Hear, hear! O' Israel the voice of Yeshua HaMashiach, even the only-begotten son of Yahweh, the great I AM! Even so that I may warn you of things to come, and so that you are further made aware of the trap that Barabbas will set so you are not ensnared with the faithless; of which things have been written before in part in the Everlasting Gospel. Yet I come to tell you of the trap the spider sets in the land of promise and to make it plain so that you are not destroyed by their designs. And I do desire to make your paths plain and keep you in the ways of righteousness, even the ways of Yahweh, even whose ways live perfectly in Yeshua HaMashiach your true Messiah who always perfectly obeys Yahweh's will. And also so that you may keep your foot on that straight and narrow path, of which I will keep your feet firmly planted if you but continue to follow me in obedient faith. Because the just shall live by faith!
So understand the time has come, even as declared and announced where I will suddenly gather the faithful in Christ into the heavens whether they be living or dead; and as the faithful saints are suddenly taken sudden destruction will overtake Secret Babylon who sits on many waters, which are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. And as the ashes of war smolder and the current arrangement of nations is decimated and realigned to suit their purposes, the fallen one's final beast system will rise in full.
Yet, the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth have played the role of virtuous shepherds who came to shepherd the lost sheep of Secret Babylon with many empty promises; even false promises that ultimately bring death and destruction. And they pretend to be enemies behind the facade of a senile old stooge behind whom they hide themselves and of which stooge is there to take the blame for their crimes; and they do control his every move and script his every word. Because this great deception is given in judgment on Secret Babylon; that strong delusion should overtake her fully because she has covered the earth in her lies having a golden cup in her hand, full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.
And yet these two evil beasts have spoiled Secret Babylon, even before her destruction has come and have taken her military might and abundance for the dragon's purposes in their coming final beast system. Because the war that is to come will devour Secret Babylon, and truly she will be destroyed in one hour, for so has been declared of Yahweh, even the Great I AM. Yet, this is by design and is also set in Yahweh's plan of redemption (that his enemies should obey his voice) and so the great Harlot's judgment is declared, and written, and so shall it be done forevermore, and never will she rise again. Even so, they will split the earth and great shaking will occur, and they have engineered her destruction that they may gather the resources of which they lust that are buried in the earth. Even the resources with which they need to power and expand the fallen one's technologies; even wherewith the world is currently mesmerized and enchanted in its strong delusion, kept enthralled to their frequencies and manipulations wherewith they are stimulated and controlled.
And of the people that will remain after the coming destruction of Secret Babylon; the beast from the earth and the beast from the sea have imported an army of invaders and executioners into her borders whose numbers are as a mighty plague of locusts, and they will be unleashed at their signal! Because these are the armies of the beast who have been gathered for Secret Babylon's destruction. Many of these are from the lands of the dragon and the lands of the bear, and they will do as Secret Babylon secretly did to them in jubilees past: They will kill every man, woman, and child with no remorse who does not suit their purposes and many who are allowed to remain alive will be forced into their slave camps to work in their mines to their deaths. And they will toil and labor till their last breath; because all that Secret Babylon has secretly done to others will now be done openly to her in judgment and punishment. Because Secret Babylon is drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus that she has martyred in great abundance in foreign lands; all the while claiming that she herself serves Jesus the Nazarene. But in truth she serves the fallen ones and her purposes are now over, and they do lust for her destruction so they can cover their crimes and so that their mangy shepherds may appear virtuous when they rise in order to hide their trap.
Yet, they can never hide themselves from Yahweh, nor Yeshua HaMashiach and their crimes are recorded perfectly in the heavens and every sin is recorded in perfect detail along with the thoughts and intents of their polluted hearts. And the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth are evil abominations created for the destruction of mankind. These evil beasts are child molesters, and they collect and use the bodies of the little ones that they have killed to make their abominations and so all they destroy are given in sacrifice to their god. Because they took up the Tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of their god Remphan, figures which they made, to worship them, and much much more have they done that will be revealed fully at the proper times of revealing because every secret will come to light.
