all forces and factions of evil under their rule, and they will gather them together to battle on that great day, where they will all be violently cast down forevermore and into everlasting punishment and judgment will they forevermore go.
And yet the spiders ways are ways of blackmail, and extortion, and murder, and corruption and many, many evil ways does the spider teach and live because the spider always seeks to make more spiders who are twofold the children of hell as themselves. And so the spiders do dance and celebrate themselves over their genocide on the people of the land, even dancing with arms intertwined while they dance in joy at the death and destruction of their victims many of whom are women and children and babies; and so their destruction lingers not. Yet they have taken the worlds leaders and ensnared the kings of the earth both by consent and by conquest, and they have nearly subjugated the entire earth in their many webs and in their webs is the earth bound and given into the hands of the dragon for judgment and destruction that has nearly fully arrived. And yet the spider cries alound in pain as he feeds on his prey even so that it may ever appear the poor persecuted victim, when in truth it is the spider who persecutes and victimizes Adam.
Therefore, hearken to my voice my countrymen, even all who read these words and separate your selves from the spider and its webs, because when anyone turns from their destruction to call on the name of the Lord, even Jesus the Nazarene who is also Yeshua HaMashiach who is Israel’s true Messiah; truly, truly that person shall be saved.
Truly, truly, I command you one and all to fully repudiate and reject their blasphemous Talmud that is a book of great evil, filth, and deceit; even a book penned by Esau and adopted by the Synagogue of Satan, of which synagogue only evil and filth resides. Because the spider is the Synagogue of Satan, even born of the tribe of Ashkenaz of Japheth who have neither part nor lot in the inheritance of Shem, and especially that of righteous Jacob of whom I will save alive a mighty remnant.
Wherefore, come out from amongst them and be ye separate and turn to Yeshua HaMashiach that you may learn of me and that you may learn to live the righteous ways of Yahweh of whose ways I am and of whom I am the Word made flesh, because Moses is alive fully in Yeshua HaMashiach and in my New Testament are all the promises and covenants of old, which promises will be fulfilled fully and in full in my millennial reign and Kingdom that I will establish in righteousness on the earth.
I am Yeshua HaMashiach who is the true Messiah of Israel, and truly I am your King, Lord, High priest, and Messiah forevermore and of my Kingdom and rule there shall be no end.
I am he who comes to warn my countrymen of this great deception and destruction that surely has engulfed the earth in its web because the spiders have woven their webs worldwide now.
I am Christ Jesus, and I have sent these Words by my messenger and servant and by my messenger and servant have these words been sent.
I am Jesus the Christ, who also is Yeshua HaMashiach who has revealed the Words of The Everlasting Gospel along with Yahweh himself in the times of revealing which are now. Even the times of revealing before Jacob’s trouble begins in full that Jacob may yet be saved.
Therefore, understand the gravity of my Words and be not faithless but only believe my testimony and hear my Words and depart from stubborn unbelief and rebellion because now are the times to return to Yahweh by way of Yeshua HaMashiach even in times of trouble of which times have come.
And all who come to their Everlasting Messiah and accept me and my New Testament will achieve salvation in their own orders. Those who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in the honors of martyrdom will be resurrected at the resurrection of the just and the weight of their eternal reward will far surpass their struggles and troubles of which I will strengthen them to overcome just as Yahweh strengthened me to overcome.
And those from Jacob whom I will hide away in the wilderness from the times of the greatest tribulation ever; after which they will be taken alive into my millennial Kingdom even that they may be fruitful and multiply, and we will live the ways of Yahweh because in righteousness will the earth be ruled, and no evil thing will enter therein.
And it is I, Yeshua HaMashiach who does declare the fullness of times for the earth to birth those who have fallen asleep in Christ and to deliver those who are alive and remain at my appearing and who are found faithful in Christ, because truly, truly the times are now. Selah!
I am, Yeshua HaMashiach, and I am coming for you my loves, and I am that the Great I AM has made me.
So understand the love that I have for you and understand the love Yahweh has for you because truly, truly our love is an all consuming fire, and Yahweh’s love cannot be conquered because Yahweh cannot be conquered and Yahweh is love and Yahweh is light, and I am calling you to the kingdom of love and light and righteousness; even where the glory of the redeemed will shine forth forever more, and the creation will be liberated into the glorious liberation of the righteous sons of Yahweh, of whom I will lead as their King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
And so all will know that you are mine, and I am yours by the love that you show me in obedience to my commands and by the love you show to one another as you go about your lives no matter the troubles. That you would love Yahweh with all of your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength, and that truly, truly you would love your neighbor as your self and so are the commandments of Yahweh.
Continue to persevere my bride, because the hour of your full redemption has come. And so I sign my name in testimony of the Everlasting Gospel, even so that it may be done.
Signed in Yahweh’s love and in my atoning blood forever more!
Yahweh the Great I AM, and Yeshua HaMashiach who is also Jesus the Christ, Amen.