So will it be that the beast from the earth will seem to rise as it were from the grave; even claiming that he is risen from the dead, even the very heart of the earth because death could not hold him! And he will have his false resurrection and bring a false peace on the earth to end their war, and he will appear that he has come to save mankind. And the fallen ones will reveal themselves to mankind as benevolent helpers who are far superior in wisdom and advanced in the ways of technology, medicine, and peace.
They will produce many lying signs and wonders, and they will say that those who have been gathered in Christ at the great gathering and taken into the safety of the heavens before great calamity fell; that even these were taken by force by a pretend extraterrestrial enemy. Even a hostile alien force that will come again to destroy humanity, and they will rally natural man to unite with them in order to save himself from this evil they imagine in their pretend universe of ever falsely spinning pretend worlds in an ever expanding void of nothingness.
Even a lying cosmology that the fallen ones imagined and used before in their golden age of old, of which golden age met its end at the hands of Yahweh in the great flood in the times of Noah, of which records are engraven in the holy writings of old. And of which lies will be hurled to the ground because their great deception will be fully laid bare that all may see these pretenders who pretend for who they truly are because they are fallen beings from the heavenly realm who have long since corrupted themseves in pointless rebellion from Yahweh's righteouness even so that they may inherit their own destruction that they have made for themselves in thier inheritance of burning brimstone of which they will never escape.
And so the beast from the earth will rise seemingly from the dead and with many lying signs and wonders will he appear, even with his olive branch in hand. And he will rise as a lamb with two horns as he rises in full power and authority of the dragon even with the beast from the sea, even he who is chosen of the dragon and the beast from the earth for the rule of the nations that he may rule the sea of nations according to their blasphemous and genocidal Noahide laws. Yet his two states will never be a solution because I am he who will unite Israel forevermore never to be divided into two kingdoms again.
And so they will use their evil statutes and consequences contained in Noahide to make war on the saints and to overcome them, except whosoever calls on the name of the Lord to the end shall be saved, even those who call on Jesus the Nazarene as their saving Lord who will save them to the uttermost if they faint not in their distresses. And so the beast from the sea will be unleashed on what remains of the nations that they will have destroyed, and of whose ashes were nations they once ruled in great deceit. And they will appear to rise as a great phoenix from the ashes and flames of war still smoldering from their deception. And a great war will it be, even the greatest of the three such wars that they have fomented and manipulated; so that the dragon may rise fully in his time with his evil, abominable beasts with which he will have his short rule, never to rule again.
Because the mystery of iniquity has been at work through the ages; where the great whore who sits on seven mountains, even that great scarlet whore of blasphemy who worships the queen of heaven and who teaches another Jesus as part of their pagan trinity. Even whose roots are rooted in ancient Babylon where Nimrod began his fables with the queen of heaven. Of whose legacy and priests and bloodlines trace their lineage to the fallen ones who ruled ancient Babylon with their unholy three with which they use to mock the true godhead, and the promised seed of the woman. These pagan practices and rites have dominated the earth in great secrecy where the initiated priests of the fallen ones secretly worship the sun but claim they are The Society of Jesus; and so has their false and blasphemous pretend church exerted oppression and persecution over the earth during the days the mystery of iniquity spread in secret. Therefore, their destruction lingers not and their times have come!
Yet these two evil beasts, even who currently work hand in hand for the full destruction of secret Babylon, even the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth; even these two who have both been ruling heads of Secret Babylon and who have ruled with many great and empty promises wherewith these two mangy shepherds have shepherded the lost sheep of Secret Babylon promising false material prosperity and abundance to those they shepherd. And in their hands and by their schemes they have surely arranged and will execute what has been given into the hands of the dragon to accomplish.
Because Secret Babylon, even that great whore who sits on many waters is a nation that was made so these two evil beasts could rise from her ashes in their times of revealing. Even an adulterous nation, even a nation of fornication, a nation that is indeed a great harlot claiming herself a righteous follower of Jesus the Nazarene. But in truth is a nation whose builders are free from the true Rock of Foundation, even that great cornerstone of which the faithless stumble, even Jesus the Nazarene who is also Yeshua HaMashiach. And so these evil builders have made themselves free from salvation and committed themselves to that lake of fire where their worm dies not by rejecting the chief cornerstone and rock of offense and they will not escape!
Yet the fallen ones have always had the same goals in mind and their plans and purposes remain the same. Because they intend to fully destroy Adam from the earth, and they fully intend to destroy Jacob from under the sun even so that they may continue to remain as squatters and unrighteous usurpers of the earth so they can have their golden age of which they lust. But understand their golden age was a time when Adam was overwhelmed and dominated by a worldwide empire of evil abominations which were made for the complete destruction of mankind, and their abominations will return! But no golden age will they have but only shattered hopes and harsh judgment as the fallen ones kingdom is utterly destroyed before their very eyes by my mighty hand!
And their so called golden age was a time when the righteous line of Seth hid themselves away in the wilderness from their evil society in the world that then was. Even so that the bloodline of Seth could remain pure from genetic pollution and the promised seed of the woman (which I am), could come as promised of old by Yahweh himself. Behold! Yahweh has declared that He will bring Giants to fulfill his wrath, and so it will be. Yet, so will their evil empire rise and dominate the entire earth and many evils will they bring, and many abominations will be unleashed from beyond the ice and from the heart of the earth and the abyss will be opened.
There will be great evil on the earth and even though they will rise to bring false peace; war will ever dominate their rule because peace is to be taken from the earth in judgment at the removal of my restrainer. And peace they will never have because Yahweh has declared of old that the fallen ones have no peace because they have wronged mankind in their evil lusts and hatred of all things made by Yahweh. And they will establish a false peace on the land and the beast from the earth will fully come into his own power, and he will rule as a lamb with two horns who speaks as a dragon.
For the lamb of Esau, even the beast from the earth who is also Barabbas, has been selected as their beastly temple builder and is given as the lamb of the dragon for their false Moshiach and pretend king. Truly, truly, he will unite Esau and Ashkenaz and all who join them under the banner of a religion that their Father's knew not and their Talmudic ways will dominate the earth. They will brutally subjugate the nations under Noahide and will rule the nations with great cruelty; and the beast from the earth will cause all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive his mark in their right hands or in their forehead that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Because he does bring the serpents bite of which no man can recover and all who partake will have altered themselves eternally from which alteration they will have no forgiveness, and they will mingle iron and clay, but they will not cleave one to another. That which is crooked cannot be made straight and all who make themselves crooked in such manner will have their portion in that great lake of burning brimstone of unquencheable flames where their worm dies not.
So the beast from the earth who is also their false prophet and false Moshiach will make his declarations and he will build his temple because he is sent as a beastly temple builder who has built himself many towers in his empire dedicated to his own name, and he will speak of himself in great admiration even declaring that he himself is God. For he does come to make many grand promises of which he is powerless to fulfill, and he does come to speak many great and blasphemous things, and so he shall do for so is given for him to accomplish. Because he is a builder and developer who has made to himself many towers and resorts, and truly he sits atop his own empire wherewith he has dedicated in his own honor; because he always praises himself for so are the ways of the dragon who is his true Father.
As his temple is built and finished amongst great fanfare and many blasphemous and false promises, so will he make many false declarations in his office as false prophet and his rule will be fierce and brutal. Yet, he will set his trap but what fowler sets the snare in sight of the bird? By great stealth he lays his trap and with great promise will he promise to dedicate his temple for the people of the land and with great excitement will Esau and Ashkenaz celebrate themselves around the lamb of Esau, and they will pretend they are reestablishing the ways of the Torah, but they are bringing the ways of death which are codified in their book of blasphemous death, even their Talmud. Behold! The beast from the earth is a murderer and leader of seditious rebellion against Yahweh in the ways of Barabbas. He will betray all those he makes his grand promises and with no remorse will his betrayal be and with great hate which he has inherited from his Father, the devil of whose lusts he is bound in iniquity to accomplish.
Yet so is the nature of the spider who has woven the earth completely in its web. The spider sits and waits for its prey to land in its web as it then springs into action to capture, paralyze and cocoon its prey so it may slowly feed on the life of its captives; as they are slowly ingested fully of the evil with which they are ensnared. And yet the masses will come from near and far at the sound of his call; and the invitation of his dedication and purification of his temple will sound out across the earth and many who refuse their true Messiah will be taken in his trap and perish thereby. Yet a trap will it not appear to those he has enchanted, but a revival of Moses led by their Sanhedrin and ruled by the traditions and wisdom of Esau contained in their blasphemous unholy book. And a group of false priests who are not of Levi because Levi is fully found in the High priest of Melchizedek, because I, Yeshua HaMashiach am your High priest forever after the order of Melchizedek, for so has Yahweh declared.
Yet as I taught truth during my time when I came to my own as the Lamb of God; when of my own countrymen was I rejected, yet I taught the truth just the same, therefore, O' Israel you are without excuse. Although, in my love for you and according to the promises and covenants of old, I come to tell you once again even so that Jacob does not fall to Esau.
For it is written in the holy writings: When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso reads, let him understand). Then let them which be in Judea, flee into the mountains. Let him which is on the house top, not come down, to take anything out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field, return back to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days. But pray that your flight is not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elects sake, those days shall be shortened.
As it is written, so shall it be done and Barabbas will spring his trap that he will have cleverly hidden. Because the fallen ones do seek to destroy the race of Adam fully from the earth. Therefore, will they make war on the saints and overcome them, and Esau along with Ashkenaz do seek to ensnare Jacob, even so Jacob may fall to the head wound with which they seek Jacob’s end. Understand that if it wasn't for the grace and mercy of Yahweh who committed himself in his eternal love for Israel in many promises and covenants of old to deliver and redeem Jacob from the hands of his enemies; you all would perish at the hands of the unholy three! But yet, Yahweh is eternally faithful to every promise he has ever made! And I, Yeshua HaMashiach even he who purchased your salvation by my own agonizing sacrifice is faitful to always and forevermore fulfill every promise of every covenant ever made, and truly every promise that will be made forevermore and so not one promise ever made of Yahweh or Yeshua HaMashiach wil ever fall to the ground in unfilllment but all will be fully fulfilled, forevermore.
Therefore, I will come to the aid of Israel, even those who are from Jacob who will submit to my rule as their Messiah in Yahweh's eternal plan of salvation which Yahweh has given for Jacobs salvation; because truly, truly, had the days not been shortened no flesh would be saved alive. For so the fallen ones intend, that they would destroy the saints, and that they would then destroy Jacob, and from there they would exterminate all who remain who are born of the race Adam; so that the earth would then be fully theirs in their delusional plans that come to nothing.
And then shall the greatest tribulation ever overtake the earth and blood will flow over the earth in great quantities. And Barabbas will kill many outside the city of which he will have surrounded with his armies so that they will not escape; and so it is written: Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from henceforth, yea, says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them.
So then, the greatest tribulation ever will occur, even a tribulation the likes of which have never been experienced on earth before, and truly, never will be again. Behold! I, even Yeshuah HaMashiach, will not leave Jacob to sudden destruction, and I will yet save Israel, even that mighty remnant who will accept me as their true Messiah, for so Yahweh has created me to be. And so will my 144,000 come to the aid of those who would otherwise perish and who call on my name. I will lead them step by step, and my 144,000 will do many mighty works for me, even greater works than I did during my time in sinless flesh as the lamb of God.
For these are those who are taken in the gathering of the saints to me, Christ Jesus, in the air at the sound of the last trumpet, and the trumpet is about to sound. These are my faithful, even those in whom was found no guile, for they have purified themselves as a chaste virgin in the blood of the Lamb; which I offered forevermore as their high priest, for I am forevermore the high priest after the order of Melchizedek. These are my Bride, and they will follow me wherever I go. Behold! I will make them powerful, and nothing has ever been seen on earth that can compare to the abilities with which I will clothe them. They will be clothed in fine, white, spotless linen, and their abilities will embody their accomplishments, and great abilities will they possess; for they are faithful, called, and chosen, even from before the foundations of the world by Yahweh for these purposes.
My 144,000 will descend on Mount Sion, and I will lead them. They will take those to whom I lead them into the wilderness to be hidden away from the utter darkness and persecution of the enemies' kingdom. They will be led to safety from the full indignation of the wrath of God contained in seven vials; for in these vials is the severity of the wrath of God to be poured out on the seat of the beast and to torment the kingdom of the Dragon, for great is their punishment. And the 144,000 will lead Jacob to safety; they will heal them from their wounds; they will succor them and give them great hope to call on the name of the Lord, even to the end if need be. For had I not shortened the days, no flesh should be saved. And so they will complete that in which I will lead them. And Jacob will be hidden safely away from the day of that great battle, even that great battle of Armageddon of which their utter destruction they shall not escape.
Wherefore, understand my kinsman the times you live and the deception you face that will overtake the entire earth; of which deception will swallow alive in judgment those who hate and reject Yahweh in consequence and great punishment for their faithless ways.
I am the Lamb of God who was given to take away the sins of the world in righteousness.
I am the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and in righteousness I do come to judge and make war.
I am he who will yet save alive a mighty remnant from Jacob who will continue alive into my millennial kingdom, of which Kingdom your King of Kings and Lord of Lords will establish.
I am Yeshua HaMashiach who is the promised seed of the woman who is made under the law and given in sacrifice for the penalty of Moses and for the remission of sins and full forgiveness and redemption of all who come to me in full repentance.
I am he who has sent these words by my messenger and servant who has received The Everlasting Gospel which is that promised Little Book witnessed of by John the Revelator who was told seal up those things which the seven thunders have spoken, and write them not, and therein is the salvation of Jacob revealed!
Truly, truly, I, Yeshua HaMashiach do testify that the Words of The Everlasting Gospel have been given and revealed by my own hand, and by the hand of Yahweh himself, even the Great I AM! And these Words of The Everlasting Gospel given are faithful and true and have been hidden in the heart of Yahweh himself until the proper time of their revealing; and are recorded accurately as given to my mighty messenger who has been purified in much chastisement and in my redeeming blood, and he has announced these Words as given, faithfully, for the obedience of all these Words are intended. The Words of The Everlasting Gospel will be preserved through the coming calamities and wars and will find the eyes, ears, and hearts to those to whom they are sent. Selah!
Therefore, obey the Words of your true Messiah, even Yeshua HaMashiach, O’ Israel and return to Yahweh the Great I AM by accepting me as your true Messiah because, truly, truly you have no time remaining to argue with your creator nor your Messiah who is given in love for your salvation and truly the salvation of all those from Adam who accept my offer of eternal life.
Behold! The times of fulfillment of all things have come and my times of grace and mercy have ended and in their place wrath and judgment will now stand. All those of Israel who accept chastisement and obey my voice, even the same will be saved alive into my millennial kingdom; where they will stand as a peculiar people to Yahweh and Israel’s true purpose as a peculiar treasure unto himself above all people and it will come to pass even as promised of old and I will bring a host of Kings and Priests who will rule at my command even from the throne of David and from that great holy city will the earth be ruled by Yeshua HaMashiach in righteousness.
Behold! All those who call on the name of the Lord, even Jesus the Nazarene till the end will find salvation and will be raised in great reward and splendor at the resurrection of the just at the end of Daniel’s seventieth week and their reward will be great!!
Behold! The times are now, and your salvation is at hand.
Shalom! O’ Israel, accept my offer of peace given by Yahweh in the face of Yeshua HaMashiach because there will be no other time, nor any other means given in Yahweh’s eternal plan of salvation, therefore, O’ Israel now is the time of your salvation and now is the time of your full redemption.
I love you my countrymen, therefore, rest in the works of Yeshua HaMashiach in whom Moses is alive and well that you may rest from your own works and celebrate many sabbaths and feasts in my holy kingdom, of whose time has come. Truly, truly the times are now